28 Feb 2016

If Men Behaved Like These Silly, Self-Important Wimmin There Would Be An Outcry

The Women’s Leadership Association (Empower Yourself, Empower Others) has just emailed me to inform me that my 2016 membership with The International Women's Leadership Association has been approved! And I didn’t even know that I had applied. It is truly wonderful. Beth Johnston, the Executive Director of the IWLA, tells me that I have been considered for this honour based on my outstanding leadership skills, commitment to my profession (what’s that I wonder?) and contributions to my community.
Well who would have known? And there was me thinking that the feminists hated me! Now all I have to do, they tell me, is to make one click to register to take my place among other remarkable women. “You have earned it and you deserve it!” Beth assures me.
Well fancy that! The thing is that the IWLA recognises women from around the world - from aspiring professionals to the most accomplished! I wonder which I am - aspiring or accomplished?!
It doesn’t matter does it? Inclusion in The IWLA is a privilege shared by thousands of women throughout the world. And that should be good enough for all of us. The message is clear, isn’t it?
Just one click and I can be up there with the like of Laura Bates (the Every Day Sexism Project), Jenni Murray, Polly Toynbee, Gloria De Piero and every other wonder woman on the planet. I can’t wait.
Or rather I can. The missive was signed off: 'for women, about women and by women’. Just imagine the feminist outrage if it were found that a group of men designating themselves as 'for men, about men and by men’ had sent such a message to men only?
For sure, any men on the receiving end would think their ‘brothers’ had gone off their rockers. Which is just what so many feminists have done, instead of doing anything genuinely significant, other than destroy the private, family sphere of life.
The poor sad silly wimmin of the self-aggrandising IWLA do their sex no favours.

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