2 Jun 2014

Apartheid: 80,000 Palestinians Left Without Drinking Water, East Al-Quds

Thousands of Palestinians have been without clean water in the occupied East al-Quds (aka Jerusalem) for more than 60 days:
Orwellian UK Banned Press TV: 80,000 residents in the region have been denied access to running water by the genocidal Israeli regime.
The report says that despite calls by Palestinian residents and human rights groups for providing residents in the region with running water, the Israeli water company, Gihon, denies water to Palestinian areas, including Shuafat Refugee Camp, Ras Khamis, Ras Sh'hadeh and Dahiyat As-Salam.
“The water comes only once a week here and it is not good. Israel sends only a small amount of water," Nutfah Rajah, a resident of Shuafat Refugee Camp, told Press TV.
Officials say the water infrastructure in those areas can support only 15,000 people. Human rights organizations have handed a petition to the Israeli High Court to protest Tel Aviv’s negligence in the matter.
Residents, who are suffering from the lack of water, say that the water shortage is part of Israel’s plans to force them to leave the region, the report says.
This is part of Israel’s policy to make life unbearable in order to displace Palestinians from the camps," said Jamin Asaadik, another resident of Shuafat camp.

Where Does "Rule Of Thumb" Come From?

American Enterprise Institute: Feminist analysis of the term, "rule of thumb" usually refers to an alleged law where a man could beat his wife with a stick no wider than his thumb. But is that true? And if not, how did the term originate? The Factual Feminist answers these questions and more.

Chasing Feminist Rainbows + Those Who Oppose Us

“Equality, rightly understood as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences; wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism.” - Barry Goldwater
Lecture 8: By
What is it that enables us to live meaningful lives? This is a question with a long history, and after more than two thousand years of scratching our heads, our species is not much the wiser. Answers fall just as easily as they are formed. Perhaps the only real wisdom to be imparted by centuries of soul-searching is that the solution cannot be reduced to the realization of only one value. Efforts to bring about a social system based upon the realization of one value in particular – be it religious doctrine, the will of the nation, or social equality – have invariably resulted in widespread repression, and not the golden age of peace and virtue as postulated by their ideologues. In contrast, those societies which have managed to create and maintain the space for people to actually live what they might call ‘meaningful lives’ are those which have kept a number of values in balance. This is not a very exciting solution, but it is better to be dissatisfied with the great mysteries of life than to be enserfed or ‘disappeared’ by a regime in pursuit of a more enticing dictum.

‘Reset The Net!’ Reddit, Greenpeace, Amnesty, AVfM, J4MB, SGW, All The Good Good People, Unite in Anti-NSA Hit Campaign

RT: Opponents of mass government surveillance are braced for the June-5 campaign for a free and secure internet, led by some of the world’s largest websites. A massive electronic Thunderclap is planned for the first anniversary of Snowden’s revelations.
Some 200 websites have joined the #ResetTheNet campaign, urging internet users, developers and content providers to use NSA-resistant software, and tools to protect the global net against intrusive government surveillance.
The sites, which vary from individual pages to internet giants like Reddit, Imgur and Boing Boing, various rights groups, including Amnesty International and Greenpeace will place an internet splash screen on Thursday in support of the campaign.
The screen will give tips on ensuring web privacy, and simply by submitting an email on the campaign’s website, users can download a privacy pack of free software tools that make end-to-end encryption easy.”

Europe's Colossal Humanitarian Catastrophe Of Refugees Dying At Sea

UN considers Africa holding centres as 'boat season' is expected to bring sharp increase in migrants making treacherous crossing
, in Athens, in Rome and
The United Nations has been forced to consider establishing refugee holding centres in north Africa and the Middle East due to the spiralling numbers of migrants attempting perilous journeys across the Mediterranean in a desperate effort to reach Europe.
The UN's refugee agency, UNHCR, has said for the first time that the large-scale processing of migrants and refugees outside Europe, in countries such as Egypt, Libya or Sudan, may be necessary as frontline authorities claim they have been abandoned by Brussels in the face of a "colossal humanitarian catastrophe".
Hundreds of thousands of people are preparing to make treacherous crossings on unseaworthy vessels from the north African coast to Greece and Italy as this summer's "boat season" gets under way, say officials. Figures for the first few months of this year already show a dramatic increase on previous years.

QE, Bailouts, And Families Struggling to Buy Food

By Wolf Richter: It was a very basic question: “Have there been times in the past 12 months when you did not have enough money to buy the food that you or your family needed?” In wealthy countries, the percentage of those answering “yes” should be very small, and given all the money-printing, it should be zero, you’d think.
But when Gallup surveyed families in the 34 member countries of the OECD, the richest countries in the world, it found a reality on the ground that turned out to be an indictment of the Fed, other central banks, their policies, and bailouts in general.
Topping the list of the 10 countries with the highest incidence of families reporting difficulty in buying food over the past 12 months are, as you’d expect, the OECD’s poorest members. Turkey, with the second lowest per-capita GDP in the group, is number one: 50% of the families with children and 40% of the families without children reported difficulties buying food. It’s followed by Hungary, which has been hit by all sorts of economic and currency crises, self-inflicted or not, and multiple recessions over the past few years. So 47% of the families with children and 35% of those without had trouble buying food. Mexico is in third place, with 33% and 30% respectively.

Misandry: The Men's Voice & Jay Weidner + Coward! - AVfM Meme Team

Dean Esmay interviewed and... Last week, in Isla Vista, Elliot Rodger apparently had had enough.  The remote, shy and almost painfully anti-social college student who was rejected by beautiful girls, while feeling as though he wasn't rich enough to live at an elite level with the rest of the offspring of the 1% went redline.

Don't Let Them Silence Us - International Conference On Men's Issues

Paul Elam: Our conference will be about academic censorship, genital mutilation of babies, homelessness, suicide, selective service, conscription, gendercide, boys in education, domestic violence, rape, sexual assault, child abuse, false allegations, restraining order abuse, paternity fraud, child custody, family courts, parental alienation, imprisonment and other human rights issues that desperately need attention affecting boys and men of all races and ethnic backgrounds.

Monsatan, Kochtopus, Obomba's NSA - Three Powerful Forces For Bad + 1 800 BRO-THEL - WB7

RT: Lee Camp bites into Monsanto, which makes him ill, and John F. O'Donnell gets molested by the tentacles of the billionaire Kochtopus. Obama ends the War in Afghanistan with something other than peace, Chilean magician Papas Fritas makes $500 million in student debt disappear. Sam Sacks examines NSA reform - and by "reform," we mean ''business as usual." A second Deutsche Bank video against boasting banksters is mysteriously leaked, and speaking of leaks - radiation is leaking in New Mexico. Tennessee brings back a shocking punishment, and more!

Misandric BBC Ban The Word 'Girl' Because It's Offensive

6oodfella: "The BBC thinks that women are so pathetic." In this patriarchal society in which women hold no power, a word is edited out in case it is offensive to women and that word just happens to be a well-used, completely harmless word that describes females. In what kind of bizarre world do the oppressed get catered to by their oppressors? In the world of the BBC aka "British Bunch of Cunts".

First Ever International Men's Rights Conference In Jeopardy Due to Terroristic Feminist Threats

"How can we fucking live in a patriarchy if just the discussion of men's vulnerabilities, things that men might need is so marginalised? ...Even discussing men's problems, this society can't handle it, can't tolerate it. How is that a patriarchy?"  
Alison Tieman: A Voice For Men is not asking for donations yet so please hold off donating.