1 Jan 2014

Women, Time For You To Man Up

By Ladies, do you have moral agency?
As the opening of this article, this is a rhetorical question. But in the post-legal world created by 3 generations of feminism, it’s not a rhetorical question. Are you (a woman) a moral agent?
Of course, the opponents of the human rights of men and boys have a long history of feigned incomprehension of the arguments of this movement, so an explicit definition of terms is necessarily included here.
Moral agency is an individual’s ability to make moral judgments based on some commonly held notion of right and wrong and to be held accountable for these actions.[1] A moral agent is “a being who is capable of acting with reference to right and wrong.”
Men, as the word is commonly used, are universally moral agents. Even bad men, those vilified in our media based on improper behavior, or criminal behavior, are moral agents. They are held accountable for their actions and speech. Picture any recent celebrity dragged over the coals of public censure, tearfully or earnestly apologizing in a press-conference-of-atonement.
But the question, for women, is apparently different. Elin Woods, ex-wife of the golf superstar apparently routinely assaulted her ex husband using a variety of weapons, including a golf club. Accountability for her? Nope. She was the victim. Pay no attention to that satisfied smile on her face as she made off with millions of the dollars earned by the superstar athlete she “caught” having sex with women who didn’t regularly initiate violence against him.

Jim Rickards on Gold: Declining Prices Versus Skyrocketing Demand

bloomberg: Money: the coming collapse of the international monetary system" will be out in april. 

I love that your covers have money doing funny things. 

It took a long time to teach those dollars how to shoot. 

All kidding aside, you just heard from a colleague, su keenan, tracking a lot of these various moving parts in the market. 

You were, like many, mistaken among right? 

With gold, however not about the dollar or oil. 

What do you see coming? 

Gold investors are happy 2013 is over. 

What is interesting is that we all know the price action down about 30% for the year, but the physical demand is through the roof. 

I recently came back from switzerland after i met with refiners and gold stewards and they said they are working triple shifts to produce gold. 

A New Year's Hangout with Three Notorious, Rape Apologizing, Woman Hating Kitten Eaters

Paul Elam: It is time for a discussion about what we are sure will be known as the Year of Absolute EVIL.
You are welcome to join the Shit Stirring Superstar of Siamese Slaughter, John Hembling, the Duchess of Doom, Lady of Labia Traitors, Karen Straughan, and the Humongous -- the One and Only Overlord of Awful, Paul Elam, for a special New Year's Day Hangout, where we will undoubtedly be stepping all over each other, perhaps even getting violent, to compete for the position of Highest Evil in our sinister coven.
Either that, or we will have a few laughs and speculate about how far feminists will take stupid in the coming year.

Historic Misandry: The “Yonic Cultus” 1887

No Misogyny But True Equality
By And now let us come to the main point in dispute [about female privilege]. I have made no “impeachment of women in general.” What I have impeached is the ascendency of women as a privileged caste or class. What I maintained is that whatever may have been the disabilities of women in earlier stages of society, in our modern bourgeois society (Western Europe and its colonies), there is an increasing tendency to erect women into a “sacra-sacred” class, the members of which are to be exempted from all the disagreeable consequences of their own actions, to have the criminal law suspended in their favour, to win in every civil suit, to be treated as martyrs and heroines every time a slight inconvenience befalls them. This is what I term the modern 19th century form of the Yonic cultus.
Mrs. Besant will not take me seriously when I state that men have been given six months for protecting themselves against their wives’ violence. Yet this is literally true. The case I had in my mind occurred, if I remember rightly, about March last. The exact date I forget, but I noticed it in the Commonweal at the time. About a year-and-a-half ago there was a case at Highgate (as far as I recollect), in which a woman actually attacked her husband, who was an invalid and I think a cripple, with a knife, inflicting serious injury, and was let off scot free.

NSA Boss Video ‘Most Hated’ On YouTube in 2013 + Al-Data-USA

RT: A YouTube video in which NSA boss Keith Alexander tries “to set the record straight” on the agency’s spying antics has nosedived. The half-hour interview triggered a wave of criticism from users, branding it the most hatedvideo on YouTube.
In the wake of whistleblower Edward Snowden’s revelations on the massive espionage programs of the NSA, the spy agency has been hard pressed to defend its reputation. Since the security leaks emerged in May, the NSA has embarked on a campaign to clear its name. As part of the push, the US Defense Department published a video on YouTube in October seeking to justify the agency’s spy campaign.

