Misandric BBC Propaganda: Is The UK A Sexist Country? Yes!

By I despair.
On September 23, 2014, BBC3 TV aired a live program Free Speech Live, which debated “Do we live in a sexist country?” (referring to the UK), here.
To any neutral observer with a functioning brain, the answer became abundantly clear in the opening minutes. This featured a prerecorded film of womenonly women—complaining about anti-female sexism. Leave aside any debate about the merits or otherwise of what they said. The fact that only women were asked for their opinion is an absolute clincher: the BBC is a sexist organization. It is impossible to conclude otherwise when they stage a debate on sexism and allow only one side to speak.



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New York Times Admits Wages Haven’t Grown in 15 Years, Worst Since Great Depression

By Michael Krieger: The following article from the New York Times is actually pretty awful. However, the admission that wages have failed to grow in 15 years is important. Particularly in light of the fact that we are five years into the second so-called “recovery” since the turn of the century. These are recoveries that only Joseph Goebbels could love.
While the wage growth stagnation observation is helpful, what’s so sad about the article is that rather than dive into the underlying systemic issues driving this horrible statistic, the author spends most of the article explaining why we should be optimistic. It’s a nice try, but when systemic issues aren’t being addressed from a systemic standpoint, things don’t just magically get better.

Here are some excepts from the article as well as my commentary:

American workers have been receiving meager pay increases for so long now that it’s reasonable to talk in sweeping terms about the trend. It is the great wage slowdown of the 21st century.
The typical American family makes less than the typical family did 15 years ago, a statement that hadn’t previously been true since the Great Depression. Even as the unemployment rate has fallen in the last few years, wage growth has remained mediocre. Last week’s jobs report offered the latest evidence: The jobless rate fell below 6 percent, yet hourly pay has risen just 2 percent over the last year, not much faster than inflation. The combination has puzzled economists and frustrated workers.

The US Structural Jobs Fiasco No One Knows How to Deal with

By Wolf Richter:  OK, we get it. We saw the havoc that the financial crisis, the bailouts, QE, and ZRIP wreaked on jobs. We saw the destructiveness on jobs and the general economy of the corporate focus on deploying the nearly free capital to buy back shares and engage in financial engineering and enrich the elite of Wall Street and corporate America, rather than investing in labor and training.
We got that the jobs scenario in America will never be the same again. Things have changed. We moved on. Learned to cope with it. We adjusted the statistics, removed people from the official labor force, and thereby brought the unemployment rate in line where we can feel comfortable with it. Life goes on, as they say.
But now there’s a whole new problem, and an ancient one, one that is getting worse by the day, one that we as society cannot deal with easily by simply removing people from the labor force – though that will likely be part of the solution. The problem isn’t really a problem. It’s a solution to a problem. We’re proud of it. It speaks of the greatness of the human mind and is testament to its true genius: automation.
Automation used to be an effort to build machines to replace inefficient and weak human muscles. But now it’s increasingly becoming a replacement for human brains.
It’s already happening, but no one is ready for it.

6 USEFUL things YOU Need to KNOW about Rapid Descent Of Russian RUBLE

RT: The Russian ruble has lost more than 20 percent against the US dollar since the beginning of the year, but what does that really mean, for Russia, its people, and economy? RT talks to Ben Aris, Editor-in-Chief of Business New Europe, to find out.
1. Russia has decided on no capital controls. What’s your take on it?
“Russia, out of all the emerging markets, is the only one that has a total open current account you can transfer money in and out without any restriction from day to day. And this is very important for investors; because if they make money they have to be sure that they take it home.”

