28 Oct 2019

Misandric Gynocentrism: How To Destroy A Society

: Every now and then I write a comment on a YouTube video that I like to share and this is one of them. Paul, Tom and Janice were recently discussing a book titled, “How To Destroy A Man Now”1. The book might as well have been titled, “How To Destroy A Society Now”. It is a guide on how gynocentrism2 can be used to subvert our legal system and institutions and destroy individual men and civilisation (or what it calls “patriarchy” aka civilisation).
The mere existence of the book and others like it, highlight why it is absurd to claim that society is a patriarchy run by men for the benefit of men and that women are the “nicer” and more empathetic sex. All people have to do to recognise this, is imagine what the social reaction would be if a man wrote a book titled, “How To Destroy A Woman Now”.
Men in this culture do not write such books about the opposite sex. In stark contrast, women in this culture do write such books about the opposite sex and this book about destroying men is not an isolated example. The End Of Men3 and Are Men Necessary?4, are other examples of such literature written by women (and I can cite more examples).
The books play into emotional fantasies (and yes sometimes sexual fantasies) some women hold to humiliate and denigrate men as a sex. This is the mentality our gynocentric society instils in women. It is an emotional power trip for female narcissism5 to write and read such garbage about the opposite sex. It makes them feel superior. It is that simple. Are all women like that? No, but this gynocentric culture does nothing but encourage this mentality in women. It is also worth noting the large number of women that stay silent (as many men do) whilst their female counterparts revel in this misandry. In contrast men line up to hold other men in line if they disrespect women, or if men even try to defend themselves against women.
Women are not nicer and they are not more empathetic. Women just do their best to be seen to be nice (it is a form of social camouflage for women) because it adds to their social image and social power, which is their primary form of power aside from the sexual component. This book exposes the lie women are nicer and describes the nature of female violence in detail. It is for this reason, that I would agree with Paul, Tom and Janice that such books should not be banned. The darker side of female nature needs to be exposed and recognised, just as we do with men. There is a saying, “women know what other women are like”. Women know exactly what I am talking about- the truth that women are not all sugar and spice and everything nice and that women can be just as terrible, just as depraved and yes just as evil6 as men. This is the ugly truth the book, “How To Destroy A Man Now” forces society to confront and that women understand but speak of only in whispers among themselves.
Freedom of speech allows society to confront its ugly reflection and stop ignoring social problems, hence why such books should not be banned but scrutinised. However I do not agree with Paul, Tom and Janice that this book was written with the manosphere in mind in support of us. As I mentioned earlier, it is my opinion it is far more likely that such books are written to humiliate and denigrate men and to an satisfy an emotional power trip (and sometimes a sexual one as well). There is no elaborate web of reverse psychology required to explain the writing of this book or books like it. Like feminists keep projecting onto men, it is all about power and control for women that enjoy such misandric garbage. Why is the book not available? Not sure, but sometimes they are too naked about their real motives and the feminist establishment censors its own.
I would agree though that, “How To Destroy A Man Now” does serve to expose the nature of female violence. We know in intimate partner relationships that when only one partner is physically violent toward the other, it is women that are more likely to be the perpetrator (at more than double the frequency)7. But so much of female violence is not actually physical, as the book demonstrates. Female violence is often expressed as relational aggression and also through inciting institutional and social violence by proxy on the desired male target.
Spreading rumors to destroy a man’s reputation in the community or among his peers is relational aggression and a form of violence that can cause grave harm to the male victim. Using the legal system, divorce and family court system as a weapon to destroy ex-partners, is inciting institutional and social violence by proxy. It is worth noting the high male suicide rate8 that follows from the institutional violence associated with divorce and family court that is directed at men and instigated by women. I have not forgotten the story of Chris Mackney9 and neither should you. Stories like that are all around us now, thanks to feminism and gynocentrism. Women do not have to shoot men to kill them. It is time these actions were correctly identified as female violence against men. I wonder how many people have looked at the Duluth model and applied it with the sexes reversed? You would be surprised how much of the wheel of power and control applies to female violence against men.
So with that preamble, I have provided the comment below that I made in response to the video of Paul, Tom and Janice discussing this book10. People may want to watch their discussion first. My comment is as follows (I made one modification to add the links to my earlier work):
“This book exposes the reality that our gynocentric society is based on a number of core social lies- 1. Women are powerless in relation to men. 2. Only men are violent toward the opposite sex. 3. The world is a patriarchy run by men for the benefit of men. 4. Our history is one of men oppressing women. 5. Women are more valuable and deserving of empathy because they give birth and therefore must be protected at the expense of men to preserve the species, regardless of the cost (a lie I have debunked extensively in my writings- Links here11here12here13 and here14 which people can read should they wish to. I have one more article to write on it). It is lie number 5 that lets people look the other way when facts contradict lies 1-4.
