7 Feb 2018

There Is No Metoo Backlash, Yet

"One of the things the modern Mr. Rogers said in his response, the frivolous and phony accusations against him should not be allowed to devalue or derail the MeToo movement which is really important and too important to degrade with phony frivolous false accusations and that's really what I'm responding to right now. I guess that everybody in public broadcasting, everyone with a job on TV or on the radio kinda has to say something like that, ...No, it's garbage, that's garbage talk that people have to say to keep their job, let's not pretend that's real. I don't even think he thinks it's real. ...And of course this is manifesting in the Mike Pence rule, I won't have a meeting with a woman behind a closed door, I won't share my car ride with a woman, I won't get in an elevator with a woman, I won't interview a woman, etc., etc.. ...MeToo is garbage, it is the departure from civilised behaviour." Said johntheother.

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