17 Dec 2013

Institutionalized Misandry: The End Of Sanity

Paul Elam: A six year old boy in Colorado is suspended from school and branded as a sexual harasser for kissing a girls hand. The mother of the girl says the school was right.

A seventeen year old high school senior is suspended from school and branded as a sexual harasser for giving one of his teachers a hug. The school defends their decision.

A University of Ottawa professor writes a book advocating for enabling women to legally murder their husbands if they think they are being abused.

A man in China tried, after 5 hours of being with a girlfriend while she indulged in a shopping spree at his expense, to get her to stop. She refused and shamed him. He jumped to his death in frustration.

"Bitches Be Crazy Yo!"


Six year old sex fiend/psycho mom


Seventeen year old sex fiend


University of Ottawa psychopath


Suicide shopping



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