27 Jun 2015

The Men’s Rights Movement Is NOT The Mirror Image Of Feminism

By Mike Buchanan: A common and lazy way to dismiss arguments made by MRAs is to say that the MRM is the mirror image of feminism, also playing the victim card. It’s deeply, demonstrably wrong. The victimhood of women and girls claimed by feminists consists of conspiracy theories, fantasies, lies, delusions and myths. Radical feminist lies have been debunked countless times, but won’t die, in part because the state and the mainstream media give employment to so many feminists, and their male collaborators. Anti-feminists have no such incomes.
Radical feminists are to be found in senior positions in all public bodies. A high-profile example is Alison Saunders, Director of Public Prosecutions. We published a post on the latest Crown Prosecution Service report yesterday. ‘Violence against women and girls’ is officially defined as including ‘violence against men and boys’. In the CPS’s associated three-page press release, which included a statement by Polly Neate (CEO, Women’s Aid), there was only one sentence relating to males specifically, in a section on child abuse, near the end of the document. It noted that men and boys ‘can be’ victims of violence. Not ‘are’, but ‘can be’. The monstrous women couldn’t even concede that stark reality.
In contrast, the majority of MRAs point to poor outcomes for men and boys, and then provide verifiable evidence as to the causes of those outcomes. In the UK and other developed countries, the cause is almost always the state’s actions and inactions, although it’s mainly men who finance the state.

So it was disappointing to read a piece in Spiked by a student, an intern, parroting the ‘mirror image’ lie. I’ve left a comment, and invite you to do likewise.

Have a good weekend.


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