1 Jun 2017

125 Reasons For Laci Green To Hate Feminism

By : MTV and YouTube personality Laci Green has made two tortured YouTube videos so far, about her taking the red pill (supposedly) and wanting open dialog/debates with anti-feminists. Laci now paints herself as still a feminist/Social Justice Warrior but one that nevertheless commits the apostasy of supporting free speech, a stance that is garnering her rising and harsh rejection by her feminist/SJW peers, who see free speech as an attack on their social privilege of dominating gender inquiries and perspectives. Most of the video responses from the anti-feminist community have been cautiously optimistic (more so than with our initial reaction to Cassie Jaye’s “The Red Pill” film project).
Will Laci follow Cassie to the point of dropping the feminist moniker, or is this just some sort of ruse on Laci’s part? I have no idea but Laci did raise one interesting point I want to address.
One of Laci’s requests was for anti-feminists to spill their “ah-ha” moment when they first became disillusioned with feminism. Implicit in this request is the assumption that rejecting feminism is a sudden emotional break and not a long thought out rejection of feminist theory and practice.
Still, Tom Golden made a nice response that is worth watching.
When you join social media groups that discuss men’s rights or anti-feminism, one of the first things you hear are questions like Laci’s about why? Why to you hate feminism? Most of the time their incredulity revolves around the claim that “feminism is just advancing gender equality – read the dictionary!”
Everyone has an answer or two to this but I wanted to merge them all because there are issues beyond “feminists hate motherhood” that should be dumped in the well-greased laps of the ladies who have been duped by feminist gaslighting.
Over the years I have posted different versions of this list on Twitter (got me banned) Quora (banned) and Facebook (thread cut off comments at 90 reasons) but I wanted to revamp and record the entire list in one central location, and AVFM was kind enough to offer me a platform to do this. This list will continue to grow as time goes on and my understanding of feminism deepens.
Shall we get on to it, Laci?

  1. I hate feminism because feminists dupe unsuspecting newcomers into thinking feminism is concerned with gender equality when it is actually about women’s supremacy. That feminists hide behind a dictionary definition they know is false just makes it worse.
  2. I hate feminism because feminists purport to represent women. They do not – most women want nothing to do with feminism and yet we get blamed when people conflate women with feminism at the implicit urging of feminists.
  3. I hate feminism because feminists claim women deserve credit for “emotional work”, ignoring that men are expected to bodyguard all women 24/7/365. A man who fails to be her bullet sponge knows he will be seen as a coward for the rest of his life. His only reward is when a feminist calls his vigilance “toxic masculinity.” THAT is what emotional work looks like.
  4. I hate feminism because feminists seek specific women-only parental termination rights (such as the “Morning After” pill) for women and deny them to men, violating feminism’s claim to gender equality.
  5. I hate feminism because feminists demonize men and exalt women, violating feminism’s claim to gender equality.
  6. I hate feminism because I find their advocacy of women-only domestic violence shelters to be a gross and sexist violation of the principle of gender equality, which calls for equal resources being available for all victims of domestic violence.
  7. I hate feminism because feminists claim domestic violence is a gendered issue, erasing male victims and painting men as primary aggressors.
  8. I hate feminism because feminists squelch efforts to build domestic violence shelters for men because this wrecks their narrative that all men oppress women.
  9. I hate feminism because I find their advocacy of women-only protection from involuntary genital mutilation to be a gross and sexist violation of the principle of gender equality, which calls for both girls and boys to be legally protected from such barbarism.
  10. I hate feminism because I find their advocacy of women-only primary child custody in cases of divorce to be a gross and sexist violation of the principle of gender equality, which calls for 50/50 default child custody.
  11. I hate feminism because I find their advocacy of women-only voting privileges to be a gross and sexist violation of the principle of gender equality since men are forced to sign up to be drafted to secure their voting rights..
