16 May 2013

Apartheid: 'US media keep American people unaware of Israel crimes'

Press TV has conducted an interview with Johnny Punish, writer and political commentator, Mexico, about the issue of Israeli troops attacking Palestinians marking the 65th anniversary of Nakba Day. Source

European Commission Raids Oil Companies in Price-Fixing Probe - Everything Is Rigged, Continued

By Matt Taibbi: We're going to get into this more at a later date, but there was some interesting late-breaking news yesterday.
According to numerous reports, the European Commission regulators yesterday raided the offices of oil companies in London, the Netherlands and Norway as part of an investigation into price-rigging in the oil markets. The targeted companies include BP, Shell and the Norweigan company Statoil. The Guardian explains that officials believe that oil companies colluded to manipulate pricing data:

The commission said the alleged price collusion, which may have been going on since 2002, could have had a "huge impact" on the price of petrol at the pumps "potentially harming final consumers".
Lord Oakeshott, former Liberal Democrat Treasury spokesman, said the alleged rigging of oil prices was "as serious as rigging Libor" – which led to banks being fined hundreds of millions of pounds.

Sacred Dow - Max Keiser with John Butler

Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert behold the Sacred Dow, worshipped by economists and analysts around the world and to which whole economies and jobs have been sacrificed to keep it rising. They compare the Japanese bond market to Fukushima. Markets have become so distorted by manipulation, they argue that like godzilla, one day the market will go where it needs to go and it will smash down buildings and economies with it.

CAMERON & THE MANIPULATORS - Why a whore never turns on his pimps

The Slog: Last night, UK Prime Minister David Cameron “threatened” to prosecute the four oil giants who stand accused (along with intermediary price reporter Platts) of manipulating the oil price for their own advantage – if they’re found guilty. Why is he only threatening to do so? And why did he only threaten to do so after the EC had already caught them at it?
Let me give you a simple answer to each question. Cameron can only threaten, because energy providers – like bankers – are more equal before the law than the rest of us. And he has only made the threat after the EC went ahead with their raids because there is no way any British government would risk evoking the ire of these criminal sociopaths. Mr Cameron, and most politicians at his level, are nothing more than ordures on the shoes of oilmen.
Consider where the trail leads on this oily little racket. Platts is a wholly owned subsidiary of McGraw Hill. McGraw Hill also owns, um, Standard & Poors. S&P has within its gift the ability to say Britain is doing well (gilt yields fall) or Britain is heading down the sh*tter (gilt yields rise → Britain goes bankrupt → D Cameron out of a job). Stand by for an intervention from Boris Johnson along the lines of this being a deliberate EC plot to destroy Old Blighty by increasing its borrowing costs.

Russian Pacific Fleet Warships Enter Mediterranean For First Time In Decades, To Park In Cyprus

Tyler Durden's picture Earlier we reported that the US has now officially landed a Marine force in Israel as well as an assault ship, in a visit that the US Navy promptly assured "is not associated with, nor a reaction to, any world events." It seems we were not the only ones who read this justification somewhat skeptically: so did Russia. And in a historic event, the Russian Pacific fleet, for the first time in decades, crossed the Suez Canal and entered the Mediterranean, direction Cyprus' port of Limasol (hi Cyprus - Russia will be arriving shortly) in what is now the loudest implied warning to the US and Israel amassing military units across Syria's border that Russia will not stand idly by as Syria is used by the Israeli "Defense" Forces for target practice. “The task force has successfully passed through the Suez Channel and entered the Mediterranean. It is the first time in decades that Pacific Fleet warships enter this region,” Capt. First Rank Roman Martov said. This is what is also known as dropping hints, loud and clear.

An honest Israeli Jew tells the Real Truth about Israel + Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse - with UK MP William Hague + This Is Terror!

muslimsandtheworld: Miko Peled was born in Jersusalem into a well known and influential Israeli Zionist family. His father was a famous General in the Israeli Army, of which Miko also served his time. When Miko's niece was killed by Palestinian suicide bombers, you may have expected the family's emotions to be directed at the Palestinians, but surprisingly they blamed the state of Israel, and their brutal torturing and persecution for driving people to such despair that they would take their own lives.

Trade With Bowles

http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8c/Giotto_-_Scrovegni_-_-27-_-_Expulsion_of_the_Money-changers_from_the_Temple.jpg/487px-Giotto_-_Scrovegni_-_-27-_-_Expulsion_of_the_Money-changers_from_the_Temple.jpgMost people don’t know it, but Jesus had one heck of a right… and a pretty good uppercut tooNotice the original Mt. Gox version 1.0 table overturned.

Trade with Dave: Things are heating up in the Bitcoin/JPMorgan/Means Testing world and if you ask Dave the Fed is officially in the game via the Department of Homeland Security.
Dave has written numerous times in the past about the Hegelian synthesis of Bitcoin.  To put it in a single sentence, Bitcoin loses a bit of its utility if the internet goes away and the internet goes away if PGP gets cracked.  The irony of that, if you ask Dave, is that the only distributed computing network with the power to hack PGP will be the Bitcoin network in the next couple of decades.  Hmmm?

Statement on UK fuel price fixing investigation

liarpoliticians: Liberal Democrat environment secretary Ed Davey gives a statement on the EU doing raids on UK fuel companies that are alleged to have been fixing he petrol and diesel fuel prices for years. Source

Lions And Tigers And Terrorists, Oh My!

By Brandon Smith: The debate over what actions actually constitute “terrorism,” I believe, will become one of the defining ideological battles of our era. Terrorism is not a word often used by common people to describe aberrant behaviors or dastardly deeds; however, it is used by governments around the world to label and marginalize political enemies. That is to say, it is the government that normally decides who is a “terrorist” and who is a mere “criminal,” the assertion being that one is clearly far worse than the other.
The terrorist label elicits emotional firestorms and fearful brain-quakes in the minds of the masses. It causes the ignorant and unaware to abandon principles they would normally apply to any other malicious enterprise. They begin to reason that a criminal should be afforded justice, while a terrorist should be afforded only vengeance, even though the act of branding a person a “terrorist” is often completely arbitrary. This vengeance is usually pursued by any means. Thus, the terrorist moniker becomes a rationalization for every vicious and inhuman policy of the establishment, as well as for the citizenry.

The Invention of Israel with Shlomo Sand + the Real Truth about Israel

Afshin Rattansi: We talk to India's Prime Minister about why he would buy weapons from visiting British Prime Minister David Cameron. Our reporter goes to the new drone headquarters in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. We talk to the author of The Invention of the Land of Israel, Shlomo Sand, about his latest book.