23 Jul 2013

In the land of serial child abuse by the elites, Cameron screws the Internet to save kids from pornography

By Richard Cottrell: Successive British governments, including the current one, given that it shares a number of key member from previous administrations, showered favors and rewards on the recently exposed serial pedophile Jimmy Savile.
Now we have David Cameron informing us that child pornography is so rampant on the Internet it needs to be censored, which means of course nothing less than a stop gap to prevent anything which happens to bother or concern the ruling authorities from reaching the light of day.
The Jimmy Savile affair involved many high-level establishment figures. We have only seen the tip of the iceberg so far and it is a fair guess that’s about as much as we shall ever discover. The fact that Savile was using primetime BBC children’s programs to pimp was the worst kept secret in modern times.
Like the Cliveden scandal of the 60’s, which similarly involved the elites, including members of the royal family, romping with prostitutes at Lord Astor’s country estate, the Savile business could only have happened with the knowledge and concurrence of the Secret Services.
Are we saying they never knew that judges, MPs, Lords, royalty and so forth were up to indescribable and horrific practices in the Savile fold? Where were they? Asleep in their ivory towers? Of course not.

Savile was closely allied with the spooks who allowed him to get away with his filthy and disgusting activities for the best part of two decades.
Everyone on the ITV independent network, which employed me, knew that there was something very wrong with Savile. His attacks on women on BBC premises were common knowledge. Not a hair of his head was harmed.
Now we know that same knowledge was shared by directors of the BBC, who paid the monster fabulous sums as a children’s entertainer. The beast got next door to a state funeral, and next thing we know it is dirty washing time.
Now we have the egregious Cameron on heat, protecting children from despicable pornography when the real life despicable thing was happening on a rampant scale, with the knowledge of the police and many parliamentarians who chose to keep quiet.
I do not absolve the print media, who also knew what was happening in children’s homes, dark rooms and even the morgues of hospitals, on an industrial scale.
A fiend was on the loose and no one in authority, in Scotland Yard or any other branch of the police, in the BBC, or the print media, lifted a finger. A nation in denial? You bet.
Savile was a terrorist, the worst kind of the terrorist. I thought the ‘war on terrorism’ was supposed to be directed at rooting out terrorists like him. Instead he was given the keys to mental hospitals so he could work his evil deeds there.
The system failed to protect thousands of innocents and now we see one of the smallest minded politicians of political history in the UK wringing the neck of the Internet.
This is the famous Turn of the Screw. Internet child pornography soon extends to Internet political pornography and free speech pornography. Every access point in the UK will have a block filter fitted. As usual, the Brits will party on, with their endless obsessing about the weather, sport and brain frazzling gadgets. Go, man, go!
By a very interesting coincidence we discover that the cops in Scotland Yard have been stealing the identities of dead children to cloak the undercover agents penetrating suspected anti-state organizations. Is that child pornography or what? But not a peep from that perfectly formed little round mouth of David Cameron.
I have important questions for Britain’s part-time prime minister.
How soon after you came to office did your advisers warn you of the forthcoming Savile bombshell?
Why did you not go to parliament immediately when you were made aware of the abuse, molestation and torture of child victims, as well as woman?
Why do you think it is more important to censor the Internet rather than bring the perpetrators, many of whom by the hundreds are still on the loose?
Is it by chance the fact that Savile was often entertained at Chequers, the official prime minister’s residence, by Margaret Thatcher?
Can it be connected with the efforts of Thatcher’s advisers who constantly warned her not to ask for a knighthood for Savile, which he eventually received?
Is it because you know the names, possibly in the thousands, of those who consorted with Savile and his ghastly antics?
Does your conscience on that allow you to sleep at nights?
In my book about Gladio (NATO’s Secret Armies, see below) I devoted an entire chapter to a similar sickness that swept Belgium, and is still at work there. Investigations by brave individuals proved that Belgian secret services were using perverts as a means of social control and blackmail for their own weird purposes.
I have a horrible feeling that is exactly what has been going on in the UK.
Yes I know the police are rounding up a few well known names, celebrities. That’s an old game. Just enough to demonstrate doing something, anything, but the long arms of the law will prove amazingly short when it comes to the really big names.
We all noticed that when the Bilderbees met at Watford recently, they blew a whistle and you rapidly sped off for a confab. Did the subject of censoring the Internet arise by any remote chance?
Edited by Madison Ruppert and WD
Richard Cottrell is a writer, journalist and former European MP (Conservative).


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