  12. I hate feminism because they assert hegemony over all work interactions between men and women and criminalize and ostracize men who do not comply with that hegemony.
  13. I hate feminism because they want to destroy families and let the state take over the rearing and indoctrination of children.
  14. I hate feminism because its imposition of gender quotas guarantees mediocrity instead of the striving for excellence that buoys societal growth.
  15. I hate feminism because its imposition of gender quotas demeans qualified women.
  16. I hate feminism because its imposition of gender quotas humiliates the unjustly advanced underqualified women when those women inevitably fail.
  17. I hate feminism because its imposition of gender quotas alienates the highly qualified men who are critical to maintaining and advancing society.
  18. I hate feminism because feminists wrote into law a rule that a woman cannot be charged with raping a man via forced envelopment.
  19. I hate feminism because feminists seek to define what is legal and illegal between consenting adults.
  20. I hate feminism because feminists want to turn tipsy sex into rape, removing my choice and turning my romantic partner into either a rapist, or a craven prude unwilling to indulge my sexual moods and preferences lest they be used against him in the future.
  21. I hate feminism because feminists teach that if a woman takes measures to protect herself from rape, she is “victim-blaming”.
  22. I hate feminism because feminists purport to speak for all women yet demonize dissenting women who, for example, oppose abortion.
  23. I hate feminism because feminists lie about the supposed wage gap despite unequal pay being illegal since 1963.
  24. I hate feminism because feminists teach that if a woman escapes being raped, she should feel shame that the rapist might attack someone else.
  25. I hate feminism because feminists wreck the nuanced pleasures of seduction by imposing ponderous and irrational consent rules that no one follows.
  26. I hate feminism because feminists reject fair trials in favor of a “believe the woman” ethic that allows a woman to lie in 99 trials and still be counted as credible in the 100th because her extensive history of lying cannot be discussed in the 100th trial.
  27. I hate feminism because if you deny you are a feminist they will not take “no” for an answer and will try to coerce or otherwise rape you into feminism.
  28. I hate feminism because its claim of “sexist air conditioning” makes all women look like idiots.
  29. I hate feminism because feminists think air conditioning is oppressive to women yet you never see them out picking crops in their menstrual-stained thongs.
  30. I hate feminism because even as they assert that women can dress however they like, feminists attacked a great male space scientist, Dr. Matt Taylor, for wearing a shirt made for him by a close woman friend.
  31. I hate feminism because feminists assert that women who do not support candidates with vaginas are gender-traitors who will be punished.
  32. I hate feminism because feminists focus on abortion, a woman-only privilege with nothing to do with gender equality.
  33. I hate feminism because feminists extol women’s sexuality while demonizing men’s sexual feelings as “objectification.”
  34. I hate feminism for encouraging women to view men not as complementary partners but rather oppressive competitors.
  35. I hate feminism for pushing “patriarchy theory” that demeans women by claiming that men have always controlled everything to the detriment of women.
  36. I hate feminism because feminists promise to address men’s issues, too, and then follow through by pulling fire alarms to disrupt meetings of men discussing men’s issues.
  37. I hate feminism for erasing successful professional single women from history because their existence demolishes patriarchy theory.
  38. I hate feminism for its Gynocentrism, the series of societal protections, provisions, and preferences given to women as a class at the expense of men, similar to a matriarchy but one where women obscure their role in controlling society both to avoid accountability and to masquerade as the perpetually oppressed class in need of more gynocentrism.
  39. I hate feminism because I find its using the cloak of equality to push a slate of women-only privileges dishonest and despicable.
  40. I hate feminism because its gendering poor behavior as “toxic masculinity” demonizes men and pedestilizes women.
  41. I hate feminism because their deride women who empathize with men as having “internalized misogyny”.
  42. I hate feminism for refusing to let men discuss men’s issues without the repressive purview of feminism.
  43. I hate feminism for damaging the educational strategies used to teach men and boys.
  44. I hate feminism because feminists are relentless in using shaming tactics and if you make the mistake of apologizing to them, they take this as weakness and redouble their assault on you and your character. And job. And family.
