2 Apr 2014

The British Brainwashing Corporation (aka The BBC) Slammed For "giving opinions and scientific fact the same weight" (aka False Coverage Of Climate Change)

A UK parliamentary committee has released a damning report, criticizing the state-run British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) for its unbalanced and false coverage of climate change.
Orwellian UK BANNED Press TV: The report by the parliamentary Science and Technology Committee found that the BBC had used unqualified experts instead of scientists to give their views on the issue.
In addition, the committee said the BBC’s use of climate lobbyists has blurred the lines between scientific facts and belief-based opinions.
Committee chair Andrew Miller said it was “disappointing that the BBC does not ensure all of its programs and presenters reflect the actual state of science in its output," adding, BBC’s news teams, including Radio 4’s Today program continue to make mistakes in their coverage of climate science by giving opinions and scientific fact the same weight.”
The parliamentary panel also criticized British newspapers, including The Daily Telegraph  and The Daily Mail  for their coverage on global warning. The committee said published opinion pieces in these publications “are frequently based on factual inaccuracies which go unchallenged.”
Furthermore, the committee censured Prime Minster David Cameron’s government for failing to effectively raise public awareness of the climate science.

How to Change the World: Part One

By This is an  extraordinary moment. Whether it will be ceased with the alacrity it offers is up to you.  Perhaps because of my background as a former member of the “main-stream” media I offer these suggestions. It is true it was not always main-stream in a sense, for a time it was “alternative” or “progressive” radio. In other words, I reported in a major U.S. city about NSA spying on long-distance telephone conversation monitoring for key-words back in 1974 via “Zodiac” news service.  Nothing new there at all.
Nevertheless, I did move on to more main-stream broadcast radio and TV news as a director of news departments. After leaving the daily news business, I have been involved in various “men’s and boys” issues for a long time and was responsible for new legislation in this regard. As well of course, bringing the issue of male victims of domestic violence to the forefront of the public consciousness not only through my books, but in hundreds of “main-stream” media appearances or radio talks.
So, we come to this moment in history.  As have most of you, we are vitally and rightly concerned about what is going on in the campus environment and the Dept. of Education and U.S. Justice department. (The Justice Dept. new definition of “rape” and what it means and who was behind it-”Feminist Majority” has yet to be written about or noticed by C.H. Sommers, Cathy Young, Kathleen Parker, James Taranto or anyone else save me in When Women Sexually Abuse Men but that will come in time I am sure).
The extraordinary moment is the recent RAINN statement opposing and offering concrete alternatives to the current campus witch hunt. RAINN is the Rape Abuse Incest National Network. A key quote here:

The Female Aristocracy

Sargon of Akkad: This video is a satire of the fallacious logic used in establishing that women are victims.

Professor Adèle Mercier: It Wasn’t Rape, He Was Asking For It? @queensjournal

By There appears to be an ongoing campaign to discredit the Men’s Human Rights Movement by claiming we are violent and dangerous. It started with an unsubstantiated allegation that a Men’s Rights Activist threatened and then physically assaulted a feminist student. Despite the fact that to date no eyewitnesses, camera footage, or any other corroborating evidence that any MRA was involved in any physical altercation at Queen’s University, this report is now being used to try to deny any need for men to have their voices heard and issues explored free of feminist monitoring and approval.
In a letter to the editor dated March 31, published in the Queens University Paper, Andrew Howard argues that men should not create their own spaces to address their issues outside of feminist oversight. Among other things, he uses the unsubstantiated insinuation that some MRA must have battered a student. Since he signs his letter with “Sci ’14” I assume he must be a science student of some sort. Thinking he might understand science, I replied with an extensive list of statistics that feminists choose to ignore when creating their campaigns that present men as more likely to be rapists than rape victims. One of those statistics was this:
95% of abused boys in juvenile facilities reported being attacked/coerced by female staff.

Turkey's False Flag Plan: What You're Not Being Told

corbettreport: Late last week, a conversation between high-ranking Turkish officials was leaked online purporting to expose a plan that had been devised to use a staged attack on a Turkish target in Aleppo as a pretext to start a war with Syria. Where does this recording come from? Who released it and why? What does this mean for the future of Turkish politics and the future of the Syrian war? We explore these questions and get to the bottom of the false flag leak.

