31 Jan 2012

Do We Need a Gold-Backed Ron Paul Dollar?

Ron Paul is America's leading voice for limited, constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, sound money.

California To Run Out Of Cash In One Month, Controller Warns

Tyler Durden's picture
If anyone is tired of the daily European soap opera with surrealistic tragicomic overtones, they can simply shift their gaze to the 8th largest economy in the world: the insolvent state of California, whose controller just told legislators has just over a month worth of cash left. 
From the Sacramento Bee: "California will run out of cash by early March if the state does not take swift action to find $3.3 billion through payment delays and borrowing, according to a letter state Controller John Chiang sent to state lawmakers today. The announcement is surprising since lawmakers previously believed the state had enough cash to last through the fiscal year that ends in June." ....uh, oops?

No Remote Control - Out of Control - UKIP

Out of Control Link
Apparently our current green policy amounts to cycling to work whilst your luggage is carried by a car following you in "the economics of the madhouse." How the EU is costing us the Earth

'Assad, you'll die like Gaddafi': Rebels want off with Syria head

Syria's opposition have made a chilling pledge to the country's leader. They have vowed President Bashar Al Assad and his family will be killed like Libyan leader Colonel Gaddafi, saying he's lost the chance of a peaceful exit. Fierce battles between government forces and rebel fighters are raging on the outskirts of the capital Damascus. Source

Starving Economy "True Nature of Money.. Paradigm Shift" Ned Naylor-Leyland - Max Keiser

Banking zombies and clowns and their magical thinking on zero rates while starving the economy of interest income. In the second half of the show, Max talks to Ned Naylor-Leyland about the silver, gold, backwardation, manipulation and more. Source

'CIA & Mossad penetrated Iran via UN nuclear mission'

U.S. Senate lawmakers have released a plan for a new round of sanctions targeting Iran's energy sector. The bill aimed at choking funds, used by Tehran to allegedly develop nuclear weapons, will be mulled over on Thursday. But while Washington shows no sign of easing up on Tehran, Iran's Foreign Minister has welcomed the extension of the IAEA mission in the country. A team of UN nuclear inspectors may now prolong their stay in Iran beyond the initially planned three days. The minister was optimistic about the possible renewal of nuclear negotiations saying the IAEA visit is a step towards easing the tensions. However, American Radio host, Ralph Schoenman is skeptical about the talks as he thinks the UN body is under too much western influence. Source

Mafia Banking Cartel Blackmail Greece into Antiquities Debt Pay Off Deal

Alex talks with author, journalist, and former Goldman-Sachs director Nomi Prins about the MF Global scandal and the decision by the strapped Greek government to rent out the country's antiquities in order to pay off a debt owed to international bankers. Parts 2 & 3>>

'DU destroying Afghans' gene pool'

The United States' use of radioactive munitions in Afghanistan has destroyed the people's health and mutilated the genetic future of the country, Press TV reports. Dr. Mohammad Daud Miraki, the author of Afghanistan After Democracy: The Untold Story Through Photographic Images, told Press TV's Kabul correspondent on Monday that the US has committed horrific crimes against the people of Afghanistan.
He said the US used depleted uranium in the country and Afghan babies were being born with severe deformities.

Indefinite detention and torture: US already enforcing NDAA

Not even a month after President Barack Obama signed his name to the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012, the US government is already using the legislation to justify its ongoing detainment of a prisoner at Guantanamo Bay.
Musa'ab al-Madhwani had barely entered adulthood when he first arrived at the military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba in 2002. But in the months between his capture in Pakistan and transfer to Gitmo, the Yemeni national experienced more than most would see in a lifetime. Before he turned 23, he says he was beaten and kicked, threatened with death and suspended by his hands in an underground torture chamber.
Now for the prisoner, about to celebrate the 10-year-anniversary of his arrival at Gimo, the rest of that lifetime looks to be spent behind bars thanks to the NDAA.

Infuriating Red Dragon: 'US to target China & Iran as primary threats'

America's decision to station its forces in the Philippines, as part of its new Asia strategy, is now threatening repercussions. The State-owned China Daily called on Beijing to enact economic sanctions against Manila, after it invited in U.S. troops in reaction to an escalating territorial dispute. Dr Pak-nung Wong of the City University of Hong Kong told RT that the Philippines is cashing in on regional instability. Source

The Past, Present and Future of Internet Censorship

In recent weeks the general public has mobilized to face US legislative threats to Internet freedoms. Far from a conclusive victory, however, the death of SOPA and PIPA only highlight the latest in a series of measures that are seeking to create a legal framework for government-administered Internet censorship. Source

IMF Austerity. "This will only hurt a bit." The Corbett report

James Corbett report on the true meaning of, austerity measures... Source

Michael Hudson, "In America and Europe, Crime has been Decriminalized"

Eurozone leaders are meeting, again...After talking about the eurozone crisis in Davos, they've moved to Brussels for an EU summit to...talk about it some more...blah blah blah. A lot of talk. When are we going to get something legitimate? Meanwhile, governments and banks are still in bed together - tangled up in their illicit love affair three years after the financial crisis began. We know the drill and we're sick of it. We are sick of socializing losses.

Libya Update "We want to go back to the way it was before the War!"

The situation in Bani Walid remains good (stable). BW is in the hands of the Warfalla Tribe, this is the largest tribe in Libya their home base is Bani Walid. Yesterday, they sent a number of police to BW, not rebel militia but police. My source seemed to think that this was a good thing.

SOPA: The Total End of Internet Freedom with Privacy Activist Katherine Albrecht

On the Monday, January 30th edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks with GCN radio host and privacy activist Katherine Albrecht. She has authored and co-authored six books, including the award-winning bestseller Spychips: How major corporations and government plan to track your every move with RFID and The Spychips Threat: Why Christians should resist RFID and electronic surveillance. She is the Director of CASPIAN Consumer Privacy (Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering), an 18,000-member grass-roots organisation. Part 2 & 3>>

In Landmark Case, Greek Court Writes Off Employed Bank Customer's Debt

Tyler Durden's picture
Think filing for bankruptcy is the only way to get debt discharge? Think again, at least in Greece. While previously we have reported that Greek courts had written off "untenable" debts of unemployed Greeks owed to local banks, Kathimerini describes a landmark case which may have profound implications for the indebted country, in which a fully employed woman has had the bulk of her debt written off. From Kathimerini: "In what could turn out to be a significant ruling for Greeks suffering from the economic crisis, a court in Hania, Crete, has become the first in the country to order that the majority of the debt owed to banks by someone still in full employment be wiped out.