22 Feb 2021

Coca Cola Training Employees To "Try To Be Less White"

Authored by Mike Shedlock:

Is Coca Cola sponsoring racism? 

That's the claim. You be the judge.

‘Try To Be Less White’

When I first saw this story I was highly skeptical. 

However, the training course is available online and Coca Cola is doing its best to try to back down from the course.

Next Up: Global Depression

Very few are prepared for this eventuality

By Charles Hugh Smith: A few days after the Covid pandemic was officially announced last year on 1/23/20, I prepared a chart projecting the course of the pandemic. In my view it still stands, with two updates: "vaccines months away" has been updated to "mass vaccinations months away" and "Wave 2" has been updated to "Wave 4." (see chart below)

The end-point--global depression--is up next. Very few are prepared for this eventuality because they put their faith in 1) central banks pursuing an insane folly and 2) a fragile, brittle global economy that was already teetering on the edge of destabilization before the pandemic.

Here's the central banks' insane folly in a nutshell: to create new enterprises and jobs, we'll blow the world's greatest speculative bubble into an even greater speculative bubble. So in other words, we'll further enrich the top layer of the Financial Aristocracy who own the vast majority of the assets we're pushing to the moon, and by some inexplicable magic, adding trillions of dollars, yuan, yen and euros to the wealth of this elite will somehow launch a thousand new thriving enterprises which will magically hire 500,000 new workers every month.

BBC Says “It’s Not In The Public Interest To Report On Causes Of Male Suicide” - Because Penis

'The BBC is institutionally guilty of discriminating against men.'

Hequal: Earlier this week we reported on the tragic case of Grant Townsend, a young man from Hull who sadly took his own life after being falsely accused of rape. In the article we noted the lack of national media coverage of the case, highlighting in particular the public service obligations of the BBC to report on the case (specifically the local BBC Look North and radio Humberside networks).

RIP - Grant Townsend

We’re pleased to say that our initial report is now somewhat outdated and sections of the media picked up on the story immediately after our article was published. On Wednesday the Daily Mail published an excellent article concerning the case, as did The Sun Newspaper. Notably, these two titles are the best selling newspapers in the country. Thankfully this wasn’t the end of the matter either, with the Daily Mirror catching up with the story on Thursday, and thus bringing it to a more left-leaning audience.