6 Sept 2017

Burbling Shash

"The lie in question is, you're a Nazi!"
Burbling Shash: Coffee is the key to high energy. And high energy is the key to engineering. And engineering is the key to whatever keyhole you engineered.

1 comment:

  1. Yes! I think 'Well over 99% of Jews' as surveyed by the UK Jewish Chronicle, who claimed to be proud supporters of land theft and genocide and fascists. ...I stopped calling Zionist Jews Zio-Nazis a couple of years ago when it occurred to me that I was insulting the German Workers' Party, at which point I began to call them Zio-Fascists, ...because I'm way ahead of the curve. ;) The UN only caught up this year when they incorrectly labeled JSIL [Jewish State of IsRealHell in the Levant] with it's two world's largest open air prisons, an apartheid state in the 21st century in a report, but thankfully the South African's spoke up and mildly protested the epithet. When asked why, Nobel Prize winner Desmond Tutu was kind enough to elaborate that their protest was on the grounds that they felt insulted to be lumped in with the genocidal Jews, because as he explained, 'in many aspects, Israel is far worse than South African apartheid ever was.' ...This comment is not satire, ...do your own research, own the facts.

    You might also want to look into FEMEN being backed jointly by George Soros and the Jewish State. Also the recently exposed Soros backed network in Italy helping to smooth the passage of African fugees into Europe.

    P.S. I'm a Greek Cypriot fugee living in the UK and I know why thanks to US freedom of information. The order to balkanize Cyprus in 1974 came from the Zionist Jew Henry 'The Bastard' Kissinger. Zio-Fascist is too good an epithet for him and his kind.