  45. I hate feminism because feminists cannot stand male sexuality, or any woman who defends her bodily autonomy by choosing to work servicing men’s desires.
  46. I hate feminism because feminist TERFs (Trans-Exclusive Radical Feminists) try to deny that men have any business becoming women or even sympathizing with women’s issues.
  47. I hate feminism because the racist 1st wave of feminism is often promoted as being a noble, worthy cause because feminists have erased their horrible past.
  48. I hate feminism because the baby-killing, family wrecking 2nd wave of feminism is often promoted as being a noble, worthy cause because feminists have erased their horrible past.
  49. I hate feminism because feminists eschew men’s issues, claim men need to start their own movement, then impede every meeting and effort by men to assert men’s concerns for actual legal equality.
  50. I hate feminism because feminists call Fathers’ Rights groups “an abusers’ lobby”.
  51. I hate feminism because feminists troll through colleges looking for rape victims but refuse to verify the wild tales the fakes use to damage everyone around them, as in the Rolling Stone “A Rape On Campus” debacle.
  52. I hate feminism because feminists use their position of privilege to refuse all open, public debate with their detractors because they know we have them dead to rights.
  53. I hate feminism because feminists claim that I am somehow prejudiced if I don’t want to submit to sex with a demi-trans semi-girl humaniform hedgehog.
  54. I hate feminism because feminists claim that a man telling me a naughty joke is somehow oppressing me and I should wreck his life by reporting him to human resources.
  55. I hate feminism because feminists want to regulate how men sit on public transport – so-called “manspreading”. Intrusive regulation of anyone’s public acts voids the feminist claim of tolerance for all.
  56. I hate feminism because feminists claim “not all feminists” but blame all men as a class for rape.
  57. I hate feminism because feminists claim “not all feminists” but  blame all men as a class for “patriarchy”.
  58. I hate feminism because they force women to be narcissists – I can’t dress up to attract or please a man because that would be “internalized misogyny;” I am told I can only try to look nice to “please myself” as if I should be oblivious to both my sex drive and the effect of my attractiveness on men. The further implication that I should mute my empathy for men’s desires is both mentally damaging and divisive to building harmony between men and women.
  59. I hate feminism because feminists say men are misogynists if they catcall women (even just saying “hello” counts as catcalling) and misogynists if they avoid interacting with women because the men have been so burned by feminism that they withdraw from friendly social interaction.
  60. I hate feminism because feminists assert hegemony over all social interaction, denying men’s flirtatious overtures and women’s appreciation of men’s boldness.
  61. I hate feminism because feminists belittle men for not expressing emotions but then feminists mock men endlessly when men dare to open up about how they feel.
  62. I hate feminism because feminists engage in pointless and flamboyant public protests, with no good reason, that make all women look like idiots.
  63. I hate feminism because although women do 85% of all spending, feminists claim we are not paid enough. They can’t see that it does not matter who makes the money, only who gets to spend it.
  64. I hate feminism because feminists tell non-feminist women that they deserve to be raped.
  65. I hate feminism because feminists claim that, even though women are a majority of the populace and live much longer than men, that it is impossible for women to be sexist against men because of some bullshit power theory that would not be applicable even if it held water.
  66. I hate feminism because feminist “safe spaces” reinforce the idea that women are weak and need special protections, ideas that fly in the face of gender equality.
  67. I hate feminism because feminists’ paltry  grooming standards are designed to sicken people to the presence of women and thereby weaken women’s natural sexual power.
  68. I hate feminism because the feminists colonize Christian churches, attempting to impose their licentious and anti-child values on gentle people of that faith.
  69. I hate feminism because the feminists turn a deaf ear to Muslim women crying out for their help.
  70. I hate feminism because at the first feminist conference in Seneca Falls in 1848, men were told to sit in the back and shut up, violating the feminist claim to gender equality.
