20 Sept 2021

Indian Province Of Utter Pradesh Covid-free Thanks To Use Of Ivermectin As A Preventative & Cure

In this large Indian province of 241,000,000 people, only 5.8% has been vaccinated, but Covid has disappeared.


The government attributes the defeat of the virus to its introduction of Ivermectin.


The corrupt and dishonest Western lame-stream media keeps this information from the people.

Your Schoolbooks Lied To You: What Happened After The Bolshevik Revolution

'Until about a dozen years ago, I had always vaguely assumed that Henry Ford’s The International Jew was a work of political lunacy and the Protocols was a notorious hoax.'

By Ron Unz: Although I always had a great interest in history, I naively believed what I read in my textbooks, and therefore regarded American history as just too bland and boring to study.

By contrast, one land I found especially fascinating was China, the world’s most populous country and its oldest continuous civilization, with a tangled modern history of revolutionary upheaval, then suddenly reopened to the West during the Nixon Administration and under Deng’s economic reforms starting to reverse decades of Maoist economic failure.

Leon Trotsky-Lev Davidovich Bronstein (1879-1940), 100 anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution, 1917-2017

In 1978 I took a UCLA graduate seminar on the rural Chinese political economy, and probably read thirty or forty books during that semester. E.O. Wilson’s seminal Sociobiology: The New Synthesis had just been published a couple of years earlier, reviving that field after decades of harsh ideological suppression, and with his ideas in the back of my mind, I couldn’t help noticing the obvious implications of the material I was reading.

A Hinge Moment Of History

'We are more dependent on acquainting ourselves with reality through the computer, which means that we are more dependent on a handful of woke billionaires to tell us what reality is.'

Authored by Mark Steyn: It was certainly the weirdest year. It began with a supremely weird decision by the entire world, except China and Sweden, to tank the global economy.

No one has ever done that before. The only major economic power to grow last year was China whose GDP is up by, I think, about 2.5 percent compared to declines everywhere else, including some actually catastrophic ones, such as 11% in the UK.

This decision to tank the entire global economy is something that strengthened China, the creator of the virus, and the exporter of the virus, and weakened any opposition to China -- and that is how they began.

This first year of the new weirdness ended with the United States government pretending that its principal threat is a domestic terrorism movement that does not exist.

Conquered By A Fake Pandemic, We Can Kiss America And All Western Democracies Good-Bye

Not content to ignore the evidence, they intentionally lie to us. ...We know that there have been tens of thousands of deaths and millions of injuries due to the covid vaccines. ...The civil liberties achieved over centuries of struggle have been lost to an orchestrated pandemic.

By Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: How obvious does it have to be before even insouciant Americans realize that there is something seriously wrong about the Covid vaccination program?  

One would think we are already past that point even for the mentally-challenged.

Consider the many things we now know that make it clear that the vaccination program is a horrendous mistake.

Did I Do A D.I.D? I Do Believe I did

DoctorRandomercam: I'm finding it hard to believe anyone about anything. But I can at least find inconsequential niche subjects to talk about, rather than globally ubiquitous tyrannies. Believe it or not, this is what fun is now.

This content is NOT SUITABLE for the emotionally undeveloped, e.g. Children, Political Partisans, Mainstream Journalists, Silicon Valley Tech Bosses and Israel. May not be recommended for pregnant women. Please consult your GP to find out if all of this is doing you any favours.