6 Dec 2012

Economic and Political Lessons from 1775, a Good Time for Revolution + US Dollar Has Cancer

When Timothy Geithner was asked if the administration is prepared to go over the Fiscal Cliff if Republicans do not agree to raise taxes on the wealthy (those earning 250,000 dollars per year or more), he responded "Absolutely." But when it comes to the US economic problems, does the tax debate or the Fiscal Cliff debate begin to scratch the surface of the crisis? We talk to Former Republican strategist Kevin Phillips, about lessons we can learn from 1775, the subject of his latest book.

"A dark day for our democracy" Matt O’Connor F4J + Our Blueprint for Family Law in the 21st Century

Last month Matt O’Connor, founder of Fathers4Justice sent a letter on behalf of the membership to Mr Nick Walker, Clerk of the Justice Committee in the House of Commons to set out our position. As you won't hear much about it from the presstitutes.

  1. We represent 36,000 registered families and are the world’s largest equal parenting group.
  2. On current projections, in 2014 we will have a larger membership base than the Liberal Democrats.
  1. Despite this, Fathers4Justice have been denied any representation on any government group or working party looking at family law reform since our inception in 2001. It is unthinkable that such an overwhelming constituency of people could be denied representation if they belonged to any other group in society.
  2. A Ministerial Working Party set up to consider these reforms was neither gender balanced or representative. It comprised of nine women and just two men.
  3. It should be a prerequisite for the committee to hear the testimonies of the people we represent given we are the largest group. Token submissions are insufficient.
  4. Historically F4J has repeatedly been denied the opportunity to give any oral testimony to MP’s.
  5. In 2004 when the Parliamentary Select Committee on Family Law were considering the matter, Sir Alan Beith (the chairman of this committee), refused to give Fathers4Justice the opportunity to give oral testimony on this matter.
  6. Sir Bob Geldof also refused to participate at that hearing. He said that if we were not invited to give oral testimony, the committee could command no respect or legitimacy as it was denying a voice to the largest constituency of parents affected by decisions made in secret family courts.

US Debt - Visualized in physical $100 bills

By : US Debt Ceiling is @ $16.4 Trillion
Original US Debt Visualized article:
Fiscal Cliff Visualized article:
Economic Infographics:
How can you help?
To help pay off the US Federal Government debt you can go to https://www.pay.gov/ and pay/donate as much as you like.


"F4J have more members than the Lib Dems!"
By NADINE O'CONNOR OF F4J ON VOICE OF RUSSIA WITH OTHER GROUPS DEBATING FAMILY LAW REFORMS Nadine O'Connor from Fathers4Justice with Ken Sanderson from Families Need Fathers and Nick Woodall from the Centre for Separated Families and a solicitor. Remarkable debate about proposed 'changes' to family law. Three remarkable admissions; One, that FNF is not a 'fathers rights' organisation. Two, that the Centre for Separated Families opposes shared parenting. Three, that the person with the biggest cojones in the room and the only one asking for equal rights and campaigning for the 3 men in the room was the woman from F4J. Source

"Listen up UK!" Scum & Snooki - Max Keiser with Tim Street

Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert peer into the British future and see a future of scum villages and royal baby Snookies as Bank of England executive, Andy Haldane, says the loss of income caused by banks is as bad as World War 2.  The Artist Taxi Driver explains what austerity means to the UK. And, while admitting the nation's wealth has been lost to banker crimes, the cover up continues as Lord Stevenson, formerly of HBOS, claims it was mere incompetence that saw the bank nearly collapse. In the second half, Max Keiser talks to Tim Street of UK Uncut about the protest group's successful campaigns against Starbucks and other multinationals. They also address how to stop every new tax dollar being sucked straight into the black hole of bank's fraudulent debt schemes. Source

Greek Unemployment Hits Escape Velocity

Tyler Durden's picture It took one month for the 2013-2014 Greek medium-term unemployment target rate to be hit. The target rate? A grotesque, all time high 26%. Because as Elstat reports, this is what Greek unemployment already was in the month of September. Which means that at the time Greece was preparing its latest "Third Greek Bailout" projections in November, the rate was already well above the long-term target. Elstat also tells us that in September, the total number of actively employed Greek workers (including government) was a tiny 3,695,053. The number of persons unemployed: 1,295,203, while the inactive ranks swelled to 3,373,692. As a reminder, last month's 25.4% unemployment rate has been promptly surpassed in a few weeks. Finally, that powderkeg of conflict, youth unemployment, was a jawdropping 56.4%.

