30 Mar 2014

Epic Feminist Fails Of Our time: 'Ban Bossy' + The Ultimate Goal of MGTOW - Winning Everyday

Thunderf00t: Ban Bossy was such a stupid idea that it's hard to accept it was the brainchild of a successful billionaire business woman.

Then again, on the very day I put this up, Donald Trump, an even more successful billionaire business man tweeted this:
"Healthy young child goes to the doctor, gets pumped with massive shot of vaccines, doesn't feel good and changes - AUTISM"

Sad really that it came in the same week it was found that autism began long before birth.

Sheryl Sandbergs Ted talk.
Actually worth watching, in that she basically accepts that the different levels of men and women in leadership roles is in large part due to the sexual dimorphic changes taken by those in leadership.


The Ultimate Goal of MGTOW
Winning Everyday
MrDawson38: Winning is important to being a high-level man. Winning is the Will projected into the material world. Without the nourishment of victories the spirit within a man will wither and die, most often with the dying man never fully understanding what mortally injured his spirit.

You must win everyday. You must climb the ladder of self-exploration and experience the constructive results of purposeful mental activity and it's expressed physical actions in the material world. Failing to do so will cause a man to die an erosive death, dragged out year after miserable year until something gives way and the connection to the hidden power in him is lost forever.

Create your own life by achieving small and large victories and repeat as often as you can.

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