9 Sept 2014

The NWO: Don't Blind Me, Bro! New 'Non-Lethal' Police Weapon Isn’t Easy On The Eyes

RT: A company that makes tactical equipment for police to use in riots is manufacturing a new ‘non-lethal’ weapon designed to temporarily blind targets. The Z-RO non-lethal compliance weapon system will obstruct a person’s vision for 10 to 15 minutes.
The product from Shield Defense Systems (SDS) made waves on Reddit this week when it was revealed along with the note: “New weapon ‘Z-ro’ scrambles ocular fluid and temporarily blinds victim for 10-15min. Gotta be safer than a tazer [sic] right??”

The Reno, Nevada-based company promotes the Z-RO system as inflicting “absolutely NO lasting damage or harm to the target.”

USA: 11 Ways To Know When You Live In A Country Run By Idiots

By The original title of the essay below is “Food For Thought,” its author is said to be Junius P. Long.
America: A Country Run by Idiots
1. If you can get arrested for hunting or fishing without a license, but not for being in the country illegally, you live in a country run by idiots.
2. If you have to get your parents’ permission to go on a field trip or take an aspirin in school, but not to get an abortion, you live in a country run by idiots.
3. If you have to show identification to board an airplane, cash a check, buy liquor or check out a library book, but not to vote on who runs the government, you live in a country run by idiots.
4. If the government wants to ban stable, law-abiding citizens from owning gun magazines with more than ten rounds, but gives 20 F-16 fighter jets to the crazy leaders in Egypt, you live in a country run by idiots.
5. If, in the largest city, you can buy two 16-ounce sodas, but not a 24-ounce soda because 24-ounces of a sugary drink might make you fat, you live in a country run by idiots.
6. If an 80-year-old woman can be stripped searched by the TSA but a woman in a hijab is only subject to having her neck and head searched, you live in a country run by idiots.
7. If your government believes that the best way to eradicate trillions of dollars of debt is to spend trillions more, you live in a country run by idiots.

We Got An E-Mail From A Black American Left-Wing Feminist

By I think the following e-mail says so much about the situation in Sweden and partly also in the rest of Scandinavia.
So I translated it and, with the author’s approval, published it on the Swedish AVfM site. But I feel I need to share it with you in America and the UK too. So here it is in its original form.

I live in Frederikshavn, so I’m experiencing firsthand the Scandinavian version of feminism.
Just when I thought I couldn’t be anymore shocked about how insane Sweden/Scandinavia is and has gotten, I just saw “The Gender War” last week, and …
I should mention I’m a left-winger and a feminist. But I’m also black, so I already know all too well how insane the white (American) woman’s version of feminism is. But I never would have imagined Scandinavia being like this if I had stayed at home in the USA.
I had to marry a Dane, move to Denmark, and help raise a teenage boy for me to really see the true face of this version of feminism, and I’m beyond shocked. It explains why my husband lost custody of his two daughters to a woman who is a borderline psychotic – a woman who can barely take care of herself, let alone two girls.

Russia's Response To European Capital Sanctions In One Word

Tyler Durden's picture While the West continues to press the "Russia is increasingly isolated" meme, it appears - as we noted ironically previously, that Vladimir Putin is finding plenty of friends... most notably China. While threats of 'asymmetric' retaliation over European sanctions may have been enough to worry Europe's leaders, the slew of news overnight regarding increased cooperation between China and Russia is likely more damaging to Western strategy (and egos).
Not so isolated...

Scotland Rejects Cameron Miliband & Clegg - BBC Sucks O Cocks News

"You've got Cameron Miliband And Clegg all marching up to Scotland to take on who? To take on the people of Scotland! They are a bunch of jokers!"  The Artist Taxi Driver

Zio-Nazis Arrest 7-Year-Old Kid In West Bank! - Video Link

A new video has emerged showing Zio-Nazis violently arresting a seven-year-old Palestinian boy in the occupied West Bank.
http://www.presstv.com/detail/2014/09/09/378187/video-israelis-arrest-7yearold-in-wb/Zionist Shill UK Regulator BANNED Press TV: The incident took place in the city of al-Khalil (Hebron) on Monday morning after several young children started throwing stones at an Israeli checkpoint.
Palestinian sources said that Israeli death troopers came out of the checkpoint and threw stun grenades and fired tear gas canisters at the children.
The Zio-Nazis arrested Yousef Hajajreh, 12, and Oday Rajabi, 7, the latter being on his way to school.
A teacher was also forced into a headlock as he was trying to intervene in the arrest of the crying seven-year old. The inhuman apartheid Israeli regime forces dragged him up the road, where the little child was arrested and locked in a wire animal cage.

