7 Feb 2021

Jewish Israel’s Third Lockdown - A Spectacle Of Failure

'Despite The Jews leading the world mass vaccination experiment, their COVID transmission rate is among the worst in the Western world'

By ex-Jew Gilad Atzmon: Earlier this week, The New York Times praised Jewish Israel's mass vaccination experiment. “In the most extensive real-world test so far, The Jews have demonstrated that a robust coronavirus vaccination program can have a quick and powerful impact, showing the world a plausible way out of the pandemic. Cases of Covid-19 and hospitalizations dropped dramatically among people who were vaccinated within just a few weeks… early data suggests that the vaccines are working nearly as well in practice as they did in clinical trials.”

For one reason or another, the Jewish mediain occupied Palestine is not as enthusiastic as their poodle NY Times. On the penultimate day of Jewish Israel’s third lockdown, the most read Jewish online outlet, YidNet, carried the following headline: Spectacle of Failure: Third Lockdown Compared to Previous Ones.

The article unveiled the hopelessness and duplicitous nature of The Jews' COVID strategy and politics.

Money Printing Causes Racial Wealth Gap

Max and Stacy look at the new study out of the NY Fed showing that central bank money printing increases the racial wealth gap. Just as Keiser Report posited one hundred episodes ago. In the second half, Max interviews Mike Maloney of GoldSilver.com about the latest precious metals news.

Orwell's Final Warning - Picture 1984 = 2021

"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face forever.
The moral to be drawn from this dangerous nightmare situation is a simple one, don't let it happen, it depends on YOU." -George Orwell

“How True Is The Covid Narrative?” Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts Interviewed on The Freedom Channel by Soren Korsgaard 

Søren Roest Korsgaard of crimeandpower.com has a virtual sit down with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts to talk about covid-19.

"UK deaths from alcohol consumption in 2020 highest since records began.
...US unemployment is now actually 16.8%
 ...Big Pharma financed fake studies that had to be withdrawn, but were published in the prestigious British medical journal 'The Lancet' and US 'New England Journal of Medicine' and on the basis of these studies EU governments prevented the use of effective HCQ!
...I'm content to say this is all profit driven, but there are a large number of people, including experts, who say these vaccines contain elements that cause infertility."