15 May 2016

Dr. Kamrul Hasan Of London, “Known Genital Mutilator” Admits MGM Is Cultural, Not Medical

By : Dr. Kamrul Hasan has been placed on the “Known Genital Mutilators” directory at neonatalcutting.org.
From his website circumcision-clinic.com:
“Welcome to the London Circumcision Clinic
We are a London based circumcision clinic located in Leytonstone. Our qualified surgeons carry out circumcisions on all age groups of males, including cosmetic circumcisions for adult males.
We employ numerous methods to ensure the correct procedure is used and also that it is carried out in a safe and sterile environment. Our patient confidentiality is of the strictest practise and confidentiality is assured to the highest level.
Our “After-Care” service provides you that peace of mind, especially when young children are involved. Our surgeons are available through out the year and can do home visits at your request.”
The Plastibell device shown above is one tool used by Dr. Hasan to circumcise infant boys. As you can see there are six sizes, and crucial to minimize bleeding and complications the right size must be used. What if his size is in between those choices? What if he’s bigger or smaller than the biggest or the smallest? That’s what happened to Jayvas Carson, a baby boy who was circumcised with the wrong size Plastibell, had massive bleeding, and ultimately died.

Under “Circumcisions” we see:

Benefits of Circumcision
Hygiene above all is the most important reason to get circumcised. Those that are opposed to circumcisions may say that one does not need to get circumcised to keep the penis in a clean and hygienic state and that regular self hygiene is sufficient. This is like saying that you can allow your nails or hair (armpit, pubic hair) to grow as long as you want as long as you wash it regularly. Given the fact that a circumcision done by a fully trained professional is a safe and a relatively affordable procedure – it seems logical that the foreskin that serves no function is better removed.
Wow, just WOW. So, the foreskin grows like your fingernails? Wrong. Like your hair? Also wrong. Funny, I’ve never seen a man’s foreskin grow down to his knees like hair would. A valid comparison would be to say that pulling your nails off is better than having to do all that trimming.
And for him to also say the foreskin has no purpose just shows how ignorant Dr. Hasan is about the foreskin. The foreskin is a living organ that is part of the penis, not dead tissue like hair or nails, and has an important function in protecting the penis, giving sexual pleasure to it’s owner, and making intercourse easier and more enjoyable.
Under “Circumcision FAQs” we see:

Is the procedure painful?
Circumcision should be a pain free procedure, as long as the local anaesthetic has been administered correctly. We do get a few horror stories of procedures being done during which the child has felt the pain and the whole experience of both parents and child has been awful. You can rest assured that your child will not be in any form of pain during the procedure. The only thing to warn you would be that children in the age group 1 – 5 years of age can be difficult to circumcise, as they are at an age where they are weary of strangers and won’t let anyone go near them. This age group of patients do pose a challenge for us – nevertheless, we do cater for them as well.
What is the best age to get a child circumcised?
The best time is when the child is born, soon after birth at the age 2-3 weeks. The advantages are that the procedure is easy to carry out using the Plastibell ring method and most importantly, the recovery is very quick.
Although the Dr. says “you can rest assured that your child will not be in any form of pain during the procedure,” there is no way of knowing if this procedure is painless, and on the contrary, many babies wail away because of the pain and many times go into shock. The American Academy of Pediatricians recently made a recommendation that circumcision NOT be performed on infants because of damage done to an undeveloped nervous system.
And no, there is no “best age” to be genitally mutilated without your permission, and it would be safe to say 100% of infants strapped into the “Circumstraint” would agree.
Under “Circumcisions” we read “Medical Reasons:”

What are the medical reasons for circumcision? Phimosis
In babies, the foreskin and the glans develop as one, only separating during childhood. As a result the infant foreskin is frequently tight and inelastic. Some doctors may suggest circumcision in these circumstances. Others say that generally the foreskin loosens by the age of three and that true phimosis, which affects fewer than 1% of boys, is very rare before the age of five.
If possible, watchful waiting is sensible in suspected phimosis because the vast majority of foreskins loosen themselves naturally. While only 4% of baby boys have a retractable foreskin, 98-99% of 18 year-olds do. The figures are from the British Medical Journal, 1993, the same article that revealed that many surgeons simply cannot tell the difference between an everyday tight foreskin and true phimosis.

