1 Dec 2013

MHRA: Victor Zen is the next DMCA fatality

By My recent video, The Feminist Deliverer of Diabetes, has been taken down due to a false copyright infringement claim filed by Mariam, the host of the new feminist YouTube channel Mariam Talks. Specifically, I criticized Mariam’s pilot video, and I have reason to believe she was personally offended.
This kind of copyright drama should not come as a surprise to most of you, since other MHRAs, MGTOWs and anti-feminists (notably Karen Straughan) went through the same ordeal.
For those of you who have not watched The Feminist Deliverer of Diabetes, understand that it is one of the many videos I produce under fair use using excerpts of other videos. Since my videos provide criticism or commentary in a non-commercial context without doing any harm to someone’s capacity to profit from his or her own work, it would be difficult to argue that I was not operating under fair use. The format of many of my videos follows the traditional conversational format that SparkyFister, RayWilliamJohnson and other YouTubers have used to build communities as long as YouTube has been around.
I do think this kind of feminist reaction is a big deal, but not because my video was removed. The problem I’m worried about is that I can no longer post videos over fifteen minutes long due to a wrongfully-applied copyright strike on my account. I had some important content queued up, including an interview with Nicholas Alahverdian, a victim of a biased court system.
I can no longer upload such videos to YouTube because Mariam said so. Therefore, this problem affects you because sensitive people who silence dissent can deny you content they don’t like. Even if you think I am a total prick, I do deliver content people need to know about. Anyone who doubts that has not seen KSU Men.
If you are an anti-feminist on YouTube, you are not safe from this nonsense. YouTube entertains false allegations of infringement to maintain legal “Safe Harbor” status, and I don’t blame YouTube for wanting to steer clear of liabilities. However, because YouTube takes a mere accusation of infringement as a cue to remove content and penalize accounts, YouTube is an unquestioning agent for gender ideologues who use them to initiate proxy censorship. Make no mistake, feminists and others cause serious trouble when they organize and flag a bunch of videos at once. Not only could they get any video they want removed, but they could also place limitations on users. If a user gets three copyright strikes due to these false flaggings, that user gets banned from YouTube entirely. I encourage MHRAs to consider maintaining a backup channel on sites like DailyMotion so subscribers have a place to jump to should something happen to their YouTube accounts. I am considering starting one myself, and I will maintain both channels so my YouTube subscribers don’t have to register any new accounts if they don’t want to.
I’m not angry about the situation because I knew there was a risk of me ending up in this mess. But just because I’m calm does not mean I’m acquiescent. I am releasing the Feminist Deliverer of Diabetes and my Nicholas Alahverdian interview under a Creative Commons license for open distribution to keep my criticism of Mariam’s content visible. I have also filed a counterclaim, which means Mariam cannot stop my video from being restored unless she sues me.
If you are an MHRA, please use the following links to download the videos listed below for use under CC BY-SA 4.0. You may mirror these videos on YouTube legally because one, you have my full permission, and two, the videos are under fair use anyway, so Mariam’s consent is not needed. All I ask in return for the use of my commentary is that you show a clear link back to my YouTube channel for attribution purposes.
Take these files with my blessing, enjoy them and spread them in the spirit of open communication.

The Net interprets censorship as damage and routes around it. –John Gilmore


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