10 Apr 2014

Feminist Threatens Honey Badger + Feminist Twitter Bullying + Baby Daddy - MGTOW

Alison Tieman: Because a feminist woman allegedly was assaulted by a men's rights activist, I am now an acceptable target for retributive violence at least according to one feminist commentator.


+Alison Tieman Debate is a tool of the privileged upper classes, what rich white men have used to oppress and divide the meager and poor for centuries. Yet you would use this tool yourself, having been oppressed by it since antiquity? Truly, you are lost. Perhaps I was wrong, and death would be not a cruel and deserved fate for you, but a bitter mercy to end your pain.

But if it an argument you want, then an argument you shall have! Why do you support the MRM, when its very purpose is to re-enslave women? When it is full of sexist claptrap like the quote I left from Paul Elam, the movement's godfather? How it seeks to project itself onto feminism, how it silences them so their arguments cannot be heard? Or threatens them, track feminists down, and brutally beats them for their views? Or posts lists of their names, so sexist trolls can bombard them with rape threats. Can you answer these questions without some BS excuse like "not all MRAs are like that?"

Feminism was about equality, but the time for peaceful discourse draws to a close. If it is violence the MRM wants, then we will cut out equality by force, and write a new edict of fairness in your blood! Pick a side, Alison, but choose carefully. You don't want to be on the losing side of the war.



Feminist Twitter Bullying
TruthStings: Feminists using actual threats to justify silencing opposing opinions and what they deem to be offensive. Anti-free speech, censorship, cyber-bullying.

Full debate: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CzGxq...

Music Fun in a Bottle by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) 


Baby Daddy - MGTOW
Sandman: Today's video is about child-support laws that force men to pay child support to kids that are NOT their biological children. More specifically, how these laws are setup and play out in the United States. This is the topic that David wanted me to cover and I thank him for his donation. There are cases where fathers in the United States have had DNA tests done to find out if their children are really theirs. And about a quarter of the time the tests are done they turn out not to be the biological fathers yet the laws in America force them to continue paying child support. Men have tried taking the fight all the way to the Supreme Court but the court will not hear their pleas. The state doesn't care about men because it's trying to protect it's own interests under the idea that whatever it does is in order to help children. As far as I'm concerned the problem is two fold. It's almost like women and the government are both working against men. Women don't want to tell their husbands or boyfriends, sorry I had an affair and there's a chance the child is not yours and the government doesn't want to have to deal with having to cover the bill. Men are trusting the women they are with and the government to do things that are in their favor. And we can all see that trust is misguided. And women use the rationalization hamster in many cases to justify the injustice men have to face. In my research I ran into the following comment by a woman after a man was forced to pay child support for children that weren't biologically his but he spent many years of his life raising: "They're his kids. They're just not his biological kids. He was living in the same house with them, acting as their dad, for six years, and he's continued to maintain them and have visitation with them as their dad for ten more years after that. Seems like an open and shut case, really." But it's not, because he didn't know they weren't his kids. If he knew his ex-wife had an affair early in the marriage and gave birth to someone elses children there's a good chance he wouldn't have stayed in that relationship.

Men that are Not The Biological Father Still FORCED To Pay Child Support

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