  71. I hate feminism because the feminists deny that misandry (man-hating) is a thing yet revel in “drinking male tears”, which they are too ignorant to recognize as a metaphor for semen.
  72. I hate feminism because the feminists promote extreme obesity as being acceptable, putting women’s lives and fertility at risk.
  73. I hate feminism because the feminists hate men.
  74. I hate feminism because the feminist hatred of masculinity is feminizing men to the point where “trans-trenderism” is generating dozens of imaginary genders to enforce a cultural jihad on anyone not familiar with arbitrary gender number 57.
  75. I hate feminism because feminists attempt to co-opt anti-racism groups because feminists are desperate to find a cause that actually has a case and convert it to feminism.
  76. I hate feminism because feminists attempt to co-opt environmental groups because feminists are desperate to find a cause that actually has a case and convert it to feminism.
  77. I hate feminism because feminists are insistent that women invade men’s-only spaces and issues but freak out when men dare to speak on issues like abortion.
  78. I hate feminism because feminists teach women that when they are told to take responsibility for themselves, it is “victim blaming” and “misogyny” yet feminists demand that all men take responsibility for every real or imagined slight a woman might concoct.
  79. I hate feminism because feminists have no central authority, making them unaccountable for all the stupid and hateful shit that they do.
  80. I hate feminism because feminists shame me for liking men and not being a lesbian.
  81. I hate feminism because feminists want more women CEOs yet blame successful women for being complicit with patriarchy/capitalism.
  82. I hate feminism because feminists lazily refuse to explain their esoteric points, telling questioners to “educate themselves”.
  83. I hate feminism because feminists fight against equalizing gender enrollment on campus by attacking men’s scholarships while promoting women-only scholarships.
  84. I hate feminism because feminists want to waste resources to “coax” or “direct” women into studying subjects like STEM that most women have no interest in and that men need no encouragement to engage.
  85. I hate feminism because feminists lure women in by promoting “individual choice,” then denigrating “choice feminism” as contrary to the collective good, then demanding women comply with cultish feminist man-hate.
  86. I hate feminism because feminists co-opt socialism/Marxism by placing women’s interests ahead of those of the workers.
  87. I hate feminism because feminists co-opt capitalism by placing “work-life balance” over the hard-work ethic that built civilization.
  88. I hate feminism because feminists denigrate men’s focus and achievements as “toxic masculinity,” ignoring massive societal advances due to men’s passionate pursuit of goals that women ignore in favor of “work-life balance” (laziness.)
  89. I hate feminism for creating the fiction of a “rape culture” as a convenient device for feminists to manipulate women by placing us in constant fear of men, and denigrating men’s overarching desire to keep us safe.
  90. I hate feminism for its fraudulent efforts like “HeForShe” that bait men in with false sympathy for men’s issues, then coerce men to pledge to help women only, as if some Hogwarts’ spell will then magically address men’s issues.
  91. I hate feminism because feminists excuse women who make false rape claims, undermining the credibility of women in cases of actual rape.
  92. I hate feminism because feminists are unwilling to let men discuss men’s issues outside of a feminist framework that blames men and only men for men’s problems.
  93. I hate feminism because feminists force men into fatherhood obligations a moment after ejaculation but let women opt out of motherhood via abortion and baby Moses laws for more than a year after birth.
  94. I hate feminism because feminists happily force men into 18 years of child support yet deny men any voice in abortion or fatherhood.
  95. I hate feminism because feminists tell me I am somehow wrong for being naturally and viscerally repulsed by the bizarre things they do to their bodies.
  96. I hate feminism because feminists culturally appropriate men’s creations like “Ghostbusters” and then shame us if we reject their ruining of them.
  97. I hate feminism because, if your baby somehow escapes being aborted, feminists are introducing feminist indoctrination into preschool, usurping your parental authority.
