19 Apr 2012

Vicious Circle of Bankster Huddles and The Wall Street Mafia - Max Keiser with Matt Taibbi

Huddles and cuddles with the Goombahs of Wall Street and the technical violations that cannot be called by name. In the second half of the show Max talks to Rolling Stone journalist, Matt Taibbi, about the Wall Street mafia, their small and big time rackets and the process of writing these crime stories for a wide audience. Source

The Father Of All Infographics: Visualising America's Derivatives Universe

Tyler Durden's picture

A month ago we presented the latest derivatives update from the OCC, according to which the Top 5 US banks held 95.7%, or $221 trillion of the entire US derivative universe (which in turn is just a modest portion of the entire $707 trillion in global derivatives as of June 30, 2011). And while the numbers of all this credit money, because that's what it is, and the variation margin associated with all these trillions in bets is all too real, appeared impressive on paper, they did not do this story enough service. So to present, visually this time, the US derivatives problem, we go to our friends from Demonocracy, who put the $229 trillion derivative 'issue' in its proper context. For those curious what a paper equivalent of bailing out the US derivatives market would look like, now you know.>>

Death Of The West: Cultural Marxism And The Frankfurt School + Steven Pinker on Taboos, Political Correctness, and Dissent + WAR AGAINST BOYS - Feminism without Mercy + An Informal Conversation with GirlWritesWhat about MGTOW, Feminism and Stuff...

By : Bill Lind deconstructs the deconstructionists of the Frankfurt School, explaining their “critical theory” and exposing their efforts to translate economic Marxism into cultural terms.  There is a civil war for the soul of the West.  It is a cold war for our culture.  The Left has defined the rules by which this war will be fought, and it is called political correctness.  I don’t believe we will kindly oblige them.


 Steven Pinker on Taboos, Political Correctness, and Dissent
TheFIREorg: FIRE President Greg Lukianoff interviews Harvard psychology professor and bestselling author Steven Pinker about his books, the crucial role dissent plays in keeping society sane, the special importance of free speech on campus, and the origins of political correctness. Professor Pinker, a member of FIRE's Board of Advisors, is the author of The Blank Slate, The Better Angels of our Nature, and The Stuff of Thought.

Read more at http://fir.ee/O22F9R.


Produced by Ted Balaker. Interview by Greg Lukianoff. Camera by Darby Duffin and Kyle Laffey. Music by audionautix.com.


WAR AGAINST BOYS - Feminism without Mercy
CBLucePolicyInst: Christina Hoff Sommers discusses the war against boys, feminism, and gender equity at this University of Pennsylvania Law School event. Source

An Informal Conversation with GirlWritesWhat about MGTOW, Feminism and Stuff...

Payday Monsanto
From Russia With Love

Edited by AA

Iran Halts Oil Supply To Germany, Bans Imports From 100 EU Companies

Iran has stopped oil exports to Germany and declared a ban on imports from 100 European Union companies in retaliation to the EU embargo on Iranian crude imports which will come into force in July, the Press TV has reported.

Deputy president of Iran Trade Promotion Organization Sasan Khodaei said in an interview with the Press TV that Tehran had imposed sanctions on 100 EU companies.
The US and its European allies are imposing tighter sanctions on Iran, the second-biggest producer in the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). The West accuses Iran of taking steps toward building a nuclear weapon, which the Islamic republic denies.

Attacks on RT and Assange reveal much about the critics

Glenn GreenwaldA new news show hosted by Julian Assange debuted yesterday on RT, the global media outlet funded by the Russian government and carried by several of America’s largest cable providers. His first show was devoted to an interview with Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah (video below), who has not given a television interview since 2006. The combination of Assange and a Russian-owned TV network has triggered a predictable wave of snide, smug attacks from American media figures, attacks that found their purest expression in this New York Times review yesterday of Assange’s new program by Alessandra Stanley.Much is revealed by these media attacks on Assange and RT — 

Julian Assange
not about Assange or RT but about their media critics. We yet again find, for instance, the revealing paradox that nothing prompts media scorn more than bringing about unauthorized transparency for the U.S. government. As a result, it’s worth examining a few passages from Stanley’s analysis. It begins this way: When Anderson Cooper began a syndicated talk show, his first guest was the grieving father of Amy Winehouse. Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, unveiled a new talk show on Tuesday with his own version of a sensational get: the Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.

