26 Jul 2014

Dumb Money - Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert

Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert with a double header discussing the ‘dumb money’ piling into markets just as the Spectator’s cover story reads: The Next Crash: We could be on the brink of another financial crisis.” Max and Stacy read through the piece in shock at the obvious signs of misallocation of wealth while chasing dumb bubbles - including a P/E ratio now at 25.6 compared to a historic norm of 16.5.

I Need Feminism Because...Wait No I Don't - 2

BASSFZz: Let's talk about why people need Feminism again in this sequel to, "I need Feminism Because...wait no I don't."

Cultural Misandry: Gender Based Discount

bane666au: "Gender discrimination, because vagina! What if there was a discount for 'Caucasians'?"

When BBC Calls, Don’t Answer + Death Toll From Israeli Genocide In Gaza Rises To 961

That is, don’t answer, if you are a certified critic of Israeli policies and practices.
Zionist Orwellian UK Banned Press TV: The siren lure of big time media is partly a romancing of the ego, partly a rare moment to intrude a moment or two of truthfulness into the endless spinning of the Israel’s narrative that stresses its extravagantly humane response to Hamas flurries of rockets and alleged human shield tactics.

Four times in the past week I have received invitations to be a guest on BBC programs dealing with Israel’s military operations in Gaza. Each time the female producer, with charming British intonation, expressed her strong interest in arranging my participation at such and such a time. And each time I agreed, although my presence in a Turkish village with limited Internet access made it logistically awkward to do so, yet far from impossible to make the necessary arrangements, usually with the kind cooperation of a neighbor with superior digital facilities.

Each time I was ready at the appointed hour, and each time I was given a last minute explanation for why my appearance was cancelled

The Kind Of Men That Feminism HAS CreateD

Theway: The kind of men that feminism created. How can you address a problem but ignore the elements that created it and still promote it.

How The NSA Is Actively Helping Saudi Arabia To Crackdown On Dissent

By Michael Krieger: It is not an exaggeration to say Saudi Arabia is one of the most oppressive, authoritarian regimes on the planet. Despite having been the main foreign instigator pushing for conflict in Syria, as well as its increasingly disturbing ties to the attacks on 9/11, it remains one of the U.S. government’s closest allies.
I’ve covered some of the human rights abuses of the Saudi regime on several occasions due to the fact that it so clearly exposes the total hypocrisy of U.S. foreign policy. The most recent example was the recent sentencing of human rights lawyer and activist Waleed Abu Alkhair to 15 years in prison for “inciting public opinion,” i.e., effectively utilizing free speech. I covered this in detail in the post: Saudi Human Rights Lawyer and Activist Jailed for 15 Years for Free Speech Under New “Anti-Terror” Law.
Thanks to revelations from Edward Snowden, we now know that our taxpayer money is directly funding the ability of this autocratic regime to brutalize its citizenry. The Intercept reports that:
The Saudi Ministry of Interior—referred to in the document as MOI— has been condemned for years as one of the most brutal human rights violators in the world. In 2013, the U.S. State Department reported that “Ministry of Interior officials sometimes subjected prisoners and detainees to torture and other physical abuse,” specifically mentioning a 2011 episode in which MOI agents allegedly “poured an antiseptic cleaning liquid down [the] throat” of one human rights activist.

NCFM Vice President Responds To Criticism About Men's Rights Activists And The International 'A Voice for Men' Conference In Detroit

By : On June 26-28, 2014, I had the pleasure of attending the first International Conference on Men’s Issues, Sponsored by “A Voice For Men (AVfM),” in Detroit.  Hundreds of people came from around the world, including many women and minorities, to peacefully discuss fathers’ custody rights, male victims of domestic violence, false accusations, paternity fraud, and other issues affecting men and boys.  The first three speakers were women, including the first black woman on the Canadian Parliament, Senator Anne Cools.  The conference was a tremendous success.
But as we expected, following the conference we saw a barrage of yellow journalism in the media that glossed over the issues and focused mostly on stereotyping men’s rights activists (MRAs) who organized the event.  Monica Hess of the Washington Post distorted everything and called attendees “misfits.” Similar yellow journalism came from Jessica Roy of TIME Magazine, Adam Serwer of MSNBC, and others.
A Voice For Men did an excellent job of responding to each of the reactionary writers.  But I’d like to add my own response to their argument, commonly directed at MRAs, that feminism is not responsible for any discrimination against men.
To begin with, MRAs made it clear at the conference that they do not blame feminism for all forms of anti-male discrimination.  The male-only military draft, and the exclusion of men from the ban on slavery in the Forced Labour Convention of 1930 (Article 11), are examples of anti-male discrimination based on traditional concepts of male disposability, not feminism (although feminists rarely included this in their discussions).

The Crisis Of Palestine - George Galloway MP Speech

Molucca Media: "There are some mistakes that are being made on twitter and facebook and in discourse I am seeing around the place that I want to insist that we must correct. ...I maintain that the situation in Gaza is exactly comparable to the situation of the Jews in the Warsaw ghetto. ...(UK lame-stream party heads) Three cheeks on the same arse!"