  98. I hate feminism because feminists co-opted and perverted GLBT rights movements, forcing them to put Lesbians first and delaying marriage equality because feminists detest marriage.
  99. I hate feminism because feminists trashed Karen DeCrow, then the NOW President, because DeCrow favored men being able to opt out of fatherhood like women opting out of motherhood.
  100. I hate feminism because feminists oppose free speech and art when they might be construed by some crazy bitch as somehow being hateful to women’s feelings.
  101. I hate feminism because feminists use irrational tricks like Kafka-trapping: such as telling you that your denial of being sexist is proof that you are sexist (and hence, they claim, we need more feminism.)
  102. I hate feminism because feminism has no goal and no end-game – it is an endless cry for more special privileges, resources, and angst against men.
  103. I hate feminism because feminists place women’s lives and well-beings at risk by teaching us not to be responsible and take reasonable defensive measures in hostile environments.
  104. I hate feminism because feminists seek endless, new government handouts like free feminine hygiene products, as if I want to put a government-issued tampon anywhere near me.
  105. I hate feminism because feminists teach men not to help women by making men fear accusations of “mansplaining.”
  106. I hate feminism because feminists try to convince us that masculinity – the driving force that built all of civilization – is toxic.
  107. I hate feminism because feminist “patriarchy” theory implies that women are helpless and did nothing to help the world because, of course, we were just too oppressed by men.
  108. I hate feminism because feminists try to obscure their naked man-hate by invoking “patriarchy theory.”
  109. I hate feminism because feminists obscure the potent sexual, reproductive, social and educational power that women exercise covertly, which is more than a counterbalance to men’s accountable institutional power.
  110. I hate feminism because feminists try to put women into political positions based on quotas, not interest or qualifications.
  111. I hate feminism because feminists try to put women into elite business positions based on quotas, not interest or qualifications.
  112. I hate feminism because feminists’ efforts to “promote women” are humiliating to women because they imply we cannot earn high rank without their unwelcome intervention.
  113. I hate feminism because no means no, except when you say no to a feminist, and then they go ape shit.
  114. I hate feminism because feminists have criminalized workplace banter and flirting, wrecking careers and souring men’s willingness to serve as mentors to women.
  115. I hate feminism because feminists look on babies with horror and mothers with contempt, especially if the mom is stay-at-home and they cannot get their barren claws on the kid.
  116. I hate feminism because feminists block those with even a mild counterpoint to their arguments.
  117. I hate feminism because feminists CLAIM to want equal rights but in reality seek special, woman-only privileges over things like voting rights, abortion, birth control, child custody, rape shield laws, genital mutilation, jokes, speech, and domestic violence law based on the Duluth model.
  118. I hate feminism because feminism demands that we “prioritize” women’s voices, not realizing that putting men last in speaking order actually maximizes men’s voices. Stupid.
  119. I hate feminism because feminist lies and misrepresentations damage the academic careers of scholars like Tim Hunt.
  120. I hate feminism because feminists create crazy crimes like “birth rape,” a ludicrous notion that puts moms at risk, damages doctors without reason, and makes all women look like nutcases.
  121. I hate feminism because feminists manufacture crazy rape statistics like “most women victims do not report rape,” implying  women are too weak and stupid to report violent crimes.
  122. I hate feminism because if feminists had their way, deaf people could never have sex because no verbal consent would be possible.
  123. I hate feminism because feminists demonize men’s sexual desires but exalt female sexuality, a blatant violation of the claim that feminists seek gender equality.
  124. I hate feminism because feminists promoted “no fault” divorce laws that allow wives to fuck around but still requite men to pay money to their cheating wives and ex-wives.
  125. Feminism is cancer.

About Anne Claude

Former math and science teacher to boys and young men, and a long-time fan of AVFM, Anne Claude wishes to share some of her experiences and insights with the strong men and women she admires. Anne also has a fondness for writing limericks that she cannot control.

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