Elbow From The Sky On JPMorgan

Via NYTimes.com: "The trading losses suffered by JPMorgan Chase have surged in recent days, surpassing the bank's initial $2 billion estimate by at least $1 billion (and counting), according to people with knowledge of the losses.

Zionism, Jewishness and All That Jazz - Double Standards + Gilad Atzmon Liberating People

Human rights NGO Amnesty International join forces with Al Qaeda in Syria. The battle to keep Greece in the Euro continues as EU leaders do all they can to fight the wishes of the people of Europe. We also talk to Gilad Atzmon, Jewish novelist, journalist and saxophonist, about Lebanon, Palestine and censorship. These and much more are all reviewed in this edition of Double Standards with Afshin Rattansi.

The Secret Plan for a New Europe

On behalf of the Government of the tips of the European institutions to develop a plan behind the scenes for a new, more stable EuropeThe price could be the splitting of the EU. By F. Eder, A. Ettel, J. Hildebrand and S. Jost

Google translation: A first hint of Angela Merkel, he risked. "It is of course possible to think about how we move forward over the next five to ten years," the Chancellor said this week, with a view to Europe. "If we are constantly thinking bans imposed, this will not work." This was a test balloon. He rose to go unnoticed. Still, hardly anyone suspects that Merkel's words could soon take on a very far-reaching decisions.
After the last two horror-week stands for Government and the EU's top personnel determine that you are not alone with short-term anti-crisis progresses. The euro crashed in recent days, recorded in the meantime just over $ 1.23, their lowest point in two not years. At the same time, the risk premiums on government bonds climb from Spain and Italy to record levels. The crisis is back with a vengeance.

German lame stream media propaganda against Pirate Party momentum

By Georg Lentze: Its success in Germany's biggest state election last month has cemented the Pirate Party's status as the coming force in German politics.
The party took nearly 8% of the vote in North Rhine-Westphalia, meaning it is now represented in four of Germany's 16 state legislatures.
But German media and many commentators remain sceptical over its policies, and its ability to overcome internal divisions.
In its public statements, this new liberal political force now has much broader concerns than just the rights of citizens in a "digital society".
Policies include:
  • Calls for a guaranteed basic income for everyone
  • Action against racism and right-wing extremism
  • Free education at all levels; free local public transport
  • Abandoning nuclear power
  • Equal status for marriage and registered partnerships between two or more people
  • Legalisation of drugs
  • Separation of state and church
But local press(-titutes) reports on the Pirates' first steps in Berlin's state assembly paint the picture of a party grappling with its own principles and struggling to shed its single-issue image.

Rudolf Steiner - The Polymath Philosopher

The depth and spectrum of Steiner has to put him in the league of the world's greatest people.
From Wikipedia: Rudolf Joseph Lorenz Steiner[2] (25/27 February 1861[3] -- 30 March 1925) was an Austrian philosopher, social reformer, architect, and esotericist.[4][5] Steiner gained initial recognition as a literary critic and cultural philosopher. At the beginning of the 20th century, he founded a spiritual movement, Anthroposophy, as an esoteric philosophy growing out of idealist philosophy and with links to Theosophy.

Protestors Unite Behind Alex Jones at Bilderberg 2012

All the latest breaking news from the Infowars team on the ground in Chantilly, Virginia. Source

As Soros Starts A Three Month Countdown To D(oom)-Day, Europe Plans A New Master Plan, Germany 4.0

Tyler Durden's picture
What would the weekend be without at least one rumor that Europe is on the verge of fixing everything, or failing that, planning for a master fix, OR failing that, planning for a master plan to fix everything. Sure enough, we just got the latter, which considering nobody really believes anything out of Europe anymore, especially not something that has not been signed, stamped and approved by Merkel herself, is rather ballsy. Nonetheless, one can't blame them for trying: "The chiefs of four European institutions are in the process of creating a master plan for the euro zone, the daily Die Welt reports Saturday, in an advance release of an article to be published Sunday. Suggestions targeting a fiscal, banking, and political union, as well as structural reforms, are being worked out by E.U. Council President Herman van Rompuy, E.U. Commission chief Jose Manuel Barroso, Eurogroup Chairman Jean-Claude Juncker and European Central Bank President Mario Draghi, according to the article. The plan is to be presented at a summit of European leaders at end of June, the article says."

Less than credible sources report that Spiderman towels (which are now trading at negative repo rates) and cross-rehypothecated kitchen sinks are also key components of all future "master plans" which sadly are absolutely meaningless since the signature of Europe's paymaster - the Bundesrepublik - is as usual lacking. Which is why, "the plan may well mean that the euro zone adopts measures not immediately accepted by the whole of the European Union, the article adds." So... European sub-union? Hardly strange is that just as this latest desperate attempt at distraction from the complete chaos in Europe (which will only find a resolution once XO crosses 1000 as we and Citi suggested two weeks ago and when the world is truly on the verge of the abyss), none other than George Soros has just started a 3-month countdown to European the European D(oom)-Day.
From Reuters:
Germany and its central bank are unlikely to lead the way out of the euro zone debt crisis within three months time, after which it will be too late, U.S. billionaire George Soros said on Saturday.

Greek Prisoners Starving Due to State Budget Cuts

By :  Amidst the deepening financial crisis, the state budget for many prisons has decreased to a minimum for some months now resulting in hundreds of detainees being malnourished and literally surviving on the charity of local communities, aProto Thema article reveals.
The latest example is the prison in Corinth where there’s a supply stoppage from the nearby military camp, and prisoners are about to starve reports prison staff, since not even one grain of rice has been left in their warehouses. The prison staff reports they haven’t received any state funds for the last three months.
A few days earlier, the commander of the camp announced to prison management the transportation stoppage, citing lack of food supplies even for the soldiers, and had shut down the last source of supply for 84 prisoners. The response of some Corinth citizens was immediate as they took it upon themselves to support the prisoners, since all protests to the Justice Ministry were fruitless.