6 Sept 2014

"Collateralised Monkey Droppings" - Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert with Steve Favis

Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss the monkey behaving like a central banker throwing stolen money to holidaymakers, who, in turn, act like housing speculators and investment bankers - never asking from where the stolen money comes.

The USA Has Continually Bombed People For Decades - Morris - War Criminals

"As bad as we are told the Nazis are, Pol Pot, anybody, nothing could be as bad as America. It's done nothing but bomb people all around the world for decades and we don't digest it. ...It's just a regime of terror!" Morris

MGTOW Fun: Feminist Rant 4 - Cute Freethinker

"I get it, the solution is Vagina!"
M: I just saw this while looking at a SexyMGTOW video, on the sidebar, and decided to respond; enjoy.

Official: Pot Smokers Are Cool (Do Less DV) - 600 Strong 9 Year Study

"Smoke up ladies and gentlemen." Secular Talk
The use of alcohol significantly increases one’s likelihood of becoming either a perpetrator or a victim of a violent act, including acts of intimate partner violence. As for cannabis use - that’s a different story.

An Ungallant Society: The Men’s Rights Movement Of 1898

The following newspaper article ‘An Ungallant Society: The Men’s Rights Movement’ was published in 1898, and is the first known reference to a “Men’s Rights Movement,” as far as I’m aware. In the same spirit as this early movement, I’m proud to say that the modern M(H)RM continues to refuse the one sided gallantry and chivalry that has denied men their human rights and turned global culture into the slow-moving car crash we see today. – PW
By : The Women’s Rights movement has scored another great success. It has called forth a League for Men’s Rights to counteract it. This league, with the object of securing legal and moral protection to men against the encroachment of women, is in process of formation in London. Mr. William Austin, who resides at Blackheath, and is in a very large way of business in the City, is the founder, and he has received letters of sympathy and assurances of co-operation from, among others, two noblemen whose names during the past few years have been several times prominently before the public in cases that have attracted wide attention. Mr. Austin’s personal appearance is not in the least indicative of his deep seated misogyny. Indeed, he looks much more like a man who would run after a pretty girl, at a pinch, rather than away from one. However, the mover in an effort to secure protection from a sex which it has been a tendency of modern legislation to assist in every possible way ought to have some intelligible reasons to support his side of the case.
“I cannot pretend,” said Mr. Austin, “to find a remedy for all the injustices on the statute books; but where there is flagrant violations of the very principle of justice, I am convinced that it is well to get together a body of intelligent people and try what may be done to find some way out of the difficulty. I have looked carefully into the legal aspect of the matter, and find that a woman has a much greater advantage when it comes to litigation about almost any matter over any man, rich or poor, than a rich man has over a poor man. I find that in an extraordinary number of cases the law discriminates in the sharpest possible manner between men and women, both in civil and criminal law proceedings.

Gynocentrism In Indonesia: Women Receive Lighter Sentences

Ayam Sirias: First attempt at trying to relay MGTOW related news from South East Asia for the Western MGTOW connoisseur. And just having fun making videos.

Snowden leak exposes US plan to spy on foreign businesses for profit

A 2009 intelligence document provided to journalists by former government contractor Edward Snowden suggests the United States weighed someday conducting espionage to prevent losing its economic prowess to other countries.
RT: The document, published first by The Intercept on Friday this week, outlines tactics the American intelligence community may implement in the future in the event of certain scenarios, including one in which “the United States’ technological and innovative edge slips” in the year 2025.
In the event that the US may lose that advantage, the Quadrennial Intelligence Community Review’s final report reads in part, then “a multi-pronged, systematic effort to gather open source and proprietary information through overt means, clandestine penetration (through physical and cyber means) and counterintelligence” could be undertaken by American agencies.
The document, classified as “secret” and supplied along with a trove of other files provided by Snowden,“is a fascinating window into the mindset of America’s spies as they identify future threats to the US and lay out the actions the US intelligence community should take in response,” wrote Glenn Greenwald, The Intercept editor who wrote about the 32-page report this week.
Indeed, David Shredd, then the deputy director of national intelligence, opens the report by describing it as the results of a 10-month study conducted among experts from agencies, academia, think tanks and industry tasked with assessing the implications of the year 2025 for the American intelligence community, or IC.

Greek Workers Stage Anti-Austerity Demonstration In Thessaloniki

Hundreds of people have held a peaceful demonstration in northern Greece to denounce austerity measures that the government has imposed to appease foreign ponzi usurer creditors to help cap the country’s deepening pound of flesh/debt crisis.
Orwellian UK BANNED Press TV: On Friday, about 2,000 police officers, firefighters and coast guards took to streets in the city of Thessaloniki to voice their anger at pay cuts and government plans to merge their pension funds under a major pension reform.
http://www.presstv.com/detail/2014/09/06/377845/greek-workers-slam-austerity-measures/The protest came on the eve of Thessaloniki Trade Fair opening.
Other labor and political groups are planning to hold demonstrations in the city on Saturday.
Ponzi usury debt-laden Greece hopes to exit a six-year recession this year. The country nearly went bankrupt in 2010, only to survive on international 'rescue' packages.

Government Sponsored Misandry - MGTOW

"Man hate plates! ...Where is my woman proof number plate? Shame on the Australian government." MAYOR of MGTOWN

US Government And Press Are Israeli Occupied

"AIPAC has occupied the US congress
...We have been taken over by a foreign government!"

A New Hardware Tool to Encrypt Cellphone Conversations - Introducing JackPair

By Michael Krieger: Well, I’m not actually introducing JackPair at all. The creators of the device have had their project on Kickstarter for quite some time now, but it just passed its funding goal today (it had a $35,000 goal and has already raised close to $45,000 as of publication). Congrats guys!
While encryption between cell phones is already available via apps you can download, there are several reasons I have decided to highlight the project. First, I tend to focus quite a bit on all the things going wrong in the world, so when something comes across my screen that is encouraging and should be supported, I try to mention it. Second, I was really inspired by the description of the project, which contained an added personal touch by the creator when he describes growing up in authoritarian Taiwan. Third, while there appear to be other methods to achieve similar goals, this could serve as user friendly option for the non tech savvy amongst us. Finally, security guru Bruce Schneier seems to be impressed by the device.
Here are a few excerpts from their Kickstarter page:
This is the first step toward a better world, and we look forward to continuing the dialogs and creating more momentum throughout this project and beyond.  You can find us at our website www.jackpair.com.
JackPair is an affordable tool that enables average citizens to protect themselves against wiretapping.