The Myth Of The “Strong, Independent Woman”

Men can’t handle a strong, independent woman like me!”
By : How many times have you heard that one from the perpetually single women out there? It’s bandied about quite a bit these days, especially when ladies over 40 are complaining about the dating scene and their collective inability to be successful in it. To wit, here’s a comment pulled from the blogoshere on a post discussing love after 40:

I hear all the time about people trying to help women who are 40+ find a partner, in fact I was talking about this just last night to one. Through this conversation I found out: Women feel like they *have* to find someone because everyone keeps mentioning it. They tend to put up with partners that aren’t a good match, just to prove a point that they’re trying. Men in this age range tend to prefer younger women, which annoys and discourages the 40+ year old women. Correct me if I’m wrong, but men are usually wanting to support, protect and care for women, and this is harder for them to envision with a strong, busy, independent woman.
I’ll spare the unfortunate blogger’s name because she isn’t the only one who believes this tripe.

Are The BBC Turned On By F4J (Fathers For Justice) Affiliated UKIP? + Should There Be A Maximum Wage?

Analysis of the BBC's coverage of UKIP's victory in yesterday's Clacton by-election. Why do they seem so excited? Russell Brand

What Pisses Me Off About Ebola

"The most airborne virus is just human beings walking around who are idiots and incredibly dangerous in their incompetence!" Stefan Molyneux. Stefan is irritated - a scathing look at the rampant incompetence - including claims of racism - which have infected the lame-stream conversation and hampered action to contain the Ebola outbreak.

Institutionalised Misandry: 68,000 Of The 80,000 Men In British Prisons Shouldn’t Be There!

If male offenders were treated in the same way as female offenders, 68,000 of the 80,000 men in British prisons wouldn’t be there.
By Mike Buchanan: The prison overcrowding ‘problem’ would be solved overnight if male criminals were treated in the same way as female criminals. Time for some real gender equality?
In the coming week we plan to publish a lengthy report on the anti-male bias of the entire British criminal justice system with respect to tackling intimate partner violence. One link in the report will be to a piece by RedPillUK – here. Male offenders are treated far more harshly than female offenders in terms of sentencing. As the RedPillUK piece shows, whatever the crimes men commit, they’re far more likely than women to serve a custodial sentence by a factor of 3.4 on average. Looking only at cases where custodial sentences are awarded, men receive sentences on average 64% longer than women.

Show Your Support For Men And Boys & The Women Who Love Them

Wear A J4MB Silicone Wristband
By Mike Buchanan: Bargains like this don’t come along every day. We’ve just placed an order for 50 J4MB wristbands, the design is here. A few points:
1. The text is printed in debossed areas i.e. shallow depressions in which the (white) print lies.
2. The design is printed on only one side of the bands.
3. The bands are sequentially numbered, as shown by the black text on the band design. The numbers are debossed but not printed.
4. Delivery 3-4 weeks.
We’re asking for a minimum contribution of £5.00 (inc p&p) for each band delivered within the UK, which will cover costs and include a modest donation to J4MB funds. £8.00 (inc p&p) for each band delivered outside the UK.
Please pay for your band(s) through the normal donation method, making sure you state how many bands you’d like, and including your mailing address. Any problems, please email me at
Thank you for your support.

Escaping An Abusive Marriage - IHOW

It’s day 10 of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. “Bruce Wayne” shares is story about a short-lived, but very abusive marriage in today’s In His Own Words. By
I had only been married for five months when I decided to separate from my wife. After five months of near-daily mistreatment that included cuss-outs, name-calling, cruelty, unrealistic expectations, and threats, I initiated a separation from my wife. Five months of counseling saw no sign of improvement and little sign of empathy and after a year of separation, I decided to divorce her.
Two Becoming Done
I married the most beautiful woman I had ever laid eyes on. “This is the best day of my life,” I journaled not long after the wedding (and before the wedding night no less!) This was the first marriage for both my wife and myself. She was 24, I was 27.
We started dating just over a year before the wedding and after two dates, I was hooked. We shared the same sense of humor, tastes, faith, and much more. Six months of dating passed before I proposed. We set a wedding date for six months after that. We didn’t enter it completely naively. Five sessions of Christian premarital counseling and the broken marriages of both of our parents made sure we were not ignorant of the strains, stresses, and difficulty of making marriage work.
Trouble started almost immediately upon returning home from the honeymoon.

David Cameron Is The Terrorist, The White People Crisis and The Snow-Globe Of Denial Called The BBC

"In this Trews special I'm joined by actor Alec Baldwin, plus Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert of 'The Keiser Report', discussing the Ebola crisis and Isis terror threat." Russell Brand

US "Civil Rights Suspended Indefinitely" Public Health Emergency Declared In Connecticut Over Ebola

Tyler Durden's picture We warned a week ago of the various possibilities surrounding an Ebola outbreak in America, and today we get some degree of confirmation of a medical-based martial-law coming to the US. Governor Dan Malloy has declared a Public Health Emergency in Connecticut, authorizing the "isolation of any individual reasonably believed to have been exposed to the Ebola virus." Simply put, as we noted previously, the State of Public Health Emergency allows bureaucrats to detain and force-vaccinate people without due process - despite not one single case being found in CT. If there is a major Ebola pandemic in America, all of the liberties and the freedoms that you currently enjoy would be gone.