U.S. Open Gilds The Lily Of Anti-Male Discrimination

By It’s that time of year again: the U.S. Open Tennis Championship is in full swing in New York. Tennis luminaries both past and present have assembled, and ESPN is on the story almost 24 hours a day. Want to know what Maria Sharapova ate for breakfast two days ago? Someone can probably tell you. Indeed, they probably already have, possibly with instant replay. Tennis is a fine sport, but in the end, there’s just so much you can say about so-and-so’s backhand or whether someone else’s big toe has a cramp. Of course, dead air is the bane of broadcast journalism, so the words keep coming, whether we want them or not.
With all that, you’d think they’d cover everything that could possibly be of interest. In fact, you’d think they do so two or three times. So that can only mean that little items like the frank anti-male bias of the sport aren’t of interest. Otherwise, surely it would garner at least a mention. And in fact it did this year, about which I’ll say more later.
Since as long as I can remember, male tennis players have played the best three out of five sets to determine a winner while the ladies play only two out of three. No one, including me, thought much about that until several years ago when female players lobbied for equal pay and got it. Ever since then, at least at the four majors (the U.S., French, and Australian Opens and Wimbledon), male and female players have received equal prize money.
Equal pay for equal work? Nope, not at the tennis majors.

Apartheid Israel Must Face Justice Over War Crimes In Gaza: NAM

501 Semitic Children Butchered by Zio-Nazis
The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) says Israel must be brought to justice for its atrocities against Gazans during Tel Aviv’s recent military genocide against the besieged Palestinian people.
Zionist Shill Orwellian UK Regulator BANNED Press TV: The comments were made by Iranian Deputy Ambassador to the United Nations Hossein Dehqani, whose country holds the rotating presidency of NAM, during a UN Security Council open debate on Children and Armed Conflict on Monday.
Dehqani pointed to Israel’s brutal massacre of hundreds of children during the 50-day war on Gaza, calling on the international community to punish the perpetrators of such crimes.
The Iranian diplomat stated that NAM calls for the establishment of justice for the victims of the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip.
According to UN figures, the latest Israeli genocide on Gaza took the lives of more than 500 children and maimed some 3,000, while over 370,000 others who witnessed Tel Aviv’s brutalities are in desperate need of psychological care, Dehqani said.
The Iranian official emphasized that NAM urges all sides involved in armed conflicts to respect the immunity of civilians, schools, hospitals and rescue workers.

Couch Surfer Gets Away With Murder - The C.O.C.K. Fairy

Feminism LOL: I don't even think Donelda Kay had a key to Dennis Gordon's apartment but she was acquitted as a Battered Wife when she stabbed him through the heart. This story is included in Elizabeth Sheehy's "Defending Battered Women on Trial" because the acquittal was stunning, given her circumstances. The goal of Sheehy's book is not to explain battered women honestly, but to help lawyers get more women off of murder charges when they kill a man.

Pleading v Negotiating Conflict

johntheother: Addressing criticism of Nukes for Palestine. Nuclear weapons are defensive weapons.

US Man Arrested For “Terroristic Threatening” After Posting Song Lyrics To Facebook

By Michael Krieger: It seems as if the never-ending stream of American plebs being arrested for the most innocuous activities, things that were seen as completely normal just a few years ago, is continuing its irrational march forward toward peak nanny-statism, at which point everything will be criminalized.
This disturbing trend has been a key topic for Liberty Blitzkrieg in 2014. Here are the three most recent absurd cases from July and August alone.
South Carolina Woman Arrested for Cursing in Front of Her Kids
The “Nanny States of America” – Mother Arrested for Allowing 7-Year-Old Son Walk to Park Alone
Connecticut Man Arrested for “Passive Aggressive” Behavior to a Watermelon
The latest incident involves a Kentucky man, 31-year-old James Evans, who was arrested and spent eight nights in jail for posting song lyrics to Facebook. No, this is not a joke. Local station 14News reported that:

Family members say Evans posted the following on Facebook on August 24:
“Student bodies lying dead in the halls, a blood splattered treatise of hate. Class dismissed is my hypothesis, gun fire ends in debate.”
The family says it’s lyrics from the song “Class Dismissed” by the band Exodus.
Mike Drake, the Muhlenberg County school resource officer, says multiple agencies received calls concerned about the post.
So Evans was arrested for terroristic threatening.