You were right the first time Paul, men throwing other men under the bus for women is a glitch in the “patriarchy”. Let us just call patriarchy by its real name shall we- civilisation. Let us not beat around the bush with the truth. The only reason we have a civilised society, is because men cooperate with each other. Once that goes, so does civilised society. Raising children in a civilised society that has the social environment and male productivity to technologically develop to an advanced state and has relatively low levels of male violence, enhances community survival many orders of magnitude and consequently has enormous fitness benefits in a darwinian sense. That all goes once men cease cooperating with each other and throw each other under the bus for women. The metoo# movement is inherently destructive for this very reason. Even primitive tribal societies require some level of male cooperation to subsist and destroy themselves if sufficient numbers of men turn on each other.
The hierarchy men are in, is not all about competition either and involves a great deal of male cooperation to remain stable and functional. Patriarchy is not about culling men in an evolutionary sense (that is a negative by-product rather than a core driving force of the system), but about giving men are means to assort themselves socially and express their sexual market value toward the opposite sex and a means to express their inherent biological value.
It is also worth pointing out that each sex is selected to pass on their genes in the most efficient and effective means possible. Men that willingly sacrifice themselves like doormats either remain cucked, friendzoned or are outmatched by men that reproduce more efficiently. Men that sacrifice other men may benefit in the short-term but not always. Such men may be the target of retributive violence and reduce their trustworthiness within the male social dominance hierarchy, which may then reduce their authority, power and support from other men in said hierarchy, over the long-term. It is a risky strategy for men to throw other men under the bus and it does not always pay off for individual men either (they may die or be exposed for the liars or criminals they are) and it certainly destroys society as a whole in the long term. So whilst there is an element of truth to the idea of men sacrificing other men to get women and to perpetuate their individual genome (just as there is for male sexual violence against women, which is just as heinous and barbaric and certainly something I am not condoning), it is a costly and an ultimately inferior strategy when it is scaled to the level of society.
Societies that are not so cavalier with throwing men under the bus, have greater numbers of stronger and more productive men. Societies that recklessly exploit men, kill the very thing that keeps them going. The army that wins the battle with the least amount of male casualties, has the men to fight another day. The army that carelessly exploits and sacrifices their men, suffers avoidable losses and loses the war. Same thing goes with countries and economies. People need to think things through, before they just discard concern for male well-being.”
It is time for men and frankly the manosphere to wake up. Men have been told their whole life that they have no intrinsic self-worth and are inherently disposable because of being male and not having a uterus. The exploitation of men in this gynocentric system, requires men and boys continue to believe that lie. Reinforcing that message from the manosphere, does nothing but strengthen the lie, especially if it comes from the supposedly red pill world. There is nothing more dangerous to this system than a group of men that know their own worth, reject the lie they are inherently disposable and protect their own well-being. Whether you hear that you are inherently disposable from the blue world or from manosphere, don’t believe the bullshit. Men are much more than sperm dispensers and utilities, no matter how much our gynocentric society would like men to think otherwise.
Keeping men immersed in that lie and on the wheel of learned helplessness, is what keeps gynocentrism chugging along. Heaven forbid the manosphere dare get the idea in their heads that maybe just maybe, men are not inherently biologically disposable and women are not the more valuable sex because of reproduction. The manosphere needs to flush this idea down the toilet where it belongs and stop reinforcing the same message men have already been told their whole lives by this society. People wonder why I write about gynocentrism, the golden uterus and male value so extensively-The reason is simple. That is how much bullshit there is to debunk and set straight when it comes to biology being twisted to justify the erroneous claim men are inherently less valuable than women.
I cannot just rely on common sense to debunk this nonsense, because sense is no longer common in this society. We live in gynocentric clownworld now and have been for 800 or so years15. We abandoned common sense when it came to men, women and relationships centuries ago. That is why it is so hard even in the manosphere to see through the gynocentric BS. We have no proper frame of reference we can immediately use to calibrate our gynocentric bullshit detectors. However slowly but surely the manosphere is getting there and putting the pieces together. We have not completely awakened from the blue pill world yet, we are still in the process (all of us, myself included).
Keep that in mind before you completely subscribe to an idea and hold it as an unquestionable axiomatic truth or a law of nature. I understand it is common to examine the scientific literature in the manosphere when it comes to biology and evolution (in contrast to feminism where everything is a social construct). This is good in many respects, but please keep in mind that the scientific profession itself is not immune to gynocentric bias. There is frequently a clear bias in the sex difference literature to minimise any perceived male advantage in any area of any value and minimise any perceived unique biological value men may have relative to women period (the opposite frequently holds true for reporting on female advantages).
