10 Apr 2014

Israeli Apartheid Brutality Video Goes Viral + ISRAHELL ON EARTH

An online video has emerged, showing genocidal Israeli apartheid forces battering a Palestinian before attacking a protesting bystander.
Orwellian UK BANNED Press TV: Ali Talhami suffered a broken arm and ribs after shock troops repeatedly slammed a 'police' car door on him, the Israeli daily Haaretz reported on Thursday.
The video shows a shock trooper forcing Talhami into the 'police' van with blows and then walking over to Majdi Dabah, who was standing nearby, before throwing him at the vehicle.
Talhami was subjected to the acts of violence for refusing to pay up a heavy fine imposed on him by an inspector for leaving a refrigerator outside his store in East al-Quds (aka Jerusalem).

“I explained the refrigerator was outside because we were returning it to the company, but the inspector started swearing at me,” Talhami said, adding that he was then attacked by a police officer accompanying the inspector before other police officers arrived and joined in on the beating.
After we reached the police station, they continued beating me,” said Talhami.
The policeman started beating Ali, and I told him not to,” Dabah said. “So he pushed me with my head into the window and then knocked me to the ground and beat me.”
“My shoulder was dislocated and my head hurts,” Dabah said.



Nebulous1982: This powerful documentary exposes the hell that the Palestinians have been going through. The world has been hijacked by a cabal of zionists/occultists, and the support given to them by governments has alienated much of the world. IsraHell on Earth looks at the origins of the abomination that is IsraHell and exposes its apartheid crimes.

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