20 Nov 2019

Here Comes The White House Council On Boys And Men - Watch Your Back

'The same government that is run by elected and appointed officials who continue to promote every lie ever uttered by feminist ideologues, from the phony wage gap to the phony rape culture.'
By : The word has come that after years of effort by Warren Farrell and a team of very dedicated advocates, that a White House Council on Boys and Men will soon become a reality. Now one of the additional tasks that comes with that is to mark the days until Michael Kimmel or Gloria Steinem is running the thing; till the White House Council on Boys and Men is coopted and weaponized against the very population it purports to serve. By my measure it is only a matter of time until that is exactly what happens.
I conclude this with a heavy heart. Warren Farrell is a personal hero of mine, and I know the effort in question here was conceived and developed with the best of intentions.
Still, I hear the refrain of “I’m from the government and I am here to help,” clanging like a cacophony of erratic church bells in my mind — drowning out the very best of good intentions.
And to be frank, I’ve never wholeheartedly embraced the idea of biased and woefully uninformed bureaucrats dealing (on behalf of all of us) with men’s issues. I expect they will do as well as the Post Office and the Veteran’s Administration, which is to say The Council is most likely to become a money pit of ineptitude and waste, often accomplishing the exact opposite of what it purports to do.  
That’s the problem when bold ideas meet political reality.
It may take some years to see this play out, and of course I will watch carefully in the days ahead, hoping upon hope that I am dead wrong. Still, this is the same government that has given us VAWA. The same government that issues endless grants to institutions of higher indoctrination that we call colleges and universities. These are the same institutions that manufacture lies that government officials cling to and mindlessly parrot their entire careers.
It’s the same government that issued the Dear Colleague Letter and that either stood idly by or became willing instruments of harm toward young men in education. The same government that is run by elected and appointed officials who continue to promote every lie ever uttered by feminist ideologues, from the phony wage gap to the phony rape culture.
These are the people and institutions we want dealing with men’s issues?
A rosy start in all this is possible. I mean, as long as Trump is president. And as long as Warren Farrell has a say so in how The Council conducts its affairs. Mind you, we have no idea if Warren will have even remote influence on this end of things.
That’s the best-case scenario; that the Trump administration gets another four years and realizes the wisdom in using The Council (with the right people in place) as a large, spiked club, used to clobber feminist lies, one right after the other.
Now, imagine the White House Council on Boys and Men headed by the likes of hateful ideologues like Kimmel, run under the administration of Elizabeth Warren or Hillary Clinton (should she run and win).
What do you think will happen to The Council then? If you are thinking that it will be shuttered and dismantled, I can only hope to the heavens that you’re right. The more ominous possibility, and the more probable in my mind, is that it will be repurposed, weaponized and aimed directly at those for which it claims to advocate.
It will only be a matter of time before there will be an Office on Toxic Masculinity. How about an Office on Male, excuse me, White Male Privilege? How about some new, even more draconian laws to deal with the completely manufactured rape epidemic in our universities?
Because here’s the rub. Governance, as we know it, is largely feminist and gynocentric. Do we really imagine that the majority of the female voting bloc will receive a White House Council on Boys and Men with open arms and the willingness to support it at the polls?
Nope. Not even with the founders being careful to say “Boys and Men” instead of “Men and Boys.” It’s an effort no doubt, to appeal to mothers. A good move considering everyone knows that concern for men is minimal to non existent.
Don’t expect the wordplay to accomplish anything. This Council, birthed by the Trump Administration, will most likely be painted with a coat of fake misogyny by the left, then framed as such to women voters to reinforce the now wildly popular idea of women as a victim class. Women will eat that up like Godiva Chocolates, just as they have ever other anti-male, woman-as-victim narrative for the past 50 years.
None of this, in my opinion, is a matter of if, but of when. If it is not Kimmel at some point, it will be someone like him. If it’s not a President Warren, it will be someone like her. Can you imagine, in 10 or 15 years, a President AOC, a President Ilhan Omar or President Talib? If you don’t think that is possible, even likely, you haven’t been paying attention to current events.
Wanna dare to imagine the nightmare their Council on Boys and Men would be like, were it even allowed to exist?
That’s the thing about political solutions. They involve politics and politicians, neither of which can be trusted for any length of time.
As I said, I will be waiting and watching in the days ahead, ever clinging to the hope that all of this goes well; that The Council executes its mission according to the currently grand plan. And I will cheerfully shout out to anyone who cares to listen that I was overly pessimistic and wrong.
But I am not holding my breath. The plain truth is that we have an unremitting history proving, over and over again, that trusting your government will get you killed. That little bit of unflinching, unwavering reality is a reminder, or should be, that the answers to men’s problems isn’t the freaking government.
It’s in our hands, in our decisions, every day of our lives, to secure our rights with how we choose to live; with the decisions we make. There is no government and no government council that is going to save us. There may be, however, a government that will make things worse.
In fact, I think we can count on it.


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