The Great Money Trick - The BBC Sucks O Cocks News

The artist taxi driver
"Robert Tressell story 100 Years Old."

The Great Reset: Retirement Pensions, Aging Populations & Gov Control

By Susanne Posel: Occupy Corporatism - Retirement is becoming a global problem that is a great concern for the international community. However, there are factor that are manufacturing the conditions for an unsustainable elderly population.

The crisis has been explained by 3 elements:
1. Nations are reducing retirement benefits
2. Corporations are not participating in matching retirement funds for employees
3. Young people cannot afford to save their money as the cost of living continues to rise

Failing budgets on the governmental level is contributing to the crisis as European nations and the US lead the pack in pumping retirement funds to diverted areas of government; essentially paying Peter with money borrowed from Paul.

Throughout history, from ancient Rome to the creation of Social Security in the US, governments have been changing policies concerning retirement to control how the aging population is allowed to live out their remaining years.

‘Children In Cages’: Rampant Israeli Torture And Sexual Violence Against Palestinian Kids!

RT: An Israeli human rights organization has accused the country of torturing Palestinian minors, with reported cases of public caging as well as threats and acts of sexual violence.
The Public Committee Against Torture in Israel (PCATI) condemned Israel’s failure to protect Palestinian minors from the alleged torture. The group demanded authorities introduce specific provisions for the protection of all children against torture in Israeli domestic law.
The human rights group states that international law against torture, as outlined in the Istanbul Protocol Manual on the Effective Investigation and Documentation of Torture, is not reflected by Israel’s domestic legislature.
PCATI argues that “torture is a means of attacking an individual’s fundamental modes of psychological and social functioning” as described in the Istanbul Protocol. Furthermore, “torture can impact a child directly or indirectly. The impact can be due to the child’s having been tortured or detained, the torture of parents or close family members or witnessing torture and violence.”

How Will The US Economy Improve In 2014 If Almost Everyone Has Less Money To Spend?

Piggybank - Photo by Damian O'SullivanBy Michael Snyder: Is the U.S. consumer tapped out?  If so, how in the world will the U.S. economy possibly improve in 2014?  Most Americans know that the U.S. economy is heavily dependent on consumer spending.  If average Americans are not out there spending money, the economy tends not to do very well.  Unfortunately, retail sales during the holiday season appear to be quite disappointing and the middle class continues to deeply struggle.  And for a whole bunch of reasons things are likely going to be even tougher in 2014.  Families are going to have less money in their pockets to spend thanks to much higher health insurance premiums under Obamacare, a wide variety of tax increases, higher interest rates on debt, and cuts in government welfare programs.  The short-lived bubble of false prosperity that we have been enjoying for the last couple of years is rapidly coming to an end, and 2014 certainly promises to be a very "interesting year".

US Greatest Threat To World Peace: Poll

The United States has topped the list in an international opinion poll as the greatest threat to world peace.
UK BANNED Press TV: According to a worldwide opinion poll conducted by Win/Gallup International, twenty four percent of people worldwide said the US is the biggest threat to the world.
The poll, which collected opinions from about 68,000 people in 65 countries, recorded some of the strongest anti-American sentiment in countries widely regarded as US rivals.
54 percent of respondents in Russia said the US is the greatest threat to peace and 49 percent of Chinese held the same view.
In Latin America, the US topped the list for a significant number of respondents in Mexico (37 percent), Brazil (26 percent) and Peru (24 percent).
Amongst US allied countries, Greece and Turkey (45 percent each), Pakistan (44 percent) and Mexico (about 37 percent) believed the US is the greatest threat to peace.

Remembering 2013 with Kayla Williams, Medea Benjamin, Kelley Vlahos

RT: What was the dominant news story of the year? Who changed the world in 2013? Who disappointed and surprised us the most? And did the world become a better or worse place in 2013? Peter Lavelle CrossTalking with Kayla Williams, Medea Benjamin and Kelley Vlahos.