2 Oct 2013

'MRAs, Here To Stay, Feminazis Go Away' - Men's Rights Rally + Radical Feminist Protester Gone Stupid! + Ginormous monster nearly devours Girl Writes What!

If Men Showed Up: A few moments at the rally for Men and Boys at Queens Park, in Toronto, Canada on September 28th.
AroundTheBest: I'm a liberal and feminists are an embarrassment. It's been a long time since the movement actually stood for something reasonable. Now it's all about attacking gender roles, undoing the family structure and securing more rights for women.

How anyone could think western women are oppressed is beyond me. They have to make assumptions like people who oppose feminism are racists or anti gay just to have people to protest... strawmanning the opposition is such a sleazy tactic.

Radical Feminist Protester Gone Stupid!
genuinewitty: When men's right's activists held a rally at Toronto's Queens Park on September 28 a small group of radical feminist protesters showed up to counter them. One of the RadFem protesters didn't even know how to use the word suffrage...

Ginormous monster nearly devours 
Girl Writes What!
Dean Esmay: Fortunately, she had a rape whistle present and was able to stop the monster from raping and eating her. A conversation about rape, gay people, racism, false allegations, and other stuff ensued. At Queen's Park near the University of Toronto. Thanks so much to Shawn Sutherland and his friend on the gurney who shot this with us while we walked and talked. The part about the gay issue was a response to a question from the cameraman about the protestors in Toronto who accused us of being "anti-woman" and "anti-gay."

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