In Balanitis the glans and/or the foreskin become inflamed. It can affect men of all ages including boys (most commonly around the age of three or four).
Poor hygiene, a tight foreskin, skin disorders, allergy to products such as soap or washing powder or to the latex or spermicides in condoms can all damage the skin and, if this becomes infected, balanitis can develop. Balanitis is not transmitted sexually but bacteria called candida can cause it. Sex may also damage the skin. It is best avoided by keeping the penis clean, especially under the foreskin but in recurrent cases circumcision might be offered.

Painful sex due to tight foreskin
If an adult is finding sex increasingly painful as a result of non-retractile foreskin, having a circumcision can be one of the most satisfying treatments they can undergo that will result in painless and enjoyable sex. It has to be remembered that following a circumcision you do need to abstain from penetrative sex for about a month.
Overwhelming evidence now exists for a role of circumcision in reducing the transmission of HIV
One of the first randomised controlled trials (RCT) undertaken was at The University of Versailles, in South Africa, in Orange Farm, a community with a low rate of circumcision and a high prevalence of HIV infection, showed that circumcision reduced the rate of HIV infection among heterosexual man by 60%.
These “medical reasons” have been debunked and some of these are actually caused by circumcision. Those HIV studies in Africa were never finished and were stopped because the results they were getting  showed circumcision was ineffective in stopping HIV. Let’s see, the U.S. has the highest rate of circumcision in the developed world, and also the highest AIDS rate, so it’s obvious that circumcision is not preventing HIV. It’s also obvious that those African men who get circumcised will think they are safe from getting and spreading HIV – as they were told – and will not need to wear a condom, resulting in millions of new AIDS cases as a result of thinking circumcision will prevent HIV.
Dr. Hasan is unclear as to whether or not circumcision is medically beneficial, citing some reasons above in favor, but also mentioning under “Circumcision to prevent future disease:”

Prevention of disease is the second most commonly given reason for circumcision after religious reasons, although the evidence that it has any beneficial effect on future health is very poor. The practice is, more likely, rooted in cultural traditions, although western societies may find this an uncomfortable conclusion.
He goes on to say about “Penile Cancer:”

Circumcised men are more at risk from penile warts than uncircumcised men, and the risk of developing penile cancer is now almost equal in the two groups. Therefore, routine circumcision cannot be recommended to prevent penile cancer.

Far more effective and reliable methods than circumcision exist to reduce the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases, such as the use of condoms and adoption of safer sexual practices. Thus circumcision cannot be recommended to prevent these infections.
“HIV Infection:”

Circumcision may be appropriate as a routine preventive measure only in regions that have a high rate of HIV infection, such as sub-Saharan Africa. The existing evidence is inadequate to recommend circumcision as an HIV-preventive measure in the UK.
“Cervical Cancer:”

A study in 1947 reported that Jewish women rarely developed cervical cancer and the author attributed this finding to the fact that their sexual partners were circumcised.
Further studies over the past 50 years have had contradictory conclusions, with experts enthusiastically championing the case for and against circumcision. The evidence is inadequate to recommend it as a preventive measure against cervical cancer.
“Urinary tract infection (UTI):”

Since 1987, several studies have suggested that uncircumcised male infants are up to 10 times more likely to contract a urinary tract infection (UTI). One in 100 uncircumcised infants will develop a UTI, compared with 1 in 1000 circumcised infants.
A UTI is not usually a great risk to health, so it does not seem reasonable to perform a surgical procedure on 100 infants to reduce the risk of one developing UTI.
It seems Dr. Hasan admits he performs genital mutilations mainly for hygienic or religious reasons and not medical necessity, making routine circumcision of infants unethical and immoral.
Since Dr. Hasan has incomplete information about the risks of circumcision, you can read that here at neonatalcutting.org.

Dr. Hasan’s practice information follows:
London Circumcision Clinic
324 Cann Hall Road, Leytonstone
United Kingdom
E11 3NW

0207 043 9747

About Gary Costanza

Longtime MRA from Long Island, NY , 57 yrs old and and have been active with The National Center for Men, NCFM, AVFM, and continues to be active on and off the street. I had a MRA cable TV show in the early 2000's, and now post MHR videos on my youtube channel where I'm known as jerrytheother. I've attended many protests in the name of MRM - including one leading to us being sandbagged by Micheal Moore on "TV Nation" and being labeled as "angry white men." Well Michael, we're back, with reinforcements!


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