23 Apr 2015

Lemons, Panties, Lies And @AmandaMarcotte

By Janet Bloomfield: Amanda Marcotte surpasses herself and writes an entire article in which not one single sentence does not contain a lie! Not one!
Regular readers who follow the increasingly bizarre antics of “men’s rights activists” (MRAs) have probably seen this strange story of a Gamergate-affiliated attempt to disrupt the Calgary Expo, a sci-fi convention apparently targeted because MRAs are pissed about their anti-harassment policies.
The Expo is not a sci-fi convention. It’s called the Calgary Comics and Entertainment Expo. “Basic fact checking – lol – what’s that?” – said every feminist journalist ever.
Alison Teiman is a comic book artist who has been working on her project Xenospora for seven years, which crack journalist Marcotte would have discovered had she Googled “Alison Teiman comic” since it’s the first result returned. She wasn’t there to disrupt anything, she was at the expo to promote her comic which is the purpose of the expo.
(Protecting the “right” to harass is a number one concern for MRAs, and has driven most of Gamergate’s energy.)
That’s weird. Every MRA site I can find talks about issues that face men and boys, but leave it to the professional victim to make everything about herself.
A group that calls themselves the “Honey Badgers”—a group that exists to put a female face on movement misogyny, even though the group is half male, in an ill-fated attempt to pretend it’s not misogyny—showed up to troll the conference and got kicked out.

The HoneyBadgers are:
  1. Karen Straughan
  2. Hannah Wallen
  3. Alison Teiman
  4. Rachel Edwards
  5. Brian Martinez
  6. Sage Gerard
  7. Kristal Garcia
  8. Kelsey J. F.
  9. Kat Rocha
  10. Surya Prakash
  11. Phil Johnston
  12. Doctor RandomerCam
  13. Yul Tolbert
  14. J Kream
  15. Europa Phoenix
  16. Brian Martinez
  17. Observing Libertarian
  18. Jessica Kenney
There are 18 Honeybadgers in total.
If 8 of the Badgers are female, how many are male?
Did you get 10?
8 is what percent of 18?
Did you get 44%?
If Marcotte knew how to count, she could have claimed that the Honeybadgers are 56% men! More than half! Shall we give her a pass for getting at least close? Given that feminists can round the odds of rape from 0.2% up to 1 in 5 (20%), I guess Marcotte’s numerical prowess is close to legendary?
Which was entirely predictable, as they knew they were breaking the no-harassment rules, and suggests that the was a plot to get kicked out so they could preen about how they are all victims of the feminazi cops.
Here is the audio, cleverly titled “find the harassment” (shout out and full credit to June Lapine at Libertarian Republic, from whence I snatched this clip) of the “harassment” Alison subjected the expo to. Vicious little bitch, isn’t she?

Knowing Calgary Expo doesn’t want to be party to hate speech, the Honey Badgers used false pretenses to get in, according to the Mary Sue.
No, they didn’t. False. But you can reasonably pass the buck off to Mary Sue. Gosh, journalists don’t have to confirm something another feminist said, right?
However, Honey Badger Radio did not use their website to apply for vendor/exhibitor status. The “Honey Badger Brigade” on the Calgary Expo website links to a webcomic site (run by Honey Badger Tieman) instead. If you didn’t think all of this was enough to warrant expulsion from the convention (it is), there’s more.
Really? That’s funny. Because the vendor list shows them as “HoneyBadgers”.
vendor list
Not to mention their name tags:

Once there, they trolled and took over a panel on women in comics, insisting that the conversation be about men in comics. The excuse for this was to argue that speaking of men in comics is somehow verboten, an assertion easy to disprove by popping into any panel where popular male characters like Superman, the Arrow, all of the Avengers but Black Widow, etc. are discussed. You know, the usual misogynist bullshit.
They took over a panel? No, they didn’t. Alison asked for permission to field a question, was granted permission, answered politely and that was that. Insisted the conversation be about men? When? Equality is now misogynist bullshit? Here’s the whole exchange.

