10 Mar 2013

The Demographics Of Bitcoin + Warning for BITCOIN stackers...

Words used in descriptions of “favourite aspects of Bitcoin”Space Druid: 
Wait: If you haven’t filled out this survey please do so HERE! I will continue to draw on this dataset for future posts, and it is open for others to use, so by responding you are contributing to a community resource.
Some highlights…
Words used in descriptions of “favourite aspects of Bitcoin”

  • The average user is a 32.7 year old libertarian male.
  • Top motivators for new users are curiosity, profit, and politics.
  • Bitcointalk.org is the dominant community platform.
  • Far more people have used Bitcoin to make donations than to buy narcotics.
  • 39% of users do not drink, smoke, gamble, or take drugs.
The “average Bitcoin user” is male (96%), 32.7 years old, libertarian / anarcho-capitalist (37%), non-religious (61%), with a full time job (43%), and is in a relationship (56%).

But of course there is no such thing as an average Bitcoin user, and flattening out the figures like that ignores the large numbers of users who are Christian (20%) or single (37%).  Also by using the broadest possible terms (ie including liberals and environmentalists), you get a left-of-centre contingent with over 45% of users.
The arrival of new users correlates with price and media coverage, with Q2 2011 the most popular quarter for the question “When did you first install the Bitcoin client”.
The biggest motivation in exploring Bitcoin is curiosity (4.3/5), followed by profit (3.7/5) and politics (3.5/5). Trailing behind are practical concerns (3.1/5), challenge (2.9/5), and community (2.7/5).
The age distribution around the mean average of 32.7 is fairly balanced, with people in their late twenties slightly overrepresented. The mode is 31 years and standard deviation is 10.5 years.
Just over half of users have mined bitcoins, most of them as part of a mining pool. The average hash rate (using geometric mean) is 318 MH/s. The average miner has spent $3,188 on a rig, but the spread is huge.  The median spend is $500, 35% of miners have spent nothing, while 8% have spent $10,000 or more.
How does a miner spend nothing? Well almost 10% of respondents have mined bitcoins on someone else’s hardware, so that’s one way to do it.
As expected Bitcointalk.org is the dominant platform of discussion, used by 76% of users. Reddit (39%) also had a strong showing, while the classic IRC got a mere 24%.  Google+ had a strong showing among early respondents which is now somewhat dwindled, at 18%.
The greatest community fear for Bitcoin is “regulatory/legal intervention” (29%) followed by ”reputation problems” (19%).  A large number of people answered “Other” and in the free-form field wrote to the effect that Bitcoin was too technically demanding for mainstream use.
The most common use of bitcoins was for gifts/donations (55%), while computer services was also quite high (38%).  Only 11% of respondents have bought narcotics (using Bitcoin that is). In fact the community has a contingent of clean-living ascetics, 39% of respondents do not drink, smoke, take drugs, or gamble.
Overall more people seem to find Bitcoin intellectually rewarding (70% have learned more about cryptography) than socially rewarding (22% have made friends).
Here are the other graphical elements of the survey in full:

Finally, here is the obligatory wordle based on users’ “favourite aspect of Bitcoin.”

Words used in descriptions of “favourite aspects of Bitcoin”
Words used in descriptions of “favourite aspects of Bitcoin”
You can also download the raw data to play with.  As the survey is still open, the data may differ slightly from the snapshot above taken after 533 responses.

I’m still just getting to grips with Bitcoin, and considering it as a dissertation topic.  If you enjoyed this survey feel free to send a few satoshis my way to play with.

With 533 responses, the results so far of the Bitcoin community survey are remarkably similar to the findings I published after receiving the first hundred responses.  So similar in fact, that if you read the first version of this you’re unlikely to learn anything new.

Angelo: Note for the following video. Max has been talking about bitcoin for a long time and regularly. Of course Max influences the markets he discusses. Max was open about his recent profit from bitcoin.
 Warning for BITCOIN stackers...

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