8 Jun 2014

Cool MHRA Dean Esmay Destroys Feminist Propaganda On Fox 2 News

By A feminist professor says there’s nothing particularly wrong with the conference in Detroit. That’s because there isn’t? So why, again, are thugs trying to shut us down?

Oh, right, because 3 years ago Paul Elam wrote some satire some people didn’t like.

Apartheid: Palestinians Close Shops In West Bank To Support 'Administrative Prisoners' Hunger Strikers +

Palestinians have closed their shops in the occupied West Bank in solidarity with the Palestinian prisoners who have been on hunger strike in Zionist jails.
Orwellian UK BANNED Press TV: Shop owners took part in the one-day strike on Sunday in support of the Palestinian inmates who have been refusing food to express their opposition to the Israeli “administrative detention,” which is a sort of imprisonment without trial or charge that allows Israel to incarcerate Palestinians for up to six months.
The so-called administrative detention detention order can be renewed for indefinite periods of time.
The Higher Committee of Prisoners Affairs as well as national and Islamic forces have called for this strike throughout West Bank in solidarity with our hunger-striking prisoners,” a Palestinian shop owner told Press TV.
According to Palestinian sources, there are nearly 200 administrative prisoners, including nine members of the Palestinian Legislative Council, in Israeli jails
From among the Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike, some 125 have been refusing food since April 24.
Last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu threatened to pass a law to force-feed the Palestinian hunger strikers. This is while force-feeding is considered a grave breach of World Medical Association’s guideline on a treatment for hunger strikers.

Boko Haram: Bring Back Our Boys + Lame-Stream Continuously Ignore, Hundreds More Men And Boys Killed. What’s The Excuse Now?

"There is a devastating information war on men and boys, an onslaught on men and boys hiding every aspect of their life experiences up to and including their deaths. So it is up to us to speak for the dead..."
HumanityBites: On the large-scale murder of Nigerian boys and men by Boko Haram which our media and politicians fail to address, whilst they simultaneously fall over themselves to take action over the kidnap of girls.

Detroit Has Feminist Terrorism Problem - Sign This Petition To Help Fix It

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you……
By : As recent history would lead us to fully expect, radical gender ideologues have made it their mission to silence our efforts to address issues affecting boys and men in Detroit at AVFM’s First International Conference on Men’s Issues scheduled for the end of June. And by “us” I mean a unique, diverse and eminently qualified line up of experts on gender issues, including those affecting men and boys.

I Need Feminism Because... What About Teh Menz

RazorBladeKandy2: This is a cartoon exploring the concept of "what about the men" fallacy. Also known as WATM

Feminist Terrorism: Drunken MRM Peasants Podcast - ThunderF00t, G-Man, The Amaizing Atheist and Much More!

Drunken Peasants: Rebecca Watson "Making felt angry vaginae!?" This is the Drunken Peasants podcast with Ben & TJ featuring Scotty. Bring you the latest in news, entertainment, politics from an altered perspective.

Men Shouldn’t Marry "The Fraud Of The Rings"

By : J4MB has launched a new campaign Men shouldn’t marry. The following introductory piece from our website explains why such a campaign is required, and takes up the rest of this blog piece.
Welcome to a website run by the political party Justice for men & boys (and the women who love them). We campaign against the state’s many assaults on the human rights and interests of men and boys.
Our public consultation document outlines 20 areas in which those rights have long been assaulted – there are no areas in which the state assaults the rights of women and girls. The single area in which the largest number of men have been assaulted is in the divorce courts and family law system.
J4MB considers marriage and the nuclear family to be cornerstones of a civilised society. However, for decade after decade, successive governments have undermined the institutions. Over half of the marriages entered into today will end in divorce. The median duration of a marriage now is 11 years, i.e. 50% of marriages will last no longer than that, and many will last for much shorter periods.
Let’s consider the issue of risk for a moment.

MGTOW: Passing The Buck

Raging Golden Eagle: I rant about how people need to learn to take some responsibility for a change and learn to be considerate again...