9 Mar 2015

Greek Student Confronts Bankster Eurogroup Capo Di Tuti Capi Dijsselbloem

By : Greeks are everywhere. And they ‘bother’ Eurogroup head Jeroed Dijsselbloem wherever they see him. So was the case at the Delft University in the Netherlands, where Dijsselbloem held a speech
The dialogue between a Greek student and the Eurogroup head in short:
“4000 people have comiting suiside, ...you keep on giving loans to Greece from one loan shark to another, you continue to give loans to Greece to pay other loans. You know the situation very well. For the last five years you promote austerity here and in Holland. […] And at the same time, you allow the press to claim that every Dutchman has given 700 euros directly to the Greeks through the bailout packages, ” said the student

Loan shark Dijsselbloem replied that “Brussels is not responsible for the problems of Greece, the responsibility is up to the society and the Greek government. Europe is trying to help,” and added:
“You blame us. In Greece there was a corruption problem before the crisis. If the new government wants to fight tax evasion I will support it.”
At the end of the dialogue, the two men shook hands, with Dijsselbloem to imitate the famous handshake he had with finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis after the first Eurogroup.


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