20 Feb 2014

6 More Palestinians Injured In WB Clashes By Apartheid Regime

A Palestinian Authority (PA) official says six Palestinians were injured in clashes after Zionazi apartheid land thieves 'settlers' attacked a school south of Nablus in the north of the occupied West Bank.
UK Banned Press TV: The attack took place against Burin High School on Thursday, according to PA official Ghassan Daghlas, Ma'an News Agency reported.
It led to the subsequent intervention of dozens of villagers and Israeli forces, who fired tear gas during the clashes. Daghlas added that dozens of Palestinians suffered from excessive tear gas inhalation.
A day earlier, settlers hurled rocks at schoolchildren in the village of Burin and beat up a 50-year-old man in a similar attack on the village.
Settlers frequently attack a number of local villages and prevent farmers from reaching their lands, according to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA).
In 2013, there were 399 incidents of zionazi 'settler' violence against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, according to the UNOCHA.

Institutionalized Misandry: Diversity in Higher Ed - Are We All Equal?

Angelo: Our thanks to Aubree Ritter for forwarding this interesting report that lends clear statistical support to the MRM's assertions regarding gynocentric misandric culture that is rapidly leading to men and boys attendance in higher education plummeting towards 35%. Another astonishing example of the retarded nature of our western bankocracies where the poor in our own nations be damned and the real issues facing society ignored whilst simultaneously we have unlimited funds for immediate and constant illegal military adventures overseas for the crony corporate 0.01%'s benefit with our marvelous new fascist piddle down ponzi fiat economics.

By bestcollegesonline: Despite efforts to increase diversity in schools, minorities and lower-income families still find themselves behind when it comes to getting a degree. Just how far behind are they?
The Pendulum Has Been Swung By Cultural Marxism From Mild Misogyny To Rampant Misandry. Women Have Reaped All The Benefits.

Steal Money In The Future & Benefit Today - Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert with Jenny Jones

Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the last contagion in London, where even if an investor lives 200 fricking years, he'll never discover the vampire squid's true nature. They also cover the spate of banker suicides and the wholesale merger of high finance with heavy industry.

Authoritarian Regimes (Like the U.S. and Britain) Treat Reporters Like Terrorists

The U.S. Government Condemns Authoritarian Regimes Which Use Anti-Terror Laws to Stifle Journalism
By WashingtonsBlog: It is widely known that authoritarian regimes use “anti-terror” laws to crack down on journalism.
But this extreme tactic is becoming more and more common.  The Committee to Protect Journalists reported a year ago that terrorism laws are being misused worldwide to crush journalism:
The number of journalists jailed worldwide hit 232 in 2012, 132 of whom were held on anti-terror or other national security charges. Both are records in the 22 years CPJ has documented imprisonments.
The American government has rightly condemned such abuses.  For example, the U.S. State Department noted last April:
Some governments are too weak or unwilling to protect journalists and media outlets. Many others exploit or create criminal libel or defamation or blasphemy laws in their favor. They misuse terrorism laws to prosecute and imprison journalists. They pressure media outlets to shut down by causing crippling financial damage. They buy or nationalize media outlets to suppress different viewpoints. They filter or shut down access to the Internet. They detain and harass – and worse.

29 Percent Of All U.S. Adults Under The Age Of 35 Are Living With Their Parents

Why Are So Many Young Adults Moving Back In With Mommy And DaddyBy Michael Snyder: Why are so many young adults in America/the west living with their parents?  According to a stunning Gallup survey that was recently released, nearly three out of every ten adults in the United States under the age of 35 are still living at home with Mom and Dad.  This closely lines up with a Pew Research Center analysis of Census data that looked at a younger sample of Americans which found that 36 percent of Americans 18 to 31 years old were still living with their parents.  That was the highest level that had ever been recorded.  Overall, approximately 25 million U.S. adults are currently living at home with their parents according to Time Magazine.  So what is causing all of this?  Well, there are certainly a lot of factors.  Overwhelming student loan debt, a depressing lack of jobs and the high cost of living are all definitely playing a role.  But many would argue that what we are witnessing goes far beyond temporary economic conditions.  There are many that believe that we have fundamentally failed our young people and have neglected to equip them with the skills and values that they need to be successful in the real world.
More Americans than ever before seem to be living in a state of "perpetual adolescence".  As Gallup noted, one of the keys to adulthood is to be able to establish independence from your parents...

60 Minutes: Who Has The Softer Heart?

By The American news show “60 Minutes Overtime” notes how ideological feminism has polluted, and continues to interfere with, sound science, including medical science.

The Twisted Motives Behind Political Correctness

By Brandon Smith: As I have confessed in the past, in my early years I found myself active in the Democratic Party and the general liberal methodology. I had no understanding of the concept of the false left/right paradigm. I had no inkling of the dangers of globalism and central banking. I had no concept of decentralization or non-participation. I had never even heard of libertarianism. I knew only that George W. Bush was a criminal (and I was right), but the problem went far deeper than the GOP. I was astoundingly ignorant of the bigger picture.
However, what I did have going for me was an almost violent sense of nonconformity. I hated collectivists, yet I found myself surrounded by them while working within the leftist culture. It was the insanity of self-proclaimed “liberals” that taught me the true nature of the facade of politics. When I realized that the Democrats were essentially the same corrupt entity as the neoconservatives, everything in my life changed.
One aspect of liberalism with which I am now very familiar is political correctness. I didn’t understand it at the time, not until I stepped outside the cultism of it and looked in from a wiser place. It always bothered me, but I couldn’t quite grasp why until later. Then, it hit me like a revelation. Political correctness was not a political ideology. No, it was a religion, a full-fledged spiritual con, a New Age ghetto of frothing mishmash that is sociological voodoo. And the leftists were eating it up like steak night at an all-you-can-eat buffet.

The Truth About Slavery: Past, Present and Future

Stefan Molyneux: Stefan uncovers the obscured and barbaric history of Slavery to unearth important lessons that can and will shape the future. What is the truth about slavery?