29 Nov 2013

The Failures And Blockages Of The UK Chilcot (Iraq) Inquiry

Molucca Media:: George Galloway and Gayatri Pertiwi present Sputnik: 'Orbiting the world' on Russia Today. David Davis PC MP interviewed on the failures and blockages of the Chilcot (Iraq) inquiry.

Rosiland Wiseman, the boy whisperer

By Rosiland Wiseman is the author of Queen Bees and Wannabees, a book published in 2009 addressing feminine relational aggression from the point of view of teenage girls and their parents. It is an important book which not only served as the basis for the Hollywood movie Mean Girls, it’s one I’ve got on order from Amazon. But Wiseman isn’t content to rest on past accomplishments, she’s also just published a book about boys addressing some of the issues they face every day. It’s called Masterminds and Wingmen, published in September of 2013. While researching for the new project, she interviewed at least several hundred high school aged boys, to get a picture of the world they inhabit, and some impression of their experiences.
Truly, this author is breaking new ground, covering a topic never explored in depth by any significant writer or researcher. Except, of course, for Dr. Warren Farrell, who wrote a better version of the same book in 1993, called The Myth of Male Power. Also except for the dozens of books following in the space opened by Dr. Farrell two decades ago. But now, somebody from the mainstream is going to jump on the “me-too!” bandwagon. Well, almost. What Rosiland Wiseman appears to be saying is that she’s discovered a new planet: Guy World.

What is so important to me, that I want adults to realize is boys have deep connections with people. They want meaningful relationships. They fall in love, and when betrayals happen, and they DO, or when breakups happen, they are in deep amounts of pain. They often don’t share that with other people but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

Writing On The Wall As Troika, ECB Split On Greece And Spanish bank Lending Collapses

By John Ward: For some time now, The Slog has been pointing out the inevitability of Greek default next Spring unless there is a change in the stony-faced attitude of Brussels-am-Berlin. A week ago, a Merrill Lynch note at last started debating the ‘inconvenient truth about Greece’. Now it transpires that secret negotiations between Athens and the Troika are under way about the promised then unpromised debt relief, and whether a further bailout of banks will be possible.
Nobody as yet wants to acknowledge the stream of urine bursting forth from the elephant to drown everyone in this room: that the ‘recovery’ hype is exactly that, and under the terms of Bailout2 the Greek debt just keeps getting bigger. But that consideration becomes irrelevant once the inevitable repayment failure occurs. And despite the pressing nature of inevitability, frankly the eurozone powers are all over the place about what to do: the divisions are deeper than ever.

Chinese Jets Shadowed US And Japanese War Planes In New Air Defense Zone

Jian-10 fighter jets of China Air Force (Reuters / Petar Kujundzic)RT: Chinese fighter jets were scrambled and followed US and Japanese planes that had entered the Chinese air defense zone in the disputed area of the East China Sea, Xinhua reports.
Two US surveillance aircraft and 10 Japanese F-15 jets were ‘tailed’ by Chinese pilots on Friday.
China ordered an urgent dispatch of its Su-30 and J-10 fighter jets to an area in the East China Sea after the foreign aircraft “invaded” the air defense zone, they said. 
The reported intrusions came in defiance of the East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ), established by Beijing last week.
China’s move has triggered outrage from several states in the region and critical rhetoric from the US, as the vast zone covers disputed areas, including the islets claimed by both China and Japan. 
Earlier on Thursday, the Chinese Air Force conducted its first air patrol flights over the zone, as Japan and South Korea sent their own military aircraft into the zone's airspace in an act of defiance.
China has stressed its decision to enforce the airspace identification zone - which requires all aircraft flying over or near it to identify themselves - follows common international practices and “is a necessary measure in China’s exercise of self-defense rights.”

Note for Jamie Kilstein on Male Privilege

By So a friend of mine sent me a video by Jamie Kilstein on “male privilege.” I watched it carefully, and left a few comments. I thought I would share with you here.
I hope my comments on his YouTube channel are allowed to stand, but either way, I thought readers here would be interested in the video and my response to it. Here’s basically what I said:
Hi Jamie.
I’m a man, I try not to be a dick, I don’t hate women, I don’t hate gays, I’m not afraid of being thought of as gay, and I’m definitely not a feminist.
For your information, as a man you are more likely to be the victim of violent assault on the streets than a woman is. That’s part of the female privilege you don’t seem to be aware exists. Being told to shut up about men’s issues because women are talking is another part of the female privilege you don’t seem to be aware exists.

Bitcoin Now Worth More Than Gold

Tyler Durden's picture UPDATE: ... And then Bitcoin collapses 13% minutes later...

It seems the growing tensions in Asia (Japan-China sabre-rattling and Indian capital controls) have prompted more great rotation out of fiat and into digital currency as China/India markets open. For the first time ever, the price of one unit of Bitcoin exceeds the price of an ounce of gold...

Karzai Condemns US Over Another Killed Toddler, Threatens Not To Sign Security Deal

RT: President Hamid Karzai has blamed 'Kill List' Obama the Nobel prize winning baby bomber for another drone strike on a home in southern Afghanistan that killed a 2-year-old child and wounded two women, vowing that he will not sign a key bilateral security deal if such attacks continue. Apparently misandrist, he wasn't too worried about the men (the modern second class citizens of the world) who were also slaughtered at the scene, Just the women and kids.
This attack shows that American forces are not respecting the life and safety of Afghan people’s houses,” Karzai said in the statement Thursday. For years, our innocent people have become victims of the war under the name of terrorism, and they have had no safety in their homes.”
Karzai made it clear that he will not sign the security agreement if such oppressions by foreign forces continue.”

An Open Letter To Misandrist Natasha Stott Despoja

By : Dear Ms. Stott Despoja,
I refer to the address you gave at the National Press Club on behalf of the Foundation to Prevent Violence Against Women and their Children (27 Nov 2013)[1].
Firstly let me say that I strongly support preventing violence and I do understand that violence against women and children is an important issue that needs to be addressed.
Violence or abuse of any type is unacceptable in a civil society.  However, framing domestic violence, family violence, intimate partner violence, child abuse, elder abuse and sexual assault as “violence against women and their children” (a term you further entrenched today by repeating it 17 times in your address) contravenes principles of equality, tolerance and understanding by viewing all such violence as part of a false dichotomy, reinforcing essentialist stereotypes of violent male perpetrators and passive female victims.
For over 50 years this feminist theory (the Duluth Model, a gendered paradigm) has guided policy and service delivery in Australia and other developed nations. Yet, given the “shocking statistics” you quoted, can it be seen as anything other than an abject failure?
Perhaps you can explain why, when quoting from gender inclusive data sources such as the National Homicide Monitoring Program and the ABS Personal Safety Survey you find it necessary to ignore a principle you otherwise exposé, gender equality, by only citing the data for female victimization?

Gerald Celente on Economic and Military Trends Across The Globe

AJ: David Knight is joined via Skype by Gerald Celente of Trends Journal to discuss the global financial outlook and the history of Governments crashing markets to control a populace.

The Matterhorn Interview: Dimitri Speck

GoldSwitzerland: Part One: The coordinated effort to suppress the gold price - Dimitri Speck

Lars Schall met up with Munich based quantitative market research analyst and author Dimitri Speck. Dimitri also serves as a consultant to the US-based Gold Antri-Trust Action Committee (GATA).