14 Dec 2014

Eating MGTOW

By : Obsidian, aka Mumia Ali, recently suggested that I start publishing recipes and other food-related information on AVfM. No, we are not turning into Betty Crocker on red pills, but he rightly pointed out that self-sufficiency and self-care were indeed cornerstones of Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW), and with many of us living the lean financial lifestyle, some advice on eating healthy, tasty—no, great—for less is actually a good idea.
Hey, we all gotta eat.
I am going to follow his suggestion with three particular ideas in mind for the offering. They will be generally geared for flavor, health, and budget. Fortunately for those who find benefit in this column, you will discover that healthy, good eating is frequently cheaper eating. In fact, the most expensive way to shop for groceries is to buy the crap processed food that lacks nutrition and causes not-so-pleasant things like hyperinsulinemia, metabolic disorder, heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

I will do my best to keep differing eating lifestyles in mind, from low-carb to low(er)-fat and vegetarian (but not vegan). I am currently a reformed vegetarian on a low-carb diet. I have dropped nearly 30 pounds eating like royalty, but it is not my objective to steer you that way. There will be something for everyone, save perhaps those who live on refined, simple carbohydrates and their virtual equivalent, sugar. I want to help you feed yourself, not die.

At the risk of bragging, I am not understating the fact that I know my way around a kitchen pretty well. I have also picked up a great deal of nutritional information over the years. I won’t be publishing anything here that I have not cooked repeatedly and successfully myself and found to be much more than just passable. Some of the items will be recipes I created.
I think most will enjoy them, but I would not be surprised if Walter Romans aka TDOM, an actual, real chef, shows up to point to my mistakes or offer improvements.
As I am usually prone to do, I will include some commentary with most of these posts. Next time about nutrition, which we have all been lied to about our entire lives. And about the food industry, which is in bed financially with most governments in such corrupt ways that it makes Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) profiteers viridescent with sheer envy.
I’ll also try to keep it fun because that is what eating should be in the first place.
I will give this a shot for a few months, trying to post something weekly, and we will see what happens. Many who are not used to cooking may be surprised to find that it can be a psychologically therapeutic activity and creative outlet. Indeed, having decided to even write about it has boosted my morale by promising an escape from my routine.
We need to start with the only part that is relatively expensive: essential equipment. Or at least what I think is essential to eating MGTOW. The good news is that these are not items you have to replace all the time—if you take care of them. They will pay for themselves many times over.
So let us begin. The first essential is a decent set of knives. By decent I don’t mean a set of Michel Bras that will set you back an insane three grand for 10 blades. I use Chicago Cutlery, an insult to higher-minded chefs, but from which I can get several years of use for less than $150. Keeping them clean, dry, and honed works just fine for me—the same treatment you need to give the pricey stuff.
When it comes to knives, knowing which knife to use for what job makes things much easier and faster. You don’t want to cut carrots on a bias with a paring knife, for example. I will get more into that with the recipes.
Next, a cast-iron skillet is a big plus. These skillets are inexpensive, last longer than you will if you take care of them, and have some advantages for certain dishes that I’ll highlight in the future. You just have to ensure that they are cured properly and never see soap. Lodge makes great cast-iron skillets at decent prices.
A Dutch oven is also one of my must-haves. Lodge provides quality on this one too. You can get an enamel-covered cast-iron version for around $70, and it makes braising meats to ridiculously tender perfection a cinch. You can also get the non-enameled cast-iron versions for a 20-spot less.
Also recommended is a slow cooker. They are no muss, no fuss, inexpensive, and don’t require you to hover over them in the kitchen. They can turn out some amazing food if you know what you are doing.
You need a couple of skillets and saucepans. You don’t need to fork out big bucks for the All-Clad. You can get pretty decent results with less expensive stuff. I suggest, though, that a $10 fry pan is a poor investment because you will have to replace it when it turns to crap, which it will in quick order. Calphelon has reasonable prices and an acceptable product with proper care.
Finally, get a food processor. They are not particularly expensive, and in many cases they will cut your prep time drastically.
I won’t get into more of the lesser details. Of course, you will need things like spatulas, colanders, wooden spoons, and the like—mostly stuff you already have. But if you need to buy them, get the cheap stuff. Most of it will last a long time. I also suggest silicon cutting boards. They are cheap, easily replaceable, and dishwasher-safe.
Next week, I will start with two recipes, including the protein, carbohydrates, net carbohydrates, fat, dietary fiber, and sugar content; the number of calories; the serving size; and the cost on every serving. I might even get into this enough to make some simple videos on an alternate YouTube channel. By the time you are done, the idea of a personal sammich maker will be history (provided it already isn’t).
I will also be passing on some tidbits and suggestions for food purchasing and storage.
Now, I am sure you noticed that I am sitting here writing a column on food and eating for men having not said a word about a grill. Don’t worry, I will get there, but after some kitchen basics and food essentials are covered.
While you wait for the first recipes from me, please enjoy this from Jack Barnes on southern fried kitten. Eat well and live long, gents.

Author’s note: I mention commercial products in this post. I am not being paid to do so.—PE


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