27 Aug 2014

Bow Down, Bitches: Feminists Go Gaga Over Beyoncé; Don’t Get The Joke

By By Tuesday, August 26, 2014, Beyoncé’s recent performance at Sunday night’s MTV Video Music Awards was all the rage in the feminist echo chambers. August 26, by the way, is both Women’s Equality Day and National Dog Day, and this coincidence captures quite nicely the shoe-chewing that Beyoncé just gave to feminism.
In the online journal Slate, Amanda Marcotte lauded Beyoncé in near-orgasmic tones:

Rush Limbaugh’s claim that feminism exists “to allow ugly women access to society” is going to be a harder sell now that Beyoncé stood in the dark in front of the glowing “Feminist” sign at Sunday night’s MTV Video Music Awards….
Which is why Beyoncé’s statement—a political statement, really—is so meaningful. Having her husband and daughter up onstage was a nice touch, too. Having dismantled the idea that feminists are just ugly wannabes during her performance, she might as well clean house by smashing the notion that feminists hate men or are somehow not maternal….
The VMAs were a testament to how much the public is ready to hear from women, and increasingly on women’s own terms. Whether or not you liked their performances, it was impossible not to notice that Nicki Minaj, Ariana Grande, Taylor Swift, Charli XCX, and, of course, Beyoncé, ruled the night. 
Like Marcotte, the Guardian’s male-tear-bathing Jessica Valenti almost swooned, but unlike Marcotte, Valenti then seemed to catch herself. What might be giving her pause, one might wonder?

Women’s And Gender Studies Courses In Ireland And Abroad

What Are Women’s Studies?
Women’s studies departments began to be established in American universities in the early 1970s. Now over 700 such departments exist in the United States, with many hundreds more in the Western world. Courses are to be found in nearly 90 universities and colleges in the United Kingdom.
It needs to be seen in the context of the clamour from a whole variety of groups for separate studies for sub-populations with a history of victimhood; related examples are multicultural studies, ethnic studies of various kinds, and colonial studies, described by Robert Hughes as the Culture of Complaint.”
They have taken colossal advantage of a certain recognition that some groups and sections in society were not well treated in the past to claim enormous liberties. A truly remarkable latitude has been accorded to feminist scholars. Women’s studies, like multicultural programmes, generally have attained a sacrosanct status, an unprecedented immunity to the scrutiny and skepticism standard for other fields of inquiry; they have become privileged within the academy.

"We Pray Every Day For The Speedy And Total Dismantlement Of The Zionist ‘State Of Israel’,” Rabbi Yisroel David Weiss

An American anti-Zionist Rabbi has harshly criticized Israel’s latest “bloodshed” of civilians in the Gaza Strip, saying Zionism is theroot-cause of suffering” in Palestine.
Shill Orwellian UK BANNED Press TV: “We are clearly and in total opposition to the occupation and what is happening in Gaza, we pray every day for the speedy and total dismantlement of the Zioniststate of Israel’,” Rabbi Yisroel David Weiss, activist and spokesman for the anti-Zionist Haredi Jewish community, told  Press TV on Wednesday.
Based in Monsey, New York, Weiss believes that real observant Jews should peacefully oppose the existence of Israel, which he said is “directly against the command of God.”
Zionists in Israel are committing atrocities, they’re robbing, they’re stealing, they’re killing, everything is in total breach of the laws of the Torah,” he stated. “If it would have not been the Zionist occupation, the ideology of Zionism and ‘the state of Israel’, then we would have been continuing to live in peace as we had for hundreds and hundreds of years with Arabs and Muslims.”
Rabbi Weiss was part of a group of anti-Zionism Jewish protesters that set fire to their Israeli passports in front of the United Nations’ building in New York City on Tuesday in condemnation of the crimes committed by the Zionist regime against the Palestinian people.

Feminism Needs Orthodoxy

Sargon of Akkad: This response to 6oodfella's questions about feminism really highlights the need for a feminist church or cure for autism.

The Audacity To Criticize Hope

By : Sports media figures break the silence on women’s domestic violence.
If there’s one thing writers hate, it’s when another writer steals their thunder.
Indeed, last week, award-winning USA Today sports columnist Christine Brennan stole mine with this piece on the Hope Solo fallout. That led to a panel discussion on ESPN’s Around the Horn, in which all four panelists agreed with Brennan.
http://espn.go.com/espnradio/play?id=11390184 (start around 13-minute mark).
And I could not have been happier. I’ve thrown enough thunderbolts, and don’t have Zeus’ inexhaustible supply of them.
For those of you who are unaware, Hope Solo is the goalie for the Seattle Reign Women’s Football Club. She is better known as the goalkeeper emeritus for the US Women’s National Soccer Team.  
This past spring, Solo was arrested for domestic violence, alleged to have gotten into a scuffle at her sister’s home that resulted in the injuries to her sister and, more alarmingly, her 17-year-old nephew, the son of said sister. Solo’s trial is set for November 4.
But Solo was on her way to breaking the record for most shutouts by a goalie in international competition for the exalted national team.

What Is Normal?

"There's normal, ...normal adjusted to the social norms, etc. Sanity and conformity. ...Crucial for human ownership (slavery)." Stefan Molyneux

Dozens Of US Police Departments Suspended For Losing Military-Grade Weaponry

Close to 200 state and local police departments in the United States have been suspended for losing military-level equipment transferred to them by the Pentagon, a new investigation found. 
RT: According to the media outlet Fusion, its independent investigation into the Pentagon’s 1033 program,” which equips state and local police departments across the US with excess military equipment, turned up an alarming trend: Not only did many law enforcement agencies fail to comply with the program’s guidelines, they routinely lost dangerous weaponry.
Already, the investigation has found that police departments in Arizona, California, Mississippi, Missouri, Georgia, and others have lost or cannot account for various types of weapons. This list includes M14 and M16 assault rifles, .45-caliber pistols, shotguns, and even vehicles.
So far, 184 state and local departments have reportedly been suspended in a program that involves the participation of more than 8,000 agencies. Since 1990, the 1033 program has administered more than $4.3 billion worth of equipment and weapons.

‘Les Misérables’ #Ferguson - Max and Stacy with Matt Taibbi

"Hand's up, don't tase me bro!" Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss how some looters are more equal than others as Jamie Dimon gets to keep his mortgage fraud deal with the Department of Justice secret while others get gunned down in broad daylight for lifting a cigarette.

MGTOW v Islam Part 1 – The Value Of Men & Women

Ayam Sirias: You are traveling through another dimension. A dimension of confusion, banality, and shattered expectations. A journey awarded to you by a small red pill. Your next stop, The MGTOW Zone. Part 1 ..."Jilboobs!"

MH17 FULLY EXPOSED!! You Won't Believe The SHOCKING TRUTH About the Ukraine FALSE FLAG

corbettreport: When Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 went down on July 17, 2014, we were immediately inundated with base propaganda trying to convince us that the shootdown could be traced back to the Kremlin. But what was this rush to judgement based on? What have we learned about the crash since then? Why has MH17 completely disappeared from the news cycle? And who really stood to benefit from the disaster? Find out the answers to these questions and more in this week's edition of The Corbett Report.

Men's Rights Intelligence Report: Boko Haram, Crazy Walks and Munchausen Meets Mickey Mouse!

Paul Elam: A Voice for Men and Shrink for Men’s Intelligence report comes up a day late this week, but better late than never. On the program today we will be discussing the Boko Haram story, which has been the subject of international outrage, but only for the females who were harmed. The media has all but ignored the men.