18 May 2014

Religious Divisions In The End Times - Sheikh Imran Hosein Part 1

"It is at this time that we are going to be tested as no one has ever been tested in history!" Sheikh Imran Hosein.

The full lecture is here:

Angelo: As an atheist I still find religious considerations fascinating and important. The logical discourse on the issue of good and bad and life and society does not become defunct with the realisation of the non existence of ghosts. What Sheikh Imran Hosein has been discussing here can easily be deciphered and useful for believers and atheists alike. Thanks Morris and Sheikh Imran Hosein.

For good or bad religion has been the main cauldron of advanced thinking about society in our not so distant past and discarding it completely is tantamount to throwing out the baby with the bath water. One after thought, I wonder what Sheikh Imran Hosein's views are on male baby ritual genital mutilation. If he's against that along with the above common sense then top marks.

Advice to Christian atheists. The bible is a great read. The New English Bible was an interestingly conceived translation and my fave. Try reading it and replacing the word God for Good and Devil for Evil. Take off two little letters. You will have a great laugh at the interesting animals they were and were not allowed to eat, enjoy some great horror stories, love stories, tragedies, adventures and in the middle it's chocked full of wise old sayings. You don't have to be religious to appreciate wisdom, neither does ones distain for many connected institutions for whatever reason render these words less wise or thought provoking.

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