The MHRM Fighting Wikipedia Corruption & Censorship

By : Wikipedia has a problem. And that’s a problem that affects the whole world.
Wikipedia is now the #1 reference resource on the Internet. Whether you love this fact or hate it, it will not stop being a fact any time soon. And unfortunately, in recent years numerous groups with resources and willpower have emerged to tromp minority voices on Wikipedia, a problem which has only worsened with time.
It used to be that with Wikipedia, all you had to worry about were errors written by people who didn’t know what they were talking about. Nowadays you don’t just have to contend with mistakes on Wikipedia, though. You also have to contend with overt censorship, bullying, and ideological thuggery–all of it invisible on the front pages of Wikipedia, but which can be seen on Talk, Revision, and Blacklist pages all over Wikipedia, by the people who control what the general public sees on the front pages.
While this rarely happens on noncontroversial issues (you can for example probably trust Wikipedia to tell you accurately what actor appeared in a film), if an area is remotely controversial and one side of an argument has financial and human resources the other side does not, the censorship becomes undeniable.
One of the areas where this is an acute problems is Wikipedia’s grossly discriminatory practices on men’s rights issues; they tromp the Men’s Human Rights perspective whenever possible, while bending over backwards to accommodate Gender Feminist ideologues. These feminist ideologues frequently and often hatefully tromp dissent and insert gynocentric gender ideology all over Wikipedia, poisoning much of Wikipedia‘s content.

Why RadFem Anne Thériault's Lame-Stream Ideas Are "Garbage"

By Angelo Agathangelou: In Anne Thériault's gynocentric view the sole purpose of the MHRM is as a counter to feminism.

Please allow me to retort. In the UK there was no men's movement worth mentioning before 2002 when a band subsequently famously known as the 300 marched on parliament because "Are the government stuffing your kids this Christmas?" I am proud to have been one of those men (importantly a third of us were aunties uncles and grandparents) and I do believe that the spark for the modern MHRM was the effective and highly acclaimed campaign we waged as F4J (Fathers for Justice). The point I am trying to make is that 12 years later, it's way passed time for the radical feminists to accept that the core of the MHRM is literally and practically about Human Rights!

Miss Thériault goes on to attack 'rich white men' who she says are the oppressors in an apparent attempt to divide the MHRM. In my time Sir Bob Geldof and Charles Prince of Wales have been among our ranks, the former expounding his ideas in the excellent essay "The Father Love That Dare Not Speak It's Name" and the later exclaiming that his experience of the UK family court made him (the Prince of Wales, air to the thrown of Great Britain and the common wealth) feel like a second class citizen. That's right, HRM Charles effectively said "I'm a nigger!" 

I submit for your further dissection Anne Theriault's drivel/dribble on "Why the Men's Rights Movement Is Garbage"

World Banker Karen Hudes Reveals Secret US Constition

"We have been converted from human beings that are citizens of the republic of the United States into chattel, chattel that is a legal term for something which is property. We are now considered to be property of the federal reserve, we are not considered to be human beings and citizens of the United States! ...We should repeal the Bankster constitution!" K.H.
NextNewsNetwork: World Bank Whistle blower Karen Hudes joins Gary Franchi in studio to reveal the truth about the secret US Constitution introduced in 1871.


carlos morales: James Corbett and CPS Whistleblower Carlos Morales discuss the government's incentives to destroy the lives of kids in America.

Haunted Vaginas - Predators On Campus - Honey Badger Hangout

karen straughan: Dr. David Lisak's research finding that only 4% of college men are responsible for 90% of the rapes on college campuses: http://www.wcsap.org/sites/www.wcsap....

43% of college and high school men report sexual assault or rape with 95% of them reporting a female aggressor: http://www.apa.org/news/press/release...

3% of college men reported being raped by a woman in the last year in a heterosexual relationship compared to 2.3% of women: http://pubpages.unh.edu/~mas2/ID45-PR...