Pushing research or theories to show men are less than women or biologically expendable, is going with the gynocentric bias of the scientific community and is not necessarily reflective of objective reality or sound science, even if it comes from supposedly accomplished scientists (some of which have an axe to grind against men). Here are links to two examples which I highly recommend people take the time to watch, highlighting this gynocentric bias when it comes to reporting on sex differences in intelligence16 and male genius and male variability in traits17. This bias is not just limited to the literature on cognitive abilities either, it is systemic within the scientific community.
Pushing the narrative men are biologically expendable fits with the gynocentric bias within science. Don’t just believe something because a study or scientist says so. Refine your bullshit detector. I have a prior background in the molecular life sciences and I can personally tell you that scientists are just people and not omniscient oracles. Just because you found a study or some scientist said something, does not mean it is true. Scientists can be wrong, theories can be wrong and whole disciplines can be wrong. Look at the data, look at the sampling, look at the methodology and find out if the results have been substantively replicated (there is a great deal of junk science out there). Look at research with a critical eye and remember the scientific method18.
We have to move past this fatalistic concept it is in our nature to exploit men and therefore accept it as some immutable aspect of human nature we can do nothing about. It is in our nature to do a lot of things, including rape, murder and genocide. The fact behaviour may have a biological basis to it (as all human behaviour does to varying degrees), does not mean it is biologically optimal to act that way, or that it is the most evolutionarily successful strategy, or that it is inevitable it will become commonplace to express it. Rape is one strategy to pass on your genes, but that does not mean it is biologically optimal or the most evolutionarily successful strategy (and again for the outrage brigade, I am not condoning rape on any level and are of course against it). Same is true for men throwing other men under the bus for women.
We know where gynocentrism eventually leads- social and economic collapse or the Fempocalypse19 as Karen Straughan aptly named it. Gynocentrism is by its very nature an unchecked and uncompromising fixation on female well-being at the expense of everything else. Despite what gynocentric traditionalists think20, there is no balancing or containing gynocentrism. Feminism is just the logical political end result of traditionalist gynocentric double standards. With gynocentrism there is just a gradual retreat of civilisation back to uncivilised barbarism, there is no happy equilibrium point. The only thing that stands in the way of gynocentrism is men that value themselves and enforce boundaries with women and the physical environment itself. That is it.
I mean no offence to anyone in the manosphere and I respect and admire Paul, Tom and Janice. I am sure people mean well, but I cannot sit back and keep my mouth closed on this any further. The axiom in the manosphere that men are inherently biologically disposable and women are inherently more valuable because of having a uterus, is the wheel of learned helplessness that the manosphere has to recognise as such and walk away from. It is holding the manosphere back. Men are not destined to throw other men under the bus for women.
We need a paradigm shift in our understanding of gynocentrism. To quote Mark Twain: “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.”21 A quote that ideologues of all stripes will never understand. Question everything guys (I do). Our understanding of gynocentrism is just in its infancy and we know less than we think we do.

  1. https://www.amazon.com.au/How-Destroy-Man-Now-Damn/dp/099982032X
  2. https://www.avoiceformen.com/gynocentrism/diagnosing-gynocentrism/
  3. https://www.amazon.com/End-Men-Rise-Women/dp/1594488045
  4. https://www.amazon.com/Are-Men-Necessary-Sexes-Collide/dp/042521236X
  5. https://www.avoiceformen.com/gynocentrism/why-is-it-always-about-her-gynocentrism-as-a-narcissistic-pathology/
  6. https://www.warhistoryonline.com/instant-articles/irma-grese-the-blonde-beast.html
  7. https://domesticviolenceresearch.org/domestic-violence-facts-and-statistics-at-a-glance/
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Va-YTf5Caj8
  9. https://www.avoiceformen.com/mens-rights/family-courts/i-am-chris-mackney-and-i-have-something-to-say-from-the-grave/
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MMXUWEmYzo
  11. https://www.avoiceformen.com/gynocentrism/gynocentrism-and-the-golden-uterus-part-one/
  12. https://www.avoiceformen.com/gynocentrism/gynocentrism-and-the-golden-uterus-part-two/
  13. https://www.avoiceformen.com/gynocentrism/gynocentrism-and-the-value-of-men-part-one/
  14. https://www.avoiceformen.com/gynocentrism/gynocentrism-and-the-value-of-men-part-two/
  15. https://gynocentrism.com/2013/10/11/timeline-of-gynocentric-culture/
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSLoiFSpp0g\
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU_8ilih9uc
  18. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_method
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w__PJ8ymliw
  20. https://www.avoiceformen.com/gynocentrism/the-answer-to-feminism-is-not-gynocentric-traditionalism/
  21.  https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/7588008-it-ain-t-what-you-don-t-know-that-gets-you-into

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