….or everything will end up in the sewer.
The Slog: The chart (for which I’m indebted to Irish Slogger Christo)
the list of countries in
trouble at the moment is very long indeed. The ones below the arrow at
7.5% unemployment (roughly the alleged US rate) marked with a red dot
are those which have been following austerity policies recently, and/or
work to a heavily Globalist Friedmanite economic model. The ones marked
with a green dot I have set to one side, as I would say they have
socio-economic and political problems that are not really part of the
‘mainstream’ crisis of neoliberal capitalism: Egypt, South Africa,
Argentina and so forth.
As you can see, those economies heading south are somewhat replete
with red dots. The entire collection of peripheral, central and southern
States within the eurozone are represented: and the more ‘help’ they’re
being given by Brussels-am-Berlin, the higher their employment rate is.
Only sixteen countries on the planet in 2013 have below 5%
employment. Only one is in the EU. None of them are pursuing either
austerity or Friedmanite neoliberal economic policies.
I venture to offer the opinion that what we have here is a failing
model, and an urgent need for new ideas about how to stop a quickening
spiral down the plughole.