Gynocentrism: My Husband’s Ex-wife Abused Him With The Help Of Family Court And His Parents

It’s day 7 of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Today’s submission is written by “Brenda,” a woman whose husband was abused by his ex-wife.
By : Hi Dr. T,
One of the saddest things I have seen in the past few years is the blindness and projection around male victims of domestic violence.
My husband was divorced years ago, one his ex initiated. Their relationship was always tumultuous. She has a long history of emotional, financial, and physical abuse of him. For years after the split, as long as she was supported financially, emotionally and in parenting, she had no complaints. Once he found a solid new relationship (me, oh lucky me) she began ramping up problems.
Then came the restraining order, filed to prevent the children from seeing him outside her house and certainly seeing me. After that was the 2 plus years spent in a custody battle – she with a pricey attorney paid for by (wait for it) . . . his Parents. Yep.
When she decided she wasn’t happy with the outcome of that (only months after settling), then came the allegations he was emotionally abusive to the children, the “emergency” rescinding of his parenting time, the supervised visitation and the stalking order (and plenty more financial rewards from her generous ex in-laws.)   Now we are left trying to rebuild his reputation after all the “experts” have decided he’s “unstable”, we are financially and emotionally drained – but at least the SO had to be dropped as it didn’t meet the standards. (Way to fabricate “evidence”.)

WHO Mischaracterizes Suicide??

By There I am, driving home after a small job, many things rattling around in the silent noise maker, and I hear “Suicide called ‘large public health problem’ by WHO” (World Health Organization) on CBC Radio (and later found the article online).
There are a LOT of things wrong with the article. And while I can speculate that the WHO is just taking numbers and saying “whatever” to the rest, I can also assume (given its track record) that the CBC has added its own flavor—or disregarded some pertinent info.
I’m going to start with old age and work my way down. The WHO claims the highest rates are among the post-retirement group:

Globally, suicide rates are highest in people aged 70 and over, but in some countries, the highest rates are found among the young.
I don’t know if that’s a total number against the other rates or if it’s just a ratio among its own demographic; I’m assuming it’s the latter. For those who have learned Inuit culture during their informative school years (uh … middle school? 25 years ago?), you will understand that lack of productivity and increased dependency are serious factors. When you’ve spent the majority of your life proving your worth, becoming dependent is a crippling blow to dignity. In the end, in the grand scheme of things, this age group is relatively meaningless to try to save; heartless though that may sound, there are bigger issues at stake than Grandpa saving you a few dollars on the old folks’ home care. This argument is already being waged in all “wealthy” countries, under the premise of “quality of life” and the moral rights to euthanasia; of which, we would sooner torture our elders for their last few years than allow them to pass on.

“There’s no Reason to Panic” About German Miracle Economy

By Wolf Richter: Germany, the largest economy in Europe, the miracle economy that is being held up as example of how an economy should be run, and the all-powerful engine that is supposed to pull the Eurozone out of its deep mire, is sinking into a mire of its own.
When second quarter GDP “unexpectedly” – a word now attached to much of the economic data coming out of that country – declined 0.2% from the first quarter, it wasn’t taken seriously. It was a blip, supposedly. The third quarter would more than make up for it, by some miracle of German efficiency or industriousness, presumably. I called it, “German Economy Swoons.”
Shoes have been dropping ever since. Yesterday, it was reported that demand for German goods dropped 5.7%, the worst monthly drop since 2009. Foreign orders plunged 8.4%, with orders from the Eurozone down 5.7%, but orders from all other countries – and that includes Germany’s two largest and all-important export destination outside the Eurozone, China and the US – down a fabulous 9.9% (made me wonder what the statisticians did to keep it out of the double digits, which would have been utterly embarrassing).
The problem with orders is that they lead export-addicted German GDP: if orders drop, so does GDP, but with a quarter lag. And orders have taken a decided turn south [This Chart Shows How Plunging German Factory Orders Sink the Economy].
Today, another shoe dropped. Industrial production fell 4.0% in August on a monthly basis and 3.0% year over year, after a rise of 1.6% in July, seasonally and working-day adjusted. The worst monthly drop since January 2009.

The Truth About Ayn Rand: Origins of Objectivism

Stefan Molyneux: What is the truth behind Ayn Rand, writer of such blockbuster novels as 'The Fountainhead,' 'Atlas Shrugged,' 'Anthem' and 'We The Living'?