22 Apr 2014

Women & Cars - MGTOW

Sandman: So thank you Stan for your donation and I'll get right into the topic. The issue of women and cars started creeping into my head a few weeks ago when my buddy Dave decided he had enough of his old 1999 Honda Civic and it was time to trade in the car he purchased while still in College and he decided to purchase a year and a half year old S series Mercedes with cash.
Dave has been living at home his entire life and is now thirty six hears old and has been saving money since he was a teenager. He spent next to nothing saving money to buy his own home with cash and completely skip the need to get a mortgage. So now he has a paid off car and paid off house and he's got a great job. But the car has been getting him a lot of female attention in the last few weeks. Dave is a MGTOW in my books because he's not willing to settle for a woman unless she's one of the one percent of Nawalts out there. He doesn't believe that all women are the same and keeps dating women and trying to find the one. And I spoke to him and told him that his dating life was going to be a lot more difficult now because you'll get really nasty women acting all nice to you so it will be harder to weed out the bad apples from the few good ones out there. He understands this but he's never owned a nice car so this is something that he always dreamed of. I told him you're making a big mistake. He's a nice guy that doesn't use women yet women try to use him. And ten years earlier I bought my first car. A brand new Nissan Altima with a sun roof and leather seats and I bought it immediately upon leaving a bad relationship. Within a few weeks I was dating three different women and trying to choose which one I wanted to be with. I had no idea that the reason I was attracting female attention was the car. I was completely clueless and didn't understand that the car was setting me up for ruin. If I hadn't got the car I would have been single and never met the woman I had my most recent ten year relationship with. I would have focused on making my life better instead of hers and I could have been a lot further ahead in life at this point. I could have been like Dave with a paid off house and car at the age of 36.

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