20 Mar 2016

Lord Cashpoint Levy On Anti-Semitism

By Gilad Atzmon: The man who funded Tony Blair's Government at the time Britain launched a Zionist immoral interventionist war in Iraq is not hiding at all. He has an 'important' message to share with us all.

1 comment:

  1. Zionist Jews and their shills need to pay reparations to the Arabs for about 100 years and Israel needs to apologize to the Germans for their ambassador’s slip-up revealing that Israel wishes to keep the Germans on a leash among many slights Zionists have committed against non-Jews. Zionism is barbarism incarnate and every pro Zio-Con-Artist Jew or Zio-Con-Artist Shabbos Goy should bow their heads in shame for this disgraceful episode in human history.

    I could care less for the two headed dog one outcome UK political system, but I would be impressed with Labour if they reversed their decision to oust those MPs and told Levy in clear terms to sling his ultra-Zionist hook.

    This Jewish supremacist attitude must end, don't even get me started about male infant ritual genital mutilation and herpes spreading metzitza b'peh and their negative impact on mental health and impotence.

    Kind regards, your local decent Jew loving non-violent extremist.