What really amazed me about this entire fiasco is how far MRA-types have crawled up their own asses. Unable to admit directly that they desire a world where women are marginalized and objectified, they instead spew rambling, bizarre rhetoric that, as often as not, says the opposite of what their intentions clearly are. It’s an attempt to drown you in bullshit until you get frustrated and stop arguing with them, honestly—a tactic that erupts in any comment section on this subject.
Men’s rights are human rights. What dictionary are you using to interpret this to mean “women should be marginalized and objectified?” I would really like to see that book.
The Mary Sue coverage has some really fantastic examples of what I mean. For instance, from the Honey Badger announcement of their plans to infiltrate the conference under false pretenses and disrupt it:
In April of this year, the Honey Badgers plan to put on a booth at the Calgary Comics and Entertainment Expo! We plan to infiltrate nerd culture cunningly disguised as their own. Each of us has been carefully crafting a persona of nerdiness through decades of dedication to comics, science fiction, fantasy, comedy games and other geekery, waiting for this moment, our moment to slip among the unaware. Once there we will start distributing the totalitarian message that nerd and gamer culture is… perfectly wonderful just as it is and should be left alone to go it’s own way.
That’s it folks.
As men’s issues advocates and defenders of creator’s rights to create unmolested, that’s what we have to say to the nerds and geeks and gamers. You are fantastic as you are, carry on.
All right, in all fairness to Marcotte, she is a joyless shrew, so clearly she could not perceive the humor in this at all. If she inserted a lemon in her panties, it would run away screaming at the sourness of the contents. She won’t get that joke either, but might write about me being obsessed with her vagina because she is just that dumb.
Here’s a question: If geeks and nerds are fantastic as they are and should be allowed to carry on, why would you deliberately lie about who you are in an effort to disrupt a convention?
Except they didn’t lie.
Disrupting the convention and trying to ruin it for the participants shows that they do not believe that geeks and nerds are fine and should be left alone. On the contrary, they are clearly offended that geeks are having geeky discussions about feminism and representation in comics and other nerdy endeavors, and they want to shut that discussion down.
Nobody was there to shut anything down. Adding a divergent opinion to the hivemind of feminism is not harassment, and it is not shutting the conversation down. Seems to me like the liars who falsely reported the Badgers for harassment and had them kicked out are the ones who shut the conversation down.
Harassing people, by definition, is not leaving them alone. Derailing a perfectly decent conversation is the opposite of leaving them alone. Trying to punish the Expo for its perfectly reasonable anti-harassment policies is the dictionary definition of trying to control the choices of others. If you sincerely want to tell people they are “fantastic as you are, carry on”, you do not harass them, attempt to silence them, attempt to disrupt and destroy their attempts to create a fun conference, etc.
Oh I agree, yet that is exactly what the feminists did to the HoneyBadgers. How the fuck does Marcotte not see how banning someone from an event is harassing and by definition silencing them? Bag of hammers stupid this bitch is. Seriously.
Another big theme of the Honey Badgers is claiming that they’re opposed to portraying women as “victims”, whatever that means.
You don’t know what the word “victim” means? Why am I not surprised?
The Honey Badgers are a diverse group of female gender apostates–women who oppose outdated ideas of gender, particularly the association of womanhood with weakness. We offer an alternative to the damaging portrayal of women as victims of geek and gamer culture.
When reactionaries say stuff like this, what it means is that people who have actually  been victimized should suffer in silence. In other words, in order to avoid “the association of womanhood with weakness”, they demand that women actually be weak: Be afraid to speak up, to suffer in silence, to hate yourself and believe that you deserve it when people harass you, abuse you, or even sexually assault you.
“Hi my name is Janet, and I’m not a victim.”
When it comes to representation, same story: The reason the “women in comics” panel offends them is because they know that the discussion will be about how women deserve to be portrayed as strong, ass-kicking people, just as men are. The Honey Badgers prefer a status quo where female characters are primarily weak, used as window dressing and damsels in distress. That’s why they’re attempting to disrupt any discussion that would lead to diverse portrayals of women that give female characters strength and agency.
“Hi my name is Janet and I’m not a feminist.”
Also, do you not read the stuff you copy and paste, Amanda?
women who oppose outdated ideas of gender, particularly the association of womanhood with weakness
Indeed, the only people playing the victim—as opposed to speaking up for actual victims, as feminists do—are the Honey Badgers, who have put together 4-plus  hours of online video whining about how they shouldn’t have to put up with the consequences of openly and aggressively breaking rules they agreed to follow to get into the convention. Apparently, the only legitimate “victims” are aggressors who are angry that people push back when they harass and abuse them.
Openly and aggressively breaking the rules? Holy fuck, woman, you need to start using a dictionary that offers you common definitions of words. Alison was aggressive? Speaking softly, politely and warmly is now “aggressive”?
Honestly, I worry about these folks. The pretzel logic these assholes put themselves through to justify their hateful worldview is so contorted that I fear it may cause brain damage.
Honestly, I worry about Amanda Marcotte. The pretzel logic this asshole puts herself through to justify her hateful worldview is so contorted that I fear it may cause brain damage.
The good news is that people are beginning to realize there’s no real value in trying to argue with them, as they are arguing in bad faith.
You mean you can’t argue with them because you have no argument. You have lies and shit you just made up.
Instead, the only thing to do is to just accept that this is a hate group and deal with them accordingly.
Yes, promoting equality for both men and women = hate group.
Just as with white supremacists, there’s not a lot of value in trying to argue with their pretzel arguments about “white pride” and “protecting white culture”.
Hahahahahah! She had to play the race card. Man, you know you got shit when the race card is the best you can do.
You just accept that they’re a hate group and proceed accordingly.
You said that one sentence above. Maybe take some time to edit the shit you write? It’s sounding a little unhinged and hysterical at this point.
Same story here. Obviously, pro-misogyny groups are aware that their presence is no more welcome than if neo-nazis wanted to set up a booth at a sci-fi convention, and so they’re going to lie about who they are in order to sneak in.
Men’s rights advocates = pro-misogyny
Godwin’s Law – the race card wasn’t sufficient? You are hysterical, aren’t you, Amanda? Did you weep tears of rage writing this?
But after this debacle, I suspect a little more vigilance will come into play for convention organizers.
After the Honeybadgers sue their asses for damages nine ways to Sunday, yes, I suspect conference organizers will realize their insurance premiums are gonna sky-rocket everytime they bow to fascist feminist assholes.
Go get ‘em, Badgers.
Sue their fucking asses off!
I’ll do whatever I can to help.

Lots of love,


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