19 May 2015

SGTC: How To Divorce Your Ex Wife

By Paul Elam: A marriage that ends in divorce is supposed to play out somewhat like a movie. It starts with promise and a bit of mystery about what is to come, the characters develop, the plot deepens and takes some twists and turns. Finally the story reaches its climax. Then the credits roll, AND IT IS OVER.
This is not always the case. Sometimes, when a man is married to Crazy, she views the divorce as just the next, more enhanced level in the relationship. It is the phase where she gets keep being abusive, take his money and play the children like they were titanium ping pong balls. You know, business as usual only now she has the power of family courts to back whatever she wants.

Often in these scenarios she is not the only one who looked the other way while the ending credits were rolling off the screen. There are men who will, years after a marriage is “over,” still be at her disposal for everything from yard work to getting that next, latest version of a Coach purse that she just has to have.

These men don’t let it register that they are divorced, and still act like a servile husband, even after the divorce papers are starting to yellow with age.

They are, in effect, still married to her. Rather they are just married to whatever it is she wants at the moment. It’s like a bad marriage that does not end until someone dies.

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