Egypt in Turmoil - Al Ahram Foreign Editor

By Why did Morsi cause so much trouble for himself and Egypt? Will we ever know? Source

The UN asks for control over the world’s Internet

AFP Photo / Emmanuel Dunand
"Somebody clamps a deep packet inspection thing on your cable which reads every packet and reassembles the web pages, cataloguing them against your name, address and telephone number either to be given to the government when they ask for it or to be sold to the highest bidder – that's a really serious breach of privacy,”Tim Berners-Lee 

RT: Members of the United Nation’s International Telecommunications Union (ITU) have agreed to work towards implementing a standard for the Internet that would allow for eavesdropping on a worldwide scale.
At a conference in Dubai this week, the ITU members decided to adopt the Y.2770 standard for deep packet inspection, a top-secret proposal by way of China that will allow telecom companies across the world to more easily dig through data passed across the Web.
According to the UN, implementing deep-packet inspection, or DPI, on such a global scale will allow authorities to more easily detect the transferring and sharing of copyrighted materials and other protected files by finding a way for administrators to analyze the payload of online transmissions, not just the header data that is normally identified and interpreted.

The fiscal cliff hoax: a ruse to rob us

By Nora Claypool: Mainstream media is having a field day with the fiscal cliff threat, with its usual flourish of fear mongering on tax matters and all things budget related.
However, the voices of reason are resonating among some who deny any real financial dangers exist since the government is hiding trillions of dollars from us in the usual esoteric way they do business.
Enter Walter Burien and the Comprehensive Annual Financial (CAFR), a second set of books hidden from the public that fully discloses the massive amounts of liquidity governments at federal, state and local levels have squirreled away and carefully not mentioned to us.
These off-budget funds are composed of profits our government has made through investing our tax dollars in large corporations. The federal government owns 70 percent, in some cases, of the global corporations who suck huge profits out of the world economy and engage other nations in conflict for nefarious reasons, such as control of key resources.
Some ten years have passed since Walter Burien, an accountant in New Jersey, stumbled upon the CAFR while looking over the Budget and Finance reports of that state.
He discovered huge discrepancies connected with the N.J. Turnpike and other cash generating state owned projects which produced revenues that were not listed in the state budget as income.
There were $188 billion in liquid funds that were never disclosed to the public. What he effectively uncovered through gaining access to the CAFR was the huge swindle government has been perpetrating on us, taking our tax dollars and investing them for profits, and keeping those profits for themselves rather than using them fairly to increase services or reduce taxes.

DARPA-funded MIT program could pave the way for actual Transformers

By Madison Ruppert: Thanks to a grant from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) – the Pentagon’s research agency behind mind-bending projects like weaponized hallucinations – the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has begun to develop miniature robots that may eventually pave the way for something like the fictional Transformers.
DARPA getting behind this type of research is hardly surprising given their new focus on robots that can approach human beings in their efficiency, increasingly lifelike humanoid robots, cheap robots capable of changing apparent shape and temperature, unbelievably fast legged robots, mind-controlled robots, etc.
In a recent MIT press release, they characterize their newly developed reconfigurable robots as the “robot equivalent of a Swiss army knife” since this technology could have a wide range of uses.
The researchers dubbed the tiny robots milli-motein, which is described as “a name melding its millimeter-sized components and a motorized design inspired by proteins, which naturally fold themselves into incredibly complex shapes.”
Indeed, as you can see in the below video, the design, conceived by Neil Gershenfeld, head of MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms, visiting scientist Ara Knaian and graduate student Kenneth Cheung, is quite clearly inspired by proteins, thus giving the tiny robots potentially limitless applications:

Home thoughts from Uruguay

By Dave Truman: Last year was the first time that I came to this country. Nestled between the two South American giants of Brazil and Argentina, Uruguay is often overlooked by gringo travelers,who, if they do come here at all, rarely venture beyond Montevideo, or the plush resort towns of its eastern coast.
When I came here in 2011, my first sight of the country was when I crossed the bridge on foot that marks its northern frontier from Brazil’s Rio Grande do Sul. I was welcomed by a single border policeman, who shook my hand enthusiastically.
Hmm, I thought, that’s not the sort of welcome you get when you cross the border into Britain or the US these days. Maybe this country is going to be different?
There is something reassuringly old-fashioned about the rural hinterland that makes up most of the land-mass of Uruguay. I don’t mean that in a patronizing way at all. I had grown up in northern England of the 1960s, a period of rapid change, when everything “old fashioned” had been swept away by the advance of a pristine plastic modernity. The problem was, of course, that the plastic soon faded and cracked.
From the perspective of the twenty-first century, what was once seen as inviolably modern, now looks jaded and is as worn out as the promises our politicians made at the time about the “white heat of technology” transforming our lives. In fact, it wasn’t the physical surroundings so much as the disruption and dismantling of our communities that brought about the most fundamental transformation for us.
Those changes are now in their terminal stages in my northern home country. Here, in rural Uruguay, for now at least, that is most certainly not the case.