14 Jun 2012

Quest Beyond Limits of the Ordinary - Courageous Scientists Dr. Rupert Sheldrake & Dr. Bruce Lipton

Submitted by Dr. Alfred Rupert Sheldrake (born 28 June 1942) is an English scientist and author. He is known for having proposed a non-genetic account of morphogenesis and for his research into parapsychology. His books and papers stem from his theory of morphic resonance, and cover topics such as animal and plant development and behaviour, memory, telepathy, perception and cognition in general. His publications include A New Science of Life (1981), Seven Experiments That Could Change the World (1995), Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home (1999), The Sense of Being Stared At (2003), and The Science Delusion: Freeing the spirit of inquiry (2012).

Seven Experiments That Could Change the World:

In 1994 Dr. Sheldrake proposed a list of Seven Experiments That Could Change the World, which included, among other things, the seed of his study of Dogs that Know When Their Owners are Coming Home (1999). In Seven Experiments ... he encouraged lay people to contribute to scientific research, and argued that scientific experiments similar to his own could be conducted on a shoestring budget.

The Sense of Being Stared At

In 2003, Dr. Sheldrake published The Sense of Being Stared At on the psychic staring effect, including an experiment where blindfolded subjects guessed whether persons were staring at them or at another target. He reported that, in tens of thousands of trials, 60% of subjects reported being stared at when being stared at; 50% of subjects reported being stared at when they were not being stared at. According to Dr. Sheldrake, this suggested a weak sense of being stared at but no sense of not being stared at. He also claimed that these experiments were widely repeated, in schools in Connecticut and Toronto and a science museum in Amsterdam, with consistent results.

~source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rupert_Sheldrake

Academic Work

Dr. Bruce Lipton taught in 1973 anatomy as an Assistant Professor at the University of Wisconsin School Of Medicine before coming to St. George's University School of Medicine, where he became a Professor of Anatomy for 3 years. From 1987 to 1992 he was involved in research at Penn State and Stanford University Medical Center. Since 1993 he has been teaching in non-tenure positions at different universities.[3] His publications consist mainly of research on the development of muscle cells.

2005: The Biology of Belief -- Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter & Miracles
2006: The Wisdom of Your Cells - How Your Beliefs Control Your Biology
2009: Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future and a Way to Get There from Here (co-authored with Steve Bhaerman).

~source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_Lipton

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