CIA seeking authority to radically expand covert drone campaign in Yemen

(Image credit: USAF Photo/Lawrence Crespo)
The American Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is now seeking new authority to expand their covert bombing campaign, which is carried out via unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs, better known as drones), including the power to murder suspected terrorists in Yemen even when they do not know who the people they are killing actually are.
That’s right, according to U.S. officials quoted by The Washington Post they want to launch attacks “against terrorism suspects even when it does not know the identities of those who will be killed.”
Keep in mind, Yemen is also where U.S. President Barack Obama first flexed his muscles by carrying out the extrajudicial assassination of Americans.
The CIA is seeking permission to use so-called “signature strikes” which give them the ability to bomb targets based on nothing more than “intelligence indicating patterns of suspicious behavior.”

Nigel Farage: There Are Going to Be Serious Banking Collapses KWN Audio Interview - Update: Euro Break-Up Just a Question of How

"I think the deterioration, in the last two or three weeks, in the eurozone is very serious indeed.  It’s the bond spreads in Italy and Spain.  It’s the fact that youth unemployment is now over 50% in some of these Mediterranean countries.  

It’s riot and disorder on the streets.  And yet a month ago I was here and there was Herman Van Rumpuy telling us, ‘We’ve turned the corner.  Everything is solved.  There are no more problems with the eurozone.’  What a pack of jokers they look like.”

Jim Rickards on the Goals of Federal Reserve Policy: Inflation and Financial Repression

James J Puplava CFP with Jim Rickards
Jim RickardsJIM: Joining us as my special guest on the program today is James Rickards. He’s senior managing director at Tangent Capital and also author of the bestselling bookCurrency Wars: The Making of the Next Global Crisis.
And Jim, I want to begin our discussion today on something that you did recently; you submitted a testimony to the Senate Banking Committee’s Subcommittee on Economic Policy called Retirement Insecurity: Examining the Retirement Savings Gap. And what I thought was rather unique about this, Jim, is that in the past the Fed has been held in high regard by Congress, the administration, by the public at large — in fact, I can remember days where they used to grovel every time Greenspan appeared before Congress and the same thing with Bernanke. In your testimony, you’re casting some doubt as to the effectiveness of that policy. Let’s begin with that. [1:33]
JIM RICKARDS: Well, the Fed has had this zero interest rate policy in place since 2009. It took them a while to get there; they started cutting rates in 2007 and actually got down to zero by December 2008; so using 2009 as a starting point, 2009, 2010, 2011, now into 2012, so it’s over three years. And the Fed is telling us they intend to keep it in place for three more years: 2012, 2013, into 2014. So if they stick to that, that’s going to be six years of zero interest rates. That’s completely unprecedented. We've never seen anything like that before in the history of monetary policy in the United States, and it’s not working. I mean unemployment is still high, the output gap is still large, growth is not back to trend, employment — that is, just the total number of people who have jobs, leaving aside percentages — is about where it was in 2000. We haven't really added any jobs net since 2000, over 12 years.

Agitated airport patron strips naked to protest TSA

'Soft fascist USA' TSA asks airport patrons to slip off their shoes, unbuckle their belts and empty their pockets before being screened at security checkpoints. John E Brennan didn’t see a reason to stop there.
Brennan, 50, was arrested Tuesday evening at the Portland International Airport in Oregon for engaging in what was a ballsy protest, to say the least. According to the man, agents with the Transportation Security Administration were harassing him as he readied to board a flight. While the TSA officers’ exact actions are likely to not be debated until Brennan’s day in court, the way in which the would-be flier protested their behavior is something more suitable for a bathhouse than a busy airport. Unhappy with how the TSA was conducting their screening, Brennan stripped naked at the security checkpoint in plain view of the airport’s other patrons. According to police that spoke with CNN, Brennan was asked “numerous times” to put on his pants, but the naked man had already made up his mind. Eventually the authorities arrested Brennan and charged him with disorderly conduct and indecent exposure.
"When interviewed about his actions, Mr. Brennan stated he fly's (sic) a lot and had disrobed as a form of protest against TSA screeners who he felt were harassing him," reads the police report filed for the incident. "Mr. Brennan's actions caused two screening lanes to be closed and while some passengers covered their eyes and their children's eyes and moved away from the screening area, others stepped out of the screening lanes to look, laugh and take photos of Mr. Brennan.”

Debt-ridden Countries IMF'd as "Euro Collapse" threat lures Bailout Bucks with Michael Hudson

European banks are under pressure to raise capital and the Euro could collapse triggering panic in financial markets and another great depression. These are all warnings coming out of the international monetary fund. Central banks haven't been waiting -- they appear to be moving away from the euro by buying more gold.