15 Mar 2015

Are Feminists Getting The Message? J4MB Campaigning Outside Nottingham University Today.

By Mike Buchanan: Two weeks ago we were campaigning outside the University Park campus of Nottingham University, being filmed over four hours by a crew working on a BBC documentary, when some aggressive young men turned up. One hurled a quantity of very soiled cat litter over one of our vehicles – a short video of the culprit skulking off. 
In response, we announced we’d return to the same spot at 11:30 – 14:00 today, and duly did so. There were two things we hadn’t announce in advance:
– two female supporters would be joining us. You’ll be seeing more of them shortly;
– a highly respected (female) documentary maker would be joining us, with a substantial crew – two video cameras, a sound lady etc. A prominent feminist – not Special Snowflake or CCP – interviewed the two ladies, Ray Barry (leader of Real Fathers for Justice, our candidate in Broxtowe), a male supporter, myself, and a young feminist who turned up.

We parked the J4MB battle van in the middle of the almost deserted Main Visitor’s Car Park for over three hours, and it wasn’t vandalised. No hostile people turned up, and there was no demonstration. We’d like to think that at last – at last!

Feminists are getting the message. When they’re hostile towards J4MB and/or our supporters, when they try to deny us freedom of speech, they drive more people in our direction.
So, what will feminists do now, given they’ve seemingly realised intimidation won’t stop their critics, only strengthen them? Only time will tell. Given that all feminist narratives have long since been forensically exposed as conspiracy theories, fantasies, lies, delusions or myths, and parts of the mainstream media are starting to tell the truth about men’s issues and presumably making money in the process – International Business Times comes inevitably to mind – feminists must surely know the tide is turning against them.

About damned time.

About Mike Buchanan
I'm a men's human rights advocate, writer, and publisher. My primary focus is leading the political party I launched in 2013, Justice for men & boys (and the women who love them). I still work actively on two campaigns I launched in early 2012, Campaign for Merit in Business and the Anti-Feminism League. In 2014 I launched The Alternative Sexism Project, aiming to raise public understanding that the sexism faced by men and boys has far more grievous consequences than the sexism faced by women and girls. 


Debate about sexual consent 
on the BBC's 'The Big Questions'

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