15 Sept 2019

Turkish Coast Guard Tormenting Jewish Lobby Refugees That Failed To Reach Greece

Thanks to the Jewish lobby's effectiveness in the UK, USA and beyond, a suspicious number of over 25,000 and steadily growing at an annual rate of about 5% ish as if linked to the stock market, high tech missiles and bombs of the wickedest varieties are dropped annually [mostly by the USA] exclusively on Semitic Arab nations by the apparently anti-Semitic Zio-poodles USA, UK, etc. This has inevitably lead to a stream of Semites [aka Arabs] fleeing our bombs and running into our arms for safety. European nations arms that is, not so much the far away USA and none at all are allowed in by the culprit Jewish Israel regime.
Here's a leaked video that makes clear the Turkish position regarding the refugees created by us for the owners of huge chunks of our tax money, our masters the Jews.
Video via Perseus999

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