27 Oct 2012

A Visual Guide To The Federal Reserve + Keynesian Evolution

Here is another perspective by WilliamBanzai7

"Go South, Young Man": The Africa Scramble

Tyler Durden's picture  
While those in the power and money echelons of the "developed" world scramble day after day to hold the pieces of the collapsing tower of cards in place (and manipulating public perception that all is well), knowing full well what the final outcome eventually will be, those who still have the capacity to look, and invest, in the future, are looking neither toward the US, nor Asia, and certainly not Europe, for one simple reason: there is no more incremental debt capacity at any level: sovereign, household, financial or corporate. Because without the ability to create debt out of thin air, be it on a secured or unsecured basis, the ability to "create" growth, at least in the current Keynesian paradigm, goes away with it. Yet there is one place where there is untapped credit creation potential, if not on an unsecured (i.e., future cash flow discounting), then certainly on a secured (hard asset collateral) basis. The place is Africa, and according to some estimates the continent, Africa can create between $5 and $10 trillion in secured debt, using its extensive untapped resources as first-lien collateral.

Sirte Al-Qaeda and the Looting of Libya + detailed background - Libyan Expat

By Libya descends into barbarity. And with death lurking, the grand theft goes on unopposed.

EU crisis: Riots in Spain and Greece - Max Keiser with Nicole Foss

"The Titanic has already hit.. we are rearranging deck chairs and locking the third class passengers below decks!" Nicole Foss from theautomaticearth.com. as she talks about the ongoing global debt deflation and what's next for Europe and US in terms of government and Central Bank policy to stop the collapse. Nicole M. Foss is co-editor of The Automatic Earth, where she writes under the name Stoneleigh. The site integrates finance, energy, environment, psychology, population and real politik in order to explain why we find ourselves in a state of crisis and what we can do about it. Source

A Golden Opportunity - Ludwig von Mises Institute

By : The euro debt crisis in Europe has presented Germany with a unique opportunity to lead the world away from monetary destruction and its consequences of economic chaos, social unrest, and unfathomable human suffering. The cause of the euro debt crisis is the misconstruction of the euro that allows all members of the European Monetary Union (EMU), currently 17 sovereign nations, to print euros and force them on all other members. Dr. Philipp Bagus of King Juan Carlos University in Madrid has diagnosed this situation as a tragedy of the commons in his aptly named book The Tragedy of the Euro. Germany is on the verge of seeing its capital base plundered from the inevitable dynamics of this tragedy of the commons. It should leave the EMU, reinstate the deutsche mark (DM), and anchor it to gold.

Superb Hugh Hendry Interview on Gold, Hyperinflation, Treasuries, Stocks, Japan, China, Real Assets

Mish: Here is an excellent interview at The Economist Buttonwood Conference featuring Hugh Hendry. You may have to enter your email address to play, but I doubt it has to be accurate as there was no verification process.

The interview is well worth a play in entirety, covering Gold, Hyperinflation, Treasuries, Stocks, Japan, China, and Real Assets. It's the best interview I have seen lately.

Watch live streaming video from theeconomist at livestream.com

Putin Is the New Global Shah of Oil

By Marin Katusa: Exxon Mobil is no longer the world's number-one oil producer. As of yesterday, that title belongs to Putin Oil Corp – oh, whoops. I mean the title belongs to Rosneft, Russia's state-controlled oil company.
Rosneft is buying TNK-BP, which is a vertically integrated oil company co-owned by British oil firm BP and a group of Russian billionaires known as AAR. One of the top-ten privately owned oil producers in the world, in 2010 TNK-BP churned out 1.74 million barrels of oil equivalent per day from its assets in Russia and Ukraine and processed almost half that amount through its refineries.
With TNK-BP in its hands, Rosneft will be in charge of more than 4 million barrels of oil production a day. And who is in charge of Rosneft? None other than Vladimir Putin, Russia's resource-full president.
TNK-BP has been an economic dream, producing many billions in dividend payments for its owners – but it has been a relations nightmare. The partners have fought repeatedly. In 2008 Russian authorities arrested two British TNK-BP managers amid a dispute over strategy that forced then-CEO Bob Dudley (who now heads BP) to flee Russia – and that is just one of many partnership scandals.

Qatari Emir The Most Powerful Person In Libya - Libyan Expat

By Flooding Libya with weapons, and paying off the Militias is the recipe for control, with an underlying aim of destroying the tribal community for the sake of commercialisation. Source

The Seventy Percent Of Pissed Americans!

Whoever expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization expects what never was and never will be.
-Thomas Jefferson

Bipartisan usually means that a larger-than-usual deception is being carried out.
-George Carlin

The Seventy Percent
By Mike Krieger: People are going to be pissed off no matter who wins this election and that is a very important social dynamic I believe is vastly under appreciated by the majority of mainstream pundits and analysts out there.  This is also very distinct from the environment that prevailed in 2008.  Four years ago, the financial markets were crashing and the economic future of America was circling the toilet bowl, yet a majority of Americans embraced the potential of a young, inexperienced biracial politician from Illinois who was saying all of the right things.  Despite the gigantic disappointment he has proven to be as President, there is no denying that he had all of the Democrats and most Independents under his spell on this day four years ago.
Fast forward to 2012 and the county isn’t “divided” as mainstream media talking heads like to say.  The country is pissed off.  Genuine and legitimate frustration permeates the land from sea to shining sea and rightly so.  Ever since the banker coup of 2008, crony capitalism has been institutionalized as the only real way to make money.  If you aren’t connected or “too big to fail,” sorry but America isn’t the place for you.