10 Aug 2012

'NATO after opportunity to enter Syria'

A political analyst says NATO is silent over the situation in Syria because it awaits the opportunity and the perfect pretext to enter the Arab nation. Source

Black Panther Veteran Warns of A Trojan Horse or "Fascist Swine" Named Obama

Alex welcomes veteran of the Black Panther Party, former Minister of Interior of the Republic of New Africa, and author-activist Larry Pinkney to discuss a host of various topics. Source

Fatal Distraction (Part I) "Bombing Sudan, Clinton and Lewinsky"

Yvonne Ridley investigates the US bombing of a pharmaceutical factory in Sudan and its connection with the Lewinsky scandal during the Bill Clinton administration. Source

Introducing the Gulf State Despots: 10 Facts about Saudi Arabia

Tony Cartalucci: The Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC) comprises of 6 nations, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, and Oman. In principle, Kuwait and Bahrain are considered “constitutional monarchs,” in practice, all 6 are despotic autocracies with Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, and Oman overtly “absolute monarchs.” Devoid of even a feigned semblance of representative governance, these regimes brutally repress not only their own subjects, but play active roles in repressing the people of other nations, both on their borders and well beyond them. Saudi Arabia and Qatar are playing an active role in crushing dissent in neighboring Bahrain – an opaque uprising obscured by a lack of Western media coverage apparently the result of Western press houses conveniently ignoring unrest targeting governments linked to Western interests, while intentionally subverting nations opposed to Western interests.

Abolish the IRS...

By The government can't even manage the money they have and THEY WANT MORE??!!!! Source

London is the ‘global capital of money-laundering’

Britain is still the money-laundering capital of the world, according to a special six-page investigation published in this fortnight’s Private Eye.
Richard Brooks, a former tax inspector responsible for Private Eye’s groundbreaking exposés of corporate tax avoidance, turns his attention to the dirty money flowing through our banks and tax havens.
Weeks after a US senate committee slammed Britain’s biggest bank, HSBC, for facilitating vast money-laundering operations, including washing money from Mexican drug cartels, he finds that light-touch banking regulation and a thriving network of tax havens, have made Britain the centre of an embezzlement industry that steals billions from the world’s poor.
Brooks has spent months tracking high-profile corruption cases as they make their way through British courts. He zeroes in on one of the most outrageous cases, that of James Ibori, former governor of the Delta State in Nigeria, who between 1999 and 2007, funnelled £200m of pounds of state money through British banks to fund an outrageously lavish lifestyle.
While many Nigerians went without basic education and social care, Ibori spent stolen loot on a Bentley, private school fees for his children, properties in Hampstead, a fleet of armoured Range Rovers and dozens of gambling trips to Las Vegas.

Euro Crisis Morphs into Generational Conflict "Trust no one over 30!"

People vs. banks, north vs. south, and rich vs. poor? While all of these conflicts may be real, one of the biggest issues of the euro crisis is rarely discussed: Older people are living at the expense of the young, and it's high time the next generation took to the streets to confront their parents

"Que se vayan todos," or "Away with all of them," became one of the slogans chanted by the tens of thousands of "Indignados" in Spain at protests last year. In addition to their eponymous outrage, many had one thing in common: Most were young and viewed themselves as victims of the crisis.
They might have been more specific and instead chanted: "All the old people must go!" This phrase would apply because, in many ways, the euro crisis is also a conflict between generations -- the flush baby boomers in their fifties and sixties are today living prosperously at the expense of young people. Intergenerational equity -- measured among other things by levels of direct and hidden debts and pension entitlements -- is particularly low in Southern Europe. In a 2011 study of intergenerational equity in 31 countries by the Bertelsmann Foundation, Greece came in last place. Italy, Portugal and Spain didn't do much better, landing in 28th, 24th and 22nd place respectively. Currently, the unequal distribution of income and opportunities is particularly distinct:
  • The employment market collapse has hit young Europeans much harder than older generations. In Greece and Spain more than half of those under age 25 are unemployed -- twice the rate of older workers. Things are even worse in parts of southern Italy, where youth unemployment has risen above 50 percent.
  • One reason for this situation is unequal employment circumstances. Older Spaniards and Italians, for example, profit from worker protection laws preventing them from getting fired that are quite strong by international comparison. But almost half of young Italians and 60 percent of young Spaniards are on temporary employment contracts and can easily lose their jobs.
  • The burdens and risks of the euro bailouts are also mainly borne by young people. Ultimately, growing national debts and bailout funds worth billions will be financed through bonds that won't be due for many years to come.

Constantin Gurdgiev on "Dictator Draghi" & "the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" of Europe!

Last May, we spoke about the bailout of Bankia and other problems emanating from Spain. This led us to question whether we would see a "Spexit" before a "Grexit." Can we now add "Brixit" to the list? The latest addition to the Euro-exit-speculation family has been making headlines. We talk to Constantin Gurdgiev about whether the "Brixit" is just the next catchy phrase or if there is substance behind it.

Who are the US 1% & what they do?

The top one percent of the world financial pyramid is protecting the one percent and they are causing major damage to the 99 percent