1 Soldier beheaded outside a London army barracks - Obvious retaliation to the USA/UK's >1,000,000 mass murdering war of terror?

Cameron said at a press conference with French President Francoise Hollande that there were "strong indications that it is a terrorist incident."
Armed police who responded to incident have also reportedly shot and injured two people, one of them seriously.
Witnesses said a man was assaulted on John Wilson Street in Woolwich by two men who were then shot by armed police officers.
Officers were called to the area at around 2:20 pm and the surrounding area has been cordoned off by police.
Witnesses said the dead man was attacked with a machete and then dumped on the street.

Swedish Youth Riots Enter Third Day

Tyler Durden's picture Sparked by the police shooting of a machete-wielding 69 year-old man, traditionally calm-and-collected Sweden is suffering amid its third night of riots. It seems underlying tensions from high youth unemployment and rising nationalism against the nation's large immigrant population have been catalyzed by this seemingly unrelated event.
As the Daily Mail notes, immigrant ghettos have been created where unemployment is high and there are few opportunities for residents with left-leaning commenters adding that the riots represented a 'gigantic failure' of government policies, which had underpinned the rise of ghettos in the suburbs - "We have failed to give many of the people in the suburbs a hope for the future."

Crumbling UK economy vs booming stock market

liarpoliticians: The FT's Gillian Tett, ex-US labor secretary Robert Reich, and CityAM's Allister Heath discuss the Ponzi UK stock market, propped up by massive quantitative easing fraud performed by the British Government / Bank of England, and the rest of the British economy which continues it's collapse (paying for the criminal bankers and criminal government). Source

Waking Up to $4,000/oz Gold…And Nothing Offered

bill holterThe Doc:We will go to bed with Gold at $1,500 and wake up with it $4,000 bid…and nothing offered“- Reg Howe This quote by Mr. Howe sounds crazy.  It sounds impossible and sounds like the rantings of a raving lunatic right?  Well, no it doesn’t.  Actually, I believe that something resembling this will not only happen but has to happen.  Logically, mathematically and just pure structurally an event very similar is locked, loaded ready for the trigger to be pulled.
“We will go to bed with Gold at $1,500 and wake up with it $4,000 bid…and nothing offered”- Reg Howe (many of you know him, some of you don’t but we all owe him a debt of gratitude).  This quote by Mr. Howe sounds crazy.  It sounds impossible and sounds like the rantings of a raving lunatic right?  Well, no it doesn’t.  Actually, I believe that something resembling this will not only happen but has to happen.  Logically, mathematically and just pure structurally an event very similar is locked, loaded ready for the trigger to be pulled.  But how can I say this?
All you have to do is look at the supply and demand of both Gold and Silver.

Genocidal Israel: death of 12-year-old Palestinian boy did not happen in 2000

Press TV: Apartheid Israel has further outraged the bereaved family of a twelve year old Gazan boy who was killed in September of 2000 by Israeli gun-fire which was captured on film by a French camera crew.

‘Don’t interact, don’t talk, they are not humans’ - Gitmo guard's basic orders

Detainees participate in an early morning prayer session at Camp IV at the detention facility in Guantanamo Bay U.S. Naval Base (Reuters / Deborah Gembara)
RT: One of the methods used to extract information from Muslim inmates in Guantanamo was to apply sexual interrogation techniques, Terry Holdbrooks, former guard at the camp has told RT.
Such a degradation methods, the former US soldier said, were used on innocent men. Holdbrooks, who wrote a book about GITMO prisoners, claims that it is the inmates’ religious perseverance in the face of pain and humiliation made him convinced that US was not fighting for the right cause.
RT: What did you experience at the detention camp that changed you?
Terry Holdbrooks: To be honest with you I would not even know where to begin with that. Initially seeing religion practiced the way that the detainees practice Islam is a really life changing experience in itself. I have not really seen any kind of any serious devotion, the faith like that growing up in the US.
The torture and information extraction methods that we used certainly created a great deal of doubt and questions in my mind to whether or not this was my America. But when I thought about what we were doing there and how we go about doing it, it did not seem like the America I signed up to defend. It did not seem like the America I grew up in, I grew to believe in. And that in itself was a very disillusioning experience. There was a great deal of personal growth that took there as well.

A Virtual Weimar: Hyperinflation in a Video Game World - Ludwig von Mises Institute

By : As virtual fantasy worlds go, Blizzard Entertainment’s Diablo 3 is particularly foreboding. In this multiplayer online game played by millions, witch doctors, demon hunters, and other character types duke it out in a war between angels and demons in a dark world called Sanctuary. The world is reminiscent of Judeo-Christian notions of hell: fire and brimstone, with the added fantasy elements of supernatural combat waged with magic and divine weaponry. And within a fairly straightforward gaming framework, virtual “gold” is used as currency for purchasing weapons and repairing battle damage. Over time, virtual gold can be used to purchase ever-more resources for confronting ever-more dangerous foes.
But in the last few months, various outposts in that world — Silver City and New Tristram, to name two — have borne more in common with real world places like Harare, Zimbabwe in 2007 or Berlin in 1923 than with Dante’s Inferno. A culmination of a series of unanticipated circumstances — and, finally, a most unfortunate programming bug — has over the last few weeks produced a new and unforeseen dimension of hellishness within Diablo 3: hyperinflation.

Breakin' Convention Park Jam

Breakin' Convention park jam recap [Holiday Monday May 6th, Spa Fields Park, Angel, London.

Female Supremacy + Cultural Marxism for Dummies + Solipsism Destroying Civilisation

manwomanmyth: Female Supremacy is the manifest purpose of Feminism. But what does it look like and how do we assess its progress? This film looks at a selection of 15 examples